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First person: Four Scientologists have been shot, and you’re being sent to audit the pain away

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First person: Four Scientologists have been shot, and you’re being sent to audit the pain away

[An arrest on a day of carnage at Scientology’s Portland Celebrity Centre, 1996. Photo by Maxine Bernstein]

Sunny Pereira’s experiences in Scientology continue to knock us out. Once again, she’s written up an incident that stunned us for what she’s been through. And we’ll say up front, we condemn in the strongest terms the despicable[.......]

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Master of Disaster
And Scientology hasn't learned anything.

They've teamed up with Nation of Islam, an organization with a bunch of murders associated with them: the death of Malcolm X, theZebra Killers, the DC snipers, and others. And Miscavige assumes that he will be safe from them. Well, perhaps DM can rightly assume his personal security is good, but that doesn't protect all the staff members who might become targets of wrath of some barely stable NoI member who gets pushed.