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Observing the 'TomKatastrophe' By Kiley Rosnes 2/01/07 W


Patron Meritorious
LOL....there's a great pic of a "madman" Cruise that goes with the article.


News Tribune

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Observing the 'TomKatastrophe'
Tom Cruise

By Kiley Rosnes
Word Reporter

The other day I wondered, "Where exactly do tabloids make their money?"

They're always dropping serious dollars for pictures of Angelina Jolie picking her nose and getting sued for defamation of character. Even though the celebrities usually end up winning in court, does anyone ever buy their magazines? I want to meet the person who goes to the store and says, "Now, I need milk, bread, and The National Enquirer."

They must stay afloat somehow. My guess is that the business has either a loyal cult following or a group of vagabonds using their magazines as fuel.

Aside from the pointlessness of my ponderings, tabloids have one good thing going for them: They let the world know exactly how crazy everyone's favorite scientologist really is.

As amusing as it would be to have referred to John Travolta, I am in fact talking about the obvious choice, Tom Cruise.

In the '80s, Tommy boy was everyone's favorite. He had achieved a status nearly equivalent to pre-child-molester Michael Jackson. He could do no wrong. Try to remember if you didn't like Tom Cruise before Katie Holmes was in the picture, I dare you. If you can, I applaud you for thinking outside of the box. Most likely, though, you either liked or didn't care about Tom Cruise until tabloids started telling you how nutty he is. Of course, I may be glib.

For all I know, Mr. Cruise may be more sane than I am. I mean, I don't know the history of psychology. Tom does, and as glad as I would be to prescribe him a "chill pill," I don't even know what Ritalin is. Curse my glibness.

My latest theory on the TomKatastrophe places a whole new perspective on who the real victim is. Though I don't buy tabloids, I do read their covers, and a recent one declared Katie Holmes a "Stepford Wife" and went on to describe her hellish prison of a marriage.

I, however, doubt her to be a fly trapped in the amber of her beloved's . Behind her creepily vacant eyes lie the workings of a madman, or more accurately mad-woman.

I've been on high alert for Tom Cruise antics, through all the speculation about Suri's existence. I was at the forefront of that entire conspiracy.

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