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My Coming First Anniversary


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
Hi Face - congratulations on your first anniversary. Love your work and wish I had your skills. Everything I've seen of yours written here speaks of careful thought, a mastery of the language, a precision in the understanding of the topic, and genuine humour. I track you around ESMB for the jewels you seem, not to drop but, rather, cast about. Rock on, dude.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Happy Anniversary Face, I enjoy your posts and respect your opinions.
I will look forward to reading more when you feel like letting us experience the past through your words.


Gold Meritorious Patron

Congrats, Face. I think this month is my 1 year too, though I do not recaill the exact date I joined up.

:thumbsup: :hattip::sing::woohoo::dance3::party:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Hey Face, do you know Gordy Gale from the Apollo Stars?

Gordy Gale?

That name triggers me old synapses as “Gordon Gale" but that's about it...I remember the name from back then but that's all.

There were some outer org folks and FCCI’s and crew that used to hang out and jam with the Stars and there were a few folks that came and went...quickly. A “Gordy Gale” was not one of the ensemble on the POS Album. There were some folks that also did support and grunt work for the Stars.

So, what did Gordy tell you about the Stars? I’m all ears.

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Lord o’ Mercy…I wasn’t expecting all this.

As Elvis said, “Thank ya, thank ya very much!”

Blownstaff’s wonderfully rhetorical question got me thinking, “Man, aint that the truth…you shoulda seen Hisself in 'Action'."

I then realized that I had never finished telling my story about the Apollo Stars which was the reason I became a Member here in the first place…about the fact that “POS” was, IMO, the tipping point for El Ron that led to the Mission Holder's Kristallnacht.

So, I'm gonna collect my thoughts up and spend some time over the next week or so putting them together and post my final chapter of the story—“Shooting Stars”.
