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Kyle Brennan - Anybody's Child


Patron Meritorious
Most people who read this are already going to know something about Kyle Brennan and his horrible death some five years ago at scientology’s “mecca” in Clearwater, Florida.

Kyle, a lovely, innocent and kindly boy, a gentle nerd who would not hurt a fly, died from a gunshot wound to the head on February 16, 2007.

The circumstances surrounding Kyle’s death are highly suspicious.

Kyle Brennan died at least in part due to the beliefs of scientology and scientologists as his medically prescribed medication was hidden from him with demands that he instead do highly dangerous and unscientific scientology “therapy” such as that done in its front group “Narconon”.

Scientologists are hardly the only ones in danger of being victims of such quackery. The last year has brought the world tragic news of multiple deaths of innocent people who are not even scientologists who were subjected to highly dangerous practices such as those the scientologists were trying to push onto Kyle as delivered in their front group “Narconon”.

And worse yet, Kyle’s tragic death shows us that the deadly reach of such practices by organized scientology goes even to our children who 1) are not scientologists AND 2) are not even involved with their front groups.
As what happened with Kyle has shown, all someone has to be is in contact with scientologists that believe in and push such practices to lose their very lives. Thus, Kyle Brennan is indeed “anybody’s child”.

For five years now organized scientology has done everything it can to ensure that the entire truth surrounding Kyle’s untimely death has been suppressed through use of the police, through use of the courts and otherwise.
They have ensured that they have to date thwarted every attempt by his grieving mother Victoria Britton to find out what happened to her son that she loved so dearly.

Let us end this now!

Before I suggest what we can do about this, I would like to announce a new a blog prepared by a lovely person, Justin Ross. The site is called: “Justice for Kyle Brennan”.

A link to it is here: http://justiceforkylebrennan.blogspot.com/

This is the most comprehensive site on the subject of what happened to Kyle Brennan, what led up to it and what has happened with respect to it in the past five+ years.

As of this writing, August 29, 2012, you can see two entries on the blog by Justin. The most current entry logged tonight is an amazing read, a write-up really helping to educate anyone to understand what happened.

The other write-up from a few days ago gives some information about a hearing on the matter in Florida on September 14, 2012.

Very important is the sidebar of links found on this blog. In the event some people do not read the main posting on this blog, I wanted to quote the sidebar that gives these important links:

Documents in the case of Kyle Brennan vs the Church of Scientology have been collected at a Scribd collection of Scientology lawsuits: http://www.scribd.com/collections/3472618/Scientology-Lawsuits-Kyle-Brennan

Among the most important documents is the Chronology of Victoria Britton, which she compiled from her notes as events unfolded – which can be found at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/80488261/Kyle-Brennan-Scientology-Case-VLB-Chronology-Letter-to-Attorney

Detective Bohling's investigative report (found at:http://www.scribd.com/doc/80509671/...Law-Enforcement-Retirement-System-Record-2008 ) is the basis of the Scientology defense and raises important questions of the adequacy of his detective work. In his deposition (which can be found at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/81877055/...mas-Brennan-Deposition-Transcript-08-Jun-2010 ) he admits among other things that he falsified information about Kyle's diagnosis.

The depositions of the Scientology defendants Tom Brennan (found at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/81877055/...mas-Brennan-Deposition-Transcript-08-Jun-2010 ) and Denise Miscavige Gentile (found at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/80499046/...ige-Gentile-Deposition-Transcript-02-Aug-2010 ) contain conflicting alibis and many contradictions in testimony.

Seasoned Flag Organization staff member Lance Marcor has laid out in detail how Scientology ideological demands affected the handling and death of Kyle Brennan as an Enemy of Scientology in the Second Declaration of Lance Marcor. ( found at:http://www.scribd.com/doc/80501927/Kyle-Brennan-Scientology-Case-Second-Declaration-of-Lance-Marcor-27-Sep-2010 )

The history of litigation is complex. Jonny Jacobsen at Infinite Complacency provides an excellent summary. (found at: http://infinitecomplacency.blogspot.com/2012/03/brennan-case-goes-to-appeal.html )

If our police, courts and other government officials will not stand up to scientology on this matter and if scientologists who know the truth refuse to tell it, then let it be us that take a stand and make a difference despite them.

Kyle’s mother Victoria Britten has more than once told me that this is about her beautiful boy and not her. It is about a boy who lost his life, who was innocent and who lost everything that a future he deserved to live would have given him.

And while I weep with her at her almost unbearable loss, to me it is ALSO about a mother fighting for five years to find out what happened to her child. There is NO closure to be had when scientology and scientologists concerned have done everything in their power to hide the truth from Victoria in the name of their barbaric version of “the greatest good”.

And, without the full truth known Kyle will have died in vain and there will be more of our children similarly lost.

Victoria wants to tell every mother in America and elsewhere what happened here.

If our governments will not stand up to them than let it be us mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters and all others of good heart take to a stand.

Victoria knows more than anyone on earth about the hearings on this matter over the past five years. Did you know that no media have had Victoria on to tell us what she knows and the results of her exhaustive studies into court filings, police reports, depositions and the like?

But how can those of us who want to help Victoria help her to do this? And what else might we of little financial or time resources do to make a difference?

I can think of a few things offhand and write them here to perhaps help get the ball rolling.

No one is my or anyone else’s personal army but I ask that all concerned look at the examples below and see if you can find it in your heart to help in one or more ways or perhaps in some other way that I have not listed.

(1) One very simply thing is to just familiarize yourself with as much as you can on the attached blog or that information contained in links found on that blog. Be better educated about it and then perhaps talk with friends and family about this. If we do nothing else, at least let us let someone else know about this so that their child is not the next to fall prey to scientology’s dangerous practices and greed. Send anyone interested to know more to that blog for information. Once again the link is: http://justiceforkylebrennan.blogspot.com

(2) Keep this alive. Post about Kyle in forums and blogs when you can. Post in comment sections in relevant articles, press, blogs or anywhere else giving links to this blog or any parts that interest you the most.

(3) See this link on the blog giving the time, place and date of the brief oral arguments happening on Sept 14, 2012 in Florida. If you can make it to show your support please do so. Let press or others you know who might be interested know about this as they may wish to attend. Link = http://justiceforkylebrennan.blogspot.com/2012/08/kyle-brennan-vs-scientology-oral.html

(4) Kyle’s mother Victoria is going to need financial help in order to continue fighting for the truth. There are many legal expenses (even things like costs of transcripts, flights, hotel, meals). And no matter what happens with legal, the fight to get to the truth will go on. We need, for example, to set up Victoria with proper hardware and software in order to be recorded for radio or TV, to do scans, to make copies and to do anything else needed to fight the good fight. In times past there were not public enough requests for help financially as almost none was given.

Well there are two ways to send her money if you are able and willing to do so, no matter how small:

(a) If you are comfortable with PayPal, her email is : [email protected]

(b) If you would prefer to send a check, cash or money order, her snail mail address is:

Victoria Britton
c/o Friends of Kyle Brennan
3144 Ridgefield Rd
Charlottesville, VA 22911-7205

(5) This is a special appeal to all public and staff as well as former public and staff who were there in 2007 and who know any details of what happened to Kyle and/or the cover-up of same to please speak out and tell what happened. This includes EX ethics officers at Flag, tech staff at Flag, OSA even up to Mike Rinder who may have been over OSA at the time. For the sake of those this could happen to in the future, for Kyle, for the peace of mind of a grieving mother, for the sake of justice or just for honor’s sake tell what happened. Victoria’s email is above. You can email her directly if you don’t want to go public. But for God’s sake, please tell the truth.
It should not matter if you are a corporate scientologist who would like to right a wrong, an Indee, an Ex or anyone else. On this matter all of us should be joined at the heart and not have any other agenda but that of truth and justice here.

(6) If you have any contacts with internet media, radio, TV, press, you name it, tell them of this story. Give them a link to the blog and ask them to interview Victoria. With some quick financial help we could have Victoria ready for interviews in days. She has not been able to tell her story to date. Let’s change that. This is a link to some of her own research that might interest concerned media:

I am very sorry for the length of this post. Plus I do not wish to say that anyone must do any or all of the above. But if you want to help, the above are some simple ways to do so.

For Kyle, for a Mother’s love and for great justice!

As a beautiful Anon said in a protest video in 2008: ”It is time for the Church of Scientology to get out of Love’s way”.

Thank you for listening.

Denise Brennan

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Wow, brilliant post and I promise I'll read all the links tomorrow.

Thankyou for caring and here's to justice for Kyle and his family.
From the blog that Just Me has posted above:

"In February 2009, Victoria Britton—as the executor of the Estate of Kyle Brennan—filed a wrongful-death lawsuit in federal court in Florida. The suit names as defendants Tom Brennan, Denise Miscavige Gentile and Jerry Gentile, the Church of Scientology, and Flag (the organization that runs Scientology in Clearwater).

In December 2011, US Federal Court Judge Stephen Merryday dismissed the case and granted the Scientology defendants’ motion for summary judgment. Victoria’s lawyer Luke Lirot filed an appeal in February 2012.

In a comment on Merryday’s dismissal and Lirot’s appeal, lawyer Scott Pilutik writes:

The essence of Lirot's argument is that Judge Merryday wrongly usurped the jury's role in deciding matters of fact at the summary judgment stage; a judge may only decide matters of law in a motion for summary judgment, and Merryday exceeded his authority at this stage by deciding matters of witness credibility and rejecting the jury's role in plausibly inferring the defendants' liability from the evidence presented. … In other words, Merryday conducted the full trial in his head, rather than letting the jury decide whether, for instance, Lance Marcor's testimony was credible.

Final oral arguments before a panel of three federal judges will be heard in the Appeals Court in Jacksonville, Florida, on the morning of Friday, September 14. The judges’ decision is expected to be announced sometime after Thanksgiving."

Prayers for peace and justice for Kyle's family and friends. :rose:

If you can help to support this legal action, please help!


Patron Meritorious
And here is an excellent reply from my very dear friend moarxenu over at WWP, who has a heart of gold and who has been a huge help on this matter.


The revelations in the depositions are astounding. Detective Steve Bohling's investigation was a travesty of police work.

He lies about all the fundamental evidence. He falsified the diagnosis of Kyle's psychiatrist from mild depression to "incipient Schizophrenia with paranoia and delusions." He didn't have Brennan's apartment sealed off and never bothered to visit the crime scene and search for the bullet that killed Kyle.

Bohling falsified the report of the police computer technician on Kyle's laptop, which was stolen before the police arrived. It was accessed two hours after Kyle was declared dead and six times in the following week.

This could only have been done by OSA. When the laptop was returned to Kyle's family all documents had been deleted.

In addition Bohling falsifies accounts of Kyle by people who met him on his journey to give the picture that Kyle was suicidal including that of the FBI Special Agent in Des Moines. Denise Miscavige and Tom Brennan also lie repeatedly in their depositions.

The evidence is damning, which makes Kyle's death the greatest potential Scientology scandal since the death of Lisa McPherson.

This is one of reasons it is important to support Victoria Britton at this critical juncture. Email her your encouragement and support, and send her money if you can.

I found out she needs a laptop to do Skype interviews because all she has is Kyle's old desktop which he bought when he went to college seven years ago. She needs about $600 for the laptop and a flat-bed scanner. I sent her $100 and another anon and a family friend have also donated $100 so we are half way there.

Thanks to Jens and everyone who has donated so far. Victoria told me she is overwhelmed at the generosity of anons and exe for her and justice for Kyle.


Patron Meritorious
I see this thread has been moved to the lesser-viewed legal section of the forum.

FWIW the legal action, while important, is but a tiny, tiny part of this whole quest for the truth, for justice and to help prevent future such things from happening to others.

I just want all to keep in mind that no matter what happens in the present legal case, the fight will go on to get at the truth and to help others.


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Thank you Denise, and Victoria, Luke Lirot, Justin Ross and all else who are helping to raise attention to this important matter.

Unfortunately, I have found that most people can't always handle the usual wall of text that comes with explaining legal matters. So, in the interests of making clear the importance of this matter in a simple way, I ask that readers please take a moment to read tikk's to-the-point explanation, below, on why this case is has been appealed and then read the actual appeal filed, which explains each reason backed by law on why Victoria Britton and the Estate of Kyle Brennan are appealing Judge Merryday's ruling and summary judgement.


My quick take on the appeal brief. [Kyle Brennan Scientology Case - Appellant's Corrected Initial Brief 16 February 2012

The essence of Lirot's argument is that Judge Merryday wrongly usurped the jury's role in deciding matters of fact at the summary judgment stage; a judge may only decide matters of law in a motion for summary judgment, and Merryday exceeded his authority at this stage by deciding matters of witness credibility and rejecting the jury's role in plausibly inferring the defendants' liability from the evidence presented. Where the two sides present conflicting evidence, summary judgment is inappropriate because the Federal Rules requires judges to consider the evidence in a light most favorable to the non-moving party. In other words, Merryday conducted the full trial in his head, rather than letting the jury decide whether, for instance, Lance Marcor's testimony was credible.

Merryday seems to want to have it both ways; in his opinion dismissing Scientology's sanctions motion, he found that the case was not so meritless as to warrant sanctions against Dandar, but that it nevertheless required too many inferences to find the defendants liable. But the inferences are either plausible or they aren't--and if they aren't, then why not sanction Dandar?

In the response to Summary Judgement, Lirot gives excellent examples of why Merryday was wrong to rule on the case and in favor of Scientology et al.

From: AnonLover's scribd

Kyle Brennan Scientology Case - Response to Defendants Motion for Summary Judment

Victoria Britton and the Estate of Kyle Brenna deserve what ever amount of support, attention, thoughts and prayers you can lend and especially what ever amount in donation you can give. It costs money to sue people. Every dollar received will help keep this case afloat. Please take a minute and help out

We cannot allow this cult to railroad another court in order to avoid responsibility. We know how CoS works; we know how lying it acceptable in Scientology and how lying to a court is common practice. We see this in the depositions ojn the Patrick Desmond case but they are getting caught because there are many attorneys on that case and resources are not limited as in Victoria's situation. We know lying and deceiving is wrong and that truth is what wins when given the opportunity to have the truth heard. So please take a minute and read the appeal and tikk's summary, read more at the blog and do make a donation for whatever you can. Do it for Justice For Kyle Brennan!


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Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Thank you Denise, and Victoria, Luke Lirot, Justin Ross and all else who are helping to raise attention to this important matter.

Unfortunately, I have found that most people can't always handle the usual wall of text that comes with explaining legal matters. So, in the interests of making clear the importance of this matter in a simple way, I ask that readers please take a moment to read tikk's to-the-point explanation, below, on why this case is has been appealed and then read the actual appeal filed, which explains each reason backed by law on why Victoria Britton and the Estate of Kyle Brennan are appealing Judge Merryday's ruling and summary judgement.

In the response to Summary Judgement, Lirot gives excellent examples of why Merryday was wrong to rule on the case and in favor of Scientology et al.

From: AnonLover's scribd

Kyle Brennan Scientology Case - Response to Defendants Motion for Summary Judment

Victoria Britton and the Estate of Kyle Brenna deserve what ever amount of support, attention, thoughts and prayers you can lend and especially what ever amount in donation you can give. It costs money to sue people. Every dollar received will help keep this case afloat. Please take a minute and help out

We cannot allow this cult to railroad another court in order to avoid responsibility. We know how CoS works; we know how lying it acceptable in Scientology and how lying to a court is common practice. We see this in the depositions ojn the Patrick Desmond case but they are getting caught because there are many attorneys on that case and resources are not limited as in Victoria's situation. We know lying and deceiving is wrong and that truth is what wins when given the opportunity to have the truth heard. So please take a minute and read the appeal and tikk's summary, read more at the blog and do make a donation for whatever you can. Do it for Justice For Kyle Brennan!



Bump - Justice For Kyle
What a tragic story. I would love to see some of the more influential members of this site try and push this story to the media. I think it has the potential to capture national attention.

Best of luck to all of Kyle's champions.


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
What a tragic story. I would love to see some of the more influential members of this site try and push this story to the media. I think it has the potential to capture national attention.

Best of luck to all of Kyle's champions.

I would love to see that, too . If she loses the appeal, I would hate to see Kyle's Mom, Victoria Britton, lose her home in order to have to pay the opponent's legal fees - just like Claire and Marc were forced to do. :nailbiting:


Gold Meritorious Patron
I am a bit stunned, having read this entire story.
Just Me suggested I read it. I'd heard of Kyle's death years ago
when it happened, but never got the specifics.

I've spent some time reading this write up. Thank you to each
person who has taken the time to Help Victoria.

Good Gawd---this story needs to be exposed.
I'm still not quite sure of what actually happened to Kyle.
Did his Dad, the $cientologist, push Scientology onto him?
It sounds like the Dad is NUTS and literally was possibly
going to kill his own son? Do I have this correct?

Oh what a tragic story this is. I'll help out----for now
I need to go to bed as it's nearly 3 am.

Blessings to each one of you who have helped on this.


For Kyle :bighug: May you be somewhere safe, and filled with light.



Patron Meritorious
I would love to see that, too . If she loses the appeal, I would hate to see Kyle's Mom, Victoria Britton, lose her home in order to have to pay the opponent's legal fees - just like Claire and Marc were forced to do. :nailbiting:

Agreed Mary.

It breaks my heart that Victoria has so little support as she fights organized scientology.

She is a wonderful woman who has touched me greatly. She's touched me with her gentle compassion, with her beauty inside and out, with the love she exudes and with her pain.

In all my years of speaking out I have never come across anything more important than this.

I pray with all my heart that more people will find it in their hearts to support Victoria and this great cause.

No one has suffered more than Victoria and her cause is indeed just and one worth all our support.

Thank you so much Mary for caring and for supporting Victoria.

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Patron Meritorious
I am a bit stunned, having read this entire story.
Just Me suggested I read it. I'd heard of Kyle's death years ago
when it happened, but never got the specifics.

I've spent some time reading this write up. Thank you to each
person who has taken the time to Help Victoria.

Good Gawd---this story needs to be exposed.
I'm still not quite sure of what actually happened to Kyle.
Did his Dad, the $cientologist, push Scientology onto him?
It sounds like the Dad is NUTS and literally was possibly
going to kill his own son? Do I have this correct?

Oh what a tragic story this is. I'll help out----for now
I need to go to bed as it's nearly 3 am.

Blessings to each one of you who have helped on this.


For Kyle :bighug: May you be somewhere safe, and filled with light.


My dear Tory, thank you so much for this. I knew when we spoke and I told you of this thread that you would be so touched.

Here is something Victoria shared with me last week that showed what Kyle thought of scientology as his father and various people at Flag tried to force scientology onto him (From Deposition of Dr. Stephen McNamara-Quoting Kyle when discussing his father's involvement with The Church of Scientology):

"My dad had a vision of being able to do Jedi mind tricks. This was a comment Kyle remembered that his dad said not in terms of fantasy, wouldn't it be neat if; he actually said that he thought he could do this stuff".

Like you Tory I believe that people are entiled to believe what they want. But it is the actions that followed such beliefs that resulted in an innocent boy dying.

It is so very important to take a stand here as organized scientology tries to squash Kyle's mother and make sure the truth is never known.

There are also some more good updated entries in the new blog:




Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Just up at Infinite Complacency:

A lawyer for the mother of Kyle Brennan, a vulnerable 20-year-old who died while visiting his Scientologist father, will try today to persuade a Florida appeal court to reinstate their wrongful death lawsuit.


Jonny Jacobsen

Terrific article. :thumbsup: Everyone here will benefit from reading it.

Thank you for helping bring this case to the attention of readers.

Mary McConnell


Patron with Honors
The depth of fear and loathing many in scn have of anything psychiatric in nature is very hard for most outsiders to fathom.

Years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD after nearly 2 years of diagnostic testing, ruling out other possible issues; and after working with more consistent parenting and behavioral therapy she was put on a non-stimulant med for ADHD. During this time, my spouse who had been inactive in scn since his early teen years, had asked his sister and a friend about their understanding of mental disorders and treatment (big mistake) within the context of scn. Later, my spouse and daughter were at this friend's house and my daughter was playing with the friend's kids. When this friend found out my daughter was there, this friend flew into a panicked rage and threw them out of the house. This friend was fearful that because my daughter might be taking psych meds (which she was not at that time), my daughter was extremely dangerous and they were in danger.

If we had not lived this, it would be too unreal to believe.:duh:


Gold Meritorious Patron
The depth of fear and loathing many in scn have of anything psychiatric in nature is very hard for most outsiders to fathom.

Years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with ADHD after nearly 2 years of diagnostic testing, ruling out other possible issues; and after working with more consistent parenting and behavioral therapy she was put on a non-stimulant med for ADHD. During this time, my spouse who had been inactive in scn since his early teen years, had asked his sister and a friend about their understanding of mental disorders and treatment (big mistake) within the context of scn. Later, my spouse and daughter were at this friend's house and my daughter was playing with the friend's kids. When this friend found out my daughter was there, this friend flew into a panicked rage and threw them out of the house. This friend was fearful that because my daughter might be taking psych meds (which she was not at that time), my daughter was extremely dangerous and they were in danger.

If we had not lived this, it would be too unreal to believe.:duh:

Shadow----argh---soooooo sorry to hear this!
I know, too, and my medication is not even "Psych based"...it's
medicine for Epilepsy, but I KNOW how they treat people with really
ANY medical condition like a leper. It's AWFUL!

The one good thing about it is *hopefully* your daughter
gets ALL NEW friends. They won't treat her like that,
and people like that are NOT her friends.

My love to you :rose:



Gold Meritorious Patron
Terrific article. :thumbsup: Everyone here will benefit from reading it.

Thank you for helping bring this case to the attention of readers.

Mary McConnell


Agreed! Excellent article.

Hey....you know I lived through 20 years of Scientology torture
re my physical condition (Epilepsy) and they wanting me OFF of
my much needed medicine.

Had my Mother not threatened to fly out here and "Trust me, Tory,
L Ron Hubbard and Scientology will NEVER forget YOUR MOM" (If I wasn't
back on my medication that DAY)...I, too, would no doubt have ended up
dead. Another person with Epilepsy did get off of his medication and died.

So IF Luke would like to use my affidavit---it's posted
over on www.xenu.net (Under Personal Stories, Tory's Story)

I just HATE that $cientology keeps getting away with these killings,
suicides, medical abuse-----it's AWFUL.

My blessings,
