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The No Kids Policy


Silver Meritorious Patron
Will you all hate me to tell you that I started this whole "no kids" thing?

I was extremely upset over the terrible conditions at the Child Care Org and being balked by senior management at every turn, every attempt to handle things and improve conditions for those poor children. I tried to help them for years.
I started it. I was the Exec Esto AOLA when in 1985 I had the inspiration to ask the staff to please stop having babies for one year. Just one year. Surprised everyone. I hadn't discussed it with anyone, hadn't gotten it approved. Why? It wasn't an order, it was a request, so we could catch up, recruit enough nannies, get the Child Care Centre up to par, get our kids taken care of properly. The babies were coming in too fast, too fast to keep up. There was one nanny for every 30 kids under 2 in diapers, for goodness sake, and no outdoor time, either.

They did it, though, the staff were great - God bless them all. Two women got pregnant. No penalties, of course not! It was a volunteer program!! And the two women who did get pregnant were spectacular mothers and even recruited nannies on their own to help out.

Asho-D followed within 3 months, then Guillaume LeSevre made it policy and staff who were pregnant were to be transferred to the regular organisations (non SO) so the children could be cared for in a more normal environment. That was in 1985. Then I was RPFed for something else and Elron died and I routed out. But the policy was never lifted!

Right then, when I made that announcement, I knew it was God's will and I saw a tiny glimpse of the future. The words fell out of my mouth and I saw what would happen. I knew the day would come that the C of S would be so corrupt, that it would one day violate the entire DMSMH book that was its cornerstone for existence. That a day would come that it would force staff to have abortions. That until that day, the current children we had would be better off, and the number of children raised without love or hope in a science fiction cult to be violent animals would be greatly reduced. There were over 800 chidren then. There are less than 100 nowl Look at Aaron's testimony and you will see what the C of S children have been trained to become - monstrous, violent machines serving a self-serving, psychotic dictator in a criminal religion as violent and crooked as the Mafia.

I have been out of the C of S for many years. You may not believe in God, you may not believe in anything. But this is the beginning of the end of something very evil, something that could have become every bit as bad as any Nazi training camp.

We must end the abuse. The time is now.

Actually it was Hubbard who started the "no kids" rule in 1968.

In Valencia we had families joining the SO and Hubbard went ballistic about the number of small children on board. Thay would run about and play (well, they are kids).They would wander around and into different areas. Hubbard did NOT like this at all. :grouch:

In fact he hated kids so much that he consigned at least one small child to the chain locker. :angry:

After this he ordered all families who had children under 11 to be assigned as staff at land bases. Children require nurturing, education and time spent with parents. How could parents concentrate on "clearing the planet" if they had children to attend to. :angry:

Tim Skog

Silver Meritorious Patron
No hate should be directed at you for doing what you did. No child should be raised in a sea org environment. The sea org environment is unhealthy for anyone, child or adult. The sea org should be disbanded.


Gold Meritorious Patron

You take too much on your shoulders. You are not responsible for the deplorable conditions for SO babies and children. The 'no-child' policy was in effect many years before you made your recommendation. I believe I read a Flag Order or Flag Service Order (can't remember exactly what it was called) back in the spring of 1980 at Flag also ordering SO members to not have children. The state of the nurseries at Flag were horrid. See my story for my first person experience with them. http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?t=12506

The forced abortion policy is an abomination whose genesis is not in your recommendation but in the zealousness of a corrupt organization whose primary and only drive is the third dynamic. This was inevitable given who is running it today.

You were trying to solve a problem. Your heart was in the right place. You wanted to protect the children that were already in the nurseries. You tried to do the right thing.


Patron with Honors
Gotta Brain,
Please lay off the self pity thing you got going on and also leave Aaron Saxton to do his gig as well. Most of us here in our own individual way have healed from our experiences in the CO$ and wish to stop the crap that Miscavige peddles as Scientology. Whether it started with Hubbard or Miscarriage is immaterial to the final objective.
I'll always be pissed with the CO$ and I kinda enjoy it.


The Chidren

Thanks so, so much everyone. I did not know about Elron's earlier history. It explains a lot.
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Gold Meritorious Patron
You'll be happy to know, then, that I know of one upper org SO member who refused to have an abortion and was sent to a lower org, and that she seemed really sane. I hope she made a good parent. I hope she got out.

Not everyone went the abortion route, and some had better living conditions at the lower orgs anyway.


Thetanic, That is VERY good to hear. :) Nothing makes me happier than hearing stories of Scns who beat the system when they were in, and kids that were strong enough to get out and heal over incredible odds.
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La La Lou Lou

Gotabrain, we all saw the kids dorms, the lack of nannies, the awefull horror of it all, and how many of us blew the whistle....we're all guilty!

But at least you did something to try and make it better.

Im so glad I didnt have to watch my kid grow up in that hell.

You know theres lots of kids that hardly ever see their parents, kids that see no further than the TV even when the parents are in the room, theres plenty of kids who are sent away to boarding schools, and kids that get beaten or sexually abused by their parents. Every day I see kids brought up by parents who have no aspirations at all for their kids, and the baby that lives near me gets shouted at for crying. It's all terrible, kids need love, but its not only exSO kids that are deprived of it. There was no love for anyone in the SO, unless you still had money, or bridge paid for that could be converted into book commissions.

You cared and that makes you sane, give yourself a hug, it's from me.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Gottabrain it is human to feel responsible for mistakes and to try to make them good. Do whatever you feel that is right for you - it helps a lot! And you have found the very right place here on this board. Search and find your answers to your many many questions - It will help you to ease the pain and to heal the wounds. I felt and feel a very similar pain and understand your upset!

Thank you for telling your story. This is for you:


Much Love:bighug:
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Don't beat yourself up over it. Someone else would have come up with the same solution eventually anyway.

I know the conditions were apalling for the kids. Upper management didn't give a crap about those kids until they created a problem.

THEY were the guilty ones.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I know the conditions were apalling for the kids. Upper management didn't give a crap about those kids until they created a problem.

It's only from reading here that I know how appalling the conditions actually were.


BIG HUGE HUGS BACK TO YOU LA LA LOU LOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks very much!!!!


So much love and so much sanity here.

So many people to make a difference and stand up for the little ones everywhere who cannot stand up for themselves.

Thank you all. :)

Actually it was Hubbard who started the "no kids" rule in 1968.

In Valencia we had families joining the SO and Hubbard went ballistic about the number of small children on board. Thay would run about and play (well, they are kids).They would wander around and into different areas. Hubbard did NOT like this at all. :grouch:

That at least was sensible. Children do NOT belong on an operating sea going vessel.

Still, The More Fool Hubbard for having recruited families into his private navy at all. The fundamental ethical failure was clearly his own. He likely couldn't stand the idea of losing out on supplies of cheap labor.

Mark A. Baker


Silver Meritorious Patron

You take too much on your shoulders. You are not responsible for the deplorable conditions for SO babies and children. The 'no-child' policy was in effect many years before you made your recommendation. I believe I read a Flag Order or Flag Service Order (can't remember exactly what it was called) back in the spring of 1980 at Flag also ordering SO members to not have children. The state of the nurseries at Flag were horrid. See my story for my first person experience with them. http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?t=12506

The forced abortion policy is an abomination whose genesis is not in your recommendation but in the zealousness of a corrupt organization whose primary and only drive is the third dynamic. This was inevitable given who is running it today.

You were trying to solve a problem. Your heart was in the right place. You wanted to protect the children that were already in the nurseries. You tried to do the right thing.

This is true.
I was there at Flag also.
The QI nursery was over full and none of the FLB orgs wanted to waste their people for nanny work.
Much less most of their staff did not want to get sent to the position.
I believe that it was a FO that came out, but somehow I am also thinking the WDC had something to do with it.

I recall that there were a couple of women who were said to have gone for abortions at the time.
The then ED of the Estates Org and her husband had a child, or became pregnant around that time.
I heard that she and her husband blew after I did.
I was told that it was because of my blow, but you never know about those things.

Any way, the seeds of the NO Children policy were planted way before 1985.
The fact that you found a need to do the same in your area because of the same problems only shows the priorities were and are way out of line from what the professed priorities were supposed to be.
In other words, the freedom of beings and respect of the same was a carrot which became a cash register. :angry:

So in the spirit of the idea, you admitted your OW, you are now charged with doing your amends.
Keep us aware of your progress and remember that many are doing theirs also.
Oh, you will EP when you know it.

Abuses of children and youths move most of us

Dear Gotta,

Thank you for telling us your story, I hope it has helped you to unburden yourself of this a little more by sharing it. It is only by talking with one another and sharing individual viewpoints and experiences that the entire picture of the real history of Scientology becomes clearer to us all.

It is good for you to confront these things, especially good to do so when in the company of understanding and knowledgeable fellow travellers, friends, and well-wishers, as you are here. I would just suggest doing this on a tolerable gradient. Let it unfold naturally, trust that it will, and that you don't have to push the river to make progress. Fully finding your freedom in becoming an Ex is an ongoing process for most, taking time, energy, love and patience to heal.

Everyone here (and everywhere) has commited overts, has witholds, sins and errors of both omission and commission. It is part of the human experience that we all share. What is important is what one does with the insight and realizations that one gains from our experiences. At the time, your intention was to improve conditions. That you had misgivings about the success of reform in the COS just shows your native intelligence and awareness of the actual scene at the time.

As you can tell by a quick perusal of the replies here, this issue of abandonment, neglect, mistreatment and abuse of children in Organized Scientology was a systemic one, going back to the earliest times. So in short, it wasn't all your fault, you didn't really start the problem of coerced abortions, etc. However, for a time, you were part of that system, helped to support it and make it go right (even when things were very wrong). Even while you were trying your best to improve conditions. That you got out shows your good sense and good survival skills. The same can be said for everyone who has survived Organized Scientology.

So what can you do now with your enturbulated feelings about this, with residual guilt, angst, anger or upset that is productive? I think you have started by writing here, I want to encourage you to empower yourself to speak out and tell your truth to elected officials, law enforcement and the media. Read more of other's stories here. Educate yourself about the current scene. Learn more about the truth about Scientology.

Get creative and think of what new endeavors (college scholarship funds, job placement assistance, low cost or free counseling services, mentoring partnerships, etc.) can be formed and organized to be helpful to the Scientology youth and former youth still in need of assistance.

Many of us have hearts to help others, especially Ex's, especially children who were raised in the cult, were on staff, in cadet org, etc. You can also do some good for the children in need in your present environment, too. Sadly, La La is right, there is no shortage of them anywhere.

Welcome again, I'm glad you joined us. Whatever happened with Aaron, it is a useful lesson to know that some things are better said here in private, via pms or emails, for many reasons.

Feel free to pm me if you'd like to talk in more detail, or if you ever just need to connect with someone here who wishes you well. Know that life can be wonderful, after Scientology, and you can flourish and prosper as an Ex. :)

Much Love from Sweet
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Actually it was Hubbard who started the "no kids" rule in 1968.

In fact he hated kids so much that he consigned at least one small child to the chain locker. :angry:

I had assumed that there was more than one.

Valerie Schomer (now Page) wasI think 5 or 6 when she was chain lockered for falling asleep at 2 AM while she was a Commodore's Messenger, and was supposed to be awake to do Ron's bidding at all times when she was on post.
That was about 1973?

She is now in LA at CLO on L Ron Hubbard Way.