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Scientologist freakout! 12 th of may 2013



Gepubliceerd op 12 mei 2013

Police went looking for the Scientologist known to us as "Eat My Ass Girl", who earned the nickname for her classy tendency to, well, tell protesters to eat her ass.


Gold Meritorious Patron

Gepubliceerd op 12 mei 2013

Police went looking for the Scientologist known to us as "Eat My Ass Girl", who earned the nickname for her classy tendency to, well, tell protesters to eat her ass.

Thanks for sharing this with us! This video was funny as hell and oh, I loved that music too! Great production!



Bitter defrocked apostate
Funny video reveals an unfortunate truth: Scientology takes ordinary people and turns them into complete lunatics, with no concept of how to behave.

Hubbardism: making the able more, uhm... less... uhm... making the formerly able into an embarrassment.


Funny video reveals an unfortunate truth: Scientology takes ordinary people and turns them into complete lunatics, with no concept of how to behave.

Hubbardism: making the able more, uhm... less... uhm... making the formerly able into an embarrassment.

Hubbardsexuals should still be allowed to mary