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Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to MC.


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Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding using standard dictionaries.

The Church of Scientology of Orange County is PTS to the Middle Class.

AUDIO LEAK: Scientology leader David Miscavige ‘makes L. Ron Hubbard out to be an imbecile’




Speaking of which, in terms of technical alterations, Andres is making another whopper here and this clearly is coming straight out of Miscavige’s mouth (like everything else Andres is parroting). One of the hallmarks of Hubbard’s Study Tech is to never go past a word you do not fully understand at any time when studying. This is a very simple principle and you don’t have to listen to all of Hubbard’s lectures or read all of the Study Tech materials to understand it. I just told it to you and that is all there is to the concept. So it’s been a common practice (up until now) for students in any level of Scientology courses (from the very beginning all the way up) to have a dictionary on hand and use it when any word is encountered that isn’t fully understood. Further, Hubbard was crystal clear that when a word is looked up, a student clears up all the usual, common definitions of the word so that they end up with a full conceptual understanding of the term. If they do it well, they probably will not have to look that word up ever again no matter how it’s used in the future. Apparently that is now an “arbitrary” in Scientology and you are doing it wrong if you follow Hubbard’s directions. They’ve switched it up so now there is this Student Hat glossary which you are supposed to use instead and it has the one precise definition you need and that’s all you clear up.

For anyone who has never been a Scientologist, this is a fine point but in the Scientology technology, it’s a big one. It is another form of “quickie” tech just like how Miscavige sped up the lower Bridge auditing by dropping out a bunch of things that used to be done very thoroughly with people’s auditing.



I also think it’s hilarious that Andres goes to this org and complains to them about Orange County org (which is one of the newer Ideal Orgs, by the way) as being “PTS to the Middle Class” and a bunch of dilettantes. If I were to say that, I’d be “suppressive” and “spreading black PR” but when Andres says it, he gets a big laugh. Being PTS to the Middle Class is a big no-no in Scientology. I could write an entire article on just this term and all of its connotations in the Scientology world, but suffice it to say that it means if you are doing anything other than Scientology with your life, you are to that degree, totally off the rails. Hubbard wrote a whole issue on this subject and compared the “middle class” of America to a bourgeois class of elite snobs who live in fear and who hide behind their houses and cars and the police and don’t want anything to change. One gets the idea that these people want to live in some kind of eternal Leave It to Beaver episode. Of course, the irony is that if Scientology actually took over the world, that is exactly the kind of world they would create. Pretty scary stuff if you think about it. Fortunately, Scientology has as much chance of taking over the world as L. Ron Hubbard has of reincarnating as the next Dalai Lama.

— Chris Shelton



Patron with Honors
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

This blew my mind. It's so anti Ron-tech that it's almost insulting to a long-time critic like me! All those nervous, chuckling people are so sad. They're trying so hard to NOT think about all this out-tech being shoved on them. Aren't THEY insulted? :duh:


Patron with Honors
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

Watching the evolution of scn under Hubbard and now Miscavige is like watching episodes of Pinkie and the Brain.

I hope he keeps going. It certainly helps undo any offensive a scn lawyer takes to protect the apparently very malleable "tech".

Next Miscavige will introduce some form of tithing...monthly fees that are absolutely critical to saving the planet, but different from the IAS. But wait. For additional $100 per family member you can enter via the superior persons valet lot and get your boots licked "free of charge".


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

This blew my mind. It's so anti Ron-tech that it's almost insulting to a long-time critic like me! All those nervous, chuckling people are so sad. They're trying so hard to NOT think about all this out-tech being shoved on them. Aren't THEY insulted? :duh:

They are now in a positive feedback loop. Each outness leads to the next until there is nothing but a high pitched whistle. Keep it up Davy!!!!!!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

Watching the evolution of scn under Hubbard and now Miscavige is like watching episodes of Pinkie and the Brain.

I hope he keeps going. It certainly helps undo any offensive a scn lawyer takes to protect the apparently very malleable "tech".

Next Miscavige will introduce some form of tithing...monthly fees that are absolutely critical to saving the planet, but different from the IAS. But wait. For additional $100 per family member you can enter via the superior persons valet lot and get your boots licked "free of charge".

What are we going to do today, Brain?


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

This change in 'study tek' is a non-event. The sheeple will go along with it without question because the alternative is being sent to the [STRIKE]principal's[/STRIKE] ethics office to find their overts & withholds. The overarching goal (hubbard's goal) is to force a student into studying hubbard's spew no matter how bored he becomes. Boredom = misunderstood word 100% of the time. There is no room for being bored even when listening to hours of the asshat drone on and on about aliens, gorilla goals and Venusian locomotives.

I guess this tweaking of hubbard's spew may be of interest to the FZ but not to anyone else. They now have another reason to validate them leaving the cult because Dave is 'destroying' hubbard's 'good' works. Yawn.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

That is obvious - look at how they use the word: HELP

The real Scientological definition is HELP = BETRAYAL


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

I had to pause the video between waves of nausea, but it's pretty hysterical
after seeing so much crap about KSW and keeping it 'pure' etc. that the next
regime in, trounces everything and people are too duped to notice.

P.S. it's interesting to look at this from another viewpoint as an actual recording
of cult indoc. This is what they do - amongst other things.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

I watched 5 minutes of that video. Didn't he say that the Student Hat checksheet says you study it twice through? The first time through, when you're not familiar with full study tech -- duh! -- you use the glossary for Student Hat words, then on the second time through you study it using the full study tech you've just learned. Doesn't he say that?

How does this get generalised into Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding?

Don't misunderstand me: I think clearing every single definition of a word you look up is an insane waste of time when done beyond grasping the bit you're studying you couldn't get before.



stubborn rebel sheep!
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

I had to pause the video between waves of nausea, but it's pretty hysterical
after seeing so much crap about KSW and keeping it 'pure' etc. that the next
regime in, trounces everything and people are too duped to notice.

P.S. it's interesting to look at this from another viewpoint as an actual recording
of cult indoc. This is what they do - amongst other things.



Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

Actually , M 3 word clearing is a crucial part of the thought reform program and helps to divide the attention of a student and heighten anxiety - both of which increase suggestibility .The immense amount of definitions , derivations , idioms etc . that a student routinely clears adds to an information overload and confusion regarding which ideas are Hubbard's , which are from other sources ( dictionaries) and which are the student's. The way this confusion is usually resolved is to eventually just have ALL of the categories merge and simply submit your will to Hubbard's as a mental slave .

Any reduction in these methods may decrease Scientology's effectiveness as a thought reform and mental enslavement program . The immense amount of different categories of information and contradictory and changing cult loaded language is essential to the program .

Any competent thought reformer would never remove any of these critical elements to this portion of the covert traumatic subjugation Hubbard uses for totalistic identity conversion .

Some one has messed up . I want the entire program destroyed , but a person who does not know the first thing about thought reform has taken out one of the fundamental building blocks . The cult will collapse even faster with this if it sticks .

Studying Orwell and Lifton , as Hubbard did , would have let anyone with the slightest understanding of study technology know the alterations being done will greatly weaken this as indoctrination .It is normally intended to eradicate independent and critical thinking . Hubbard's method was much more effective at that than this will be . Not to mention that the earlier method was the foundation of how the implantation of embedded commands occurred . In my opinion this will be far less effective at that as well . Slave conversion ,and retention will suffer noticeably .DM ? WTF ? He needs to study thought reform .


True Ex-Scientologist
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

I watched 5 minutes of that video. Didn't he say that the Student Hat checksheet says you study it twice through? The first time through, when you're not familiar with full study tech -- duh! -- you use the glossary for Student Hat words, then on the second time through you study it using the full study tech you've just learned. Doesn't he say that?

How does this get generalised into Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding?

Don't misunderstand me: I think clearing every single definition of a word you look up is an insane waste of time when done beyond grasping the bit you're studying you couldn't get before.


Maybe he should have referred to the difference between Study Hat and Super Literate (and Fast Flow)? :confused2:
(Anyway, it's been too many decades for me to remember all the differences...)


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

In addition to my last post I want to add this .If Miscavige has the new courses set up with a glossary that gives a definition for each use of a Scientology term or phrase and makes it clear that ONLY that particular definition fits a context than that will do several things-all undermining the thought reform program significantly.

By letting the student differentiate between the definitions on regular dictionaries and the glossary it serves to help keep Hubbard's ideas separate from their own. Also by only having to focus on one definition and not sort through a huge list that strongly contradicts itself in ambiguous and frankly bizarre ways it helps the student to lessen the effect of confusion having vague contradictory info creates - which a hypnotist would call confusion technique and a psychologist would likely call cognitive dissonance. It is mental discomfort when faced with a situation or choice with conflicting messages, feelings or choices and several choices are equally appealing or discouraging.

This effect in normal M 3 leads to the blankness from the cognitive dissonance . Hubbard lied to hide his method- the blankness is known in hypnotism as the moment in which to implant and he tried to use a theme over and over. Confuse via contradiction then relieve via misdirection. The brightening up is the directing of attention off of the cognitive dissonance.

So, by relabeling it as a gain Hubbard gets his victim thoroughly confused AND distracted and has a covert delivery system for his contradictory doctrine- when they are confused by its lack of consistency or logic etc. students FEEL the dissonance and rather than questioning the doctrine or Hubbard's competence etc. they look for MUs . ( which do not exist - a word you do not know is quite different from what Hubbard tells you - his concept is a lie) By becoming used to looking for MUs and then brightening up a student progressively eradicates their own critical and independent thinking .

By eliminating several , sometimes dozens , of contrary and confusing definitions and steps with the glossary DM has lessened one of the most harmful parts of the indoctrination process . Less material and confusion equals less heightening of anxiety and less repetition and less information overload - all of which equals less suggestibility AND fewer suggestions .

I have no idea what DM or whoever is coming up with this intends - but I cannot see it being as effective at creating the blind submissive trance as earlier indoctrination .

It is baffling . If the glossary is designed and used as OT has been described to me and if it is the model for all courses then several methods Hubbard used are being chopped down- and losing their MOST harmful elements . Do not get me wrong this is still a thought reform program and harmful and of no benefit .It is just a tiger with duller teeth .

Why ? DM has to know he is throwing away essential elements . For what ?

I wish I could see a few weeks of this and take notes to begin a proper analysis .


Squirreling Dervish
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

In addition to my last post I want to add this .If Miscavige has the new courses set up with a glossary that gives a definition for each use of a Scientology term or phrase and makes it clear that ONLY that particular definition fits a context than that will do several things-all undermining the thought reform program significantly.

By letting the student differentiate between the definitions on regular dictionaries and the glossary it serves to help keep Hubbard's ideas separate from their own. Also by only having to focus on one definition and not sort through a huge list that strongly contradicts itself in ambiguous and frankly bizarre ways it helps the student to lessen the effect of confusion having vague contradictory info creates - which a hypnotist would call confusion technique and a psychologist would likely call cognitive dissonance. It is mental discomfort when faced with a situation or choice with conflicting messages, feelings or choices and several choices are equally appealing or discouraging.

This effect in normal M 3 leads to the blankness from the cognitive dissonance . Hubbard lied to hide his method- the blankness is known in hypnotism as the moment in which to implant and he tried to use a theme over and over. Confuse via contradiction then relieve via misdirection. The brightening up is the directing of attention off of the cognitive dissonance.

So, by relabeling it as a gain Hubbard gets his victim thoroughly confused AND distracted and has a covert delivery system for his contradictory doctrine- when they are confused by its lack of consistency or logic etc. students FEEL the dissonance and rather than questioning the doctrine or Hubbard's competence etc. they look for MUs . ( which do not exist - a word you do not know is quite different from what Hubbard tells you - his concept is a lie) By becoming used to looking for MUs and then brightening up a student progressively eradicates their own critical and independent thinking .

By eliminating several , sometimes dozens , of contrary and confusing definitions and steps with the glossary DM has lessened one of the most harmful parts of the indoctrination process . Less material and confusion equals less heightening of anxiety and less repetition and less information overload - all of which equals less suggestibility AND fewer suggestions .

I have no idea what DM or whoever is coming up with this intends - but I cannot see it being as effective at creating the blind submissive trance as earlier indoctrination .

It is baffling . If the glossary is designed and used as OT has been described to me and if it is the model for all courses then several methods Hubbard used are being chopped down- and losing their MOST harmful elements . Do not get me wrong this is still a thought reform program and harmful and of no benefit .It is just a tiger with duller teeth .

Why ? DM has to know he is throwing away essential elements . For what ?

I wish I could see a few weeks of this and take notes to begin a proper analysis .

I'm glad you've filled in the blanks for everyone as to the details of the hypnotism because it's all too clear that very few are "out enough" to face up to the hypnotic aspect. Hard for an ego to acknowledge that the sub-conscious can rise up and take over. I've had it happen, so I have no problem admitting it to myself. I was going to tackle the job myself but I don't have your writing deftness.
It's easier for me to comprehend by picturing a young Ron trying to get an edge as a hypnotist by researching and identifying what sort of repository the sub-conscious was that allowed it to received hypnotic content. By research, he read other authors of the day and copy/pasted the "results" of all the supposed "research". Dianetics was his 1st attempt to undo the subconscious or "reactive mind". But he also perfected keeping his students "anaten" by purposefully (safe assumption I make) speaking and writing seemingly endless spoken and written confusion because he could make them think and do anything he could dream up if he could only keep them anaten enough. Slave labor etc., you've named it...:yes:
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Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

DagwodGum , I guess I assume everyone has read everything I have written on hypnotism as a subject Hubbard studied and attempted to use covertly to control and enslave people from DMSMH on . I see it as ALWAYS being used to do the opposite of what Hubbard stated .

I feel several posts express my ideas on this.

Insidious Enslavement : Study Technologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/01/insidious-enslavement-study-technology.html
Basic Introduction to Hypnosis in Scientologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/01/basic-introduction-to-hypnosis-in.html
The secret of Scientology part 1 control via contradictionhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-secret-of-scientology-part-1.html
Burning Down Hell - How commands are hidden , varied and repeated in Scientology to control you as hypnotic implantshttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/02/mockingbirds-nest-burning-down-hell.html
Propaganda by Reversal of Meaning in Scientologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/03/propaganda-by-reversal-of-meaning-in.html
Humbling Simplicityhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/04/humbling-simplicity.html
Why Hubbard never claimed OT feats and the rock bottom basis of Scientologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/02/mockingbirds-nest-why-hubbard-never.html


Squirreling Dervish
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

DagwodGum , I guess I assume everyone has read everything I have written on hypnotism as a subject Hubbard studied and attempted to use covertly to control and enslave people from DMSMH on . I see it as ALWAYS being used to do the opposite of what Hubbard stated .

I feel several posts express my ideas on this.

Insidious Enslavement : Study Technologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/01/insidious-enslavement-study-technology.html
Basic Introduction to Hypnosis in Scientologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/01/basic-introduction-to-hypnosis-in.html
The secret of Scientology part 1 control via contradictionhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-secret-of-scientology-part-1.html
Burning Down Hell - How commands are hidden , varied and repeated in Scientology to control you as hypnotic implantshttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/02/mockingbirds-nest-burning-down-hell.html
Propaganda by Reversal of Meaning in Scientologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/03/propaganda-by-reversal-of-meaning-in.html
Humbling Simplicityhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/04/humbling-simplicity.html
Why Hubbard never claimed OT feats and the rock bottom basis of Scientologyhttp://mbnest.blogspot.com/2015/02/mockingbirds-nest-why-hubbard-never.html

Mockingbird, Cool as I didn't know you had a BLOG site. Is there a Cliff Notes version as well?


Bone Idle
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

Li'l Slappy isn't a skilled and practiced hypnotic 'operator' as Hubbard was, so of course he's blind to the subtle mechanisms he might be monkeying with. For that matter, I doubt if anyone really knows what many of those "tech" processes are really doing, let alone what Hubbard intended them to do. Miscavige is just a violent, paranoid psychopath who took over production and maintenance of a very complex Rube Goldberg type mechanism, and the only tool he feels comfortable using happens to be a hammer. Not that that's a bad thing :biggrin: As somebody recently posted, Slappy is priceless to anyone who wants to see the destructive corporate cult structure exposed and demolished.:)

Hubbard engineered a sort of gradual program of hypnotic and deceptive enslavement, but Tiny Fists just cannot be arsed with such airy fairy things. I remember a story about him being taken out fishing for the first time. He flipped out when he learned that fishing was 98% sitting and waiting for the fish to bite, and he ranted about wanting to jump in the water and just grab the damned (CICS) fish. In the same way, he'd just as soon clap his few remaining victims in actual irons and beat them until they're willing to work and/or donate to the IAS rather than wait for a gradual process of conditioning to lead them into enslaving themselves and watchdogging each other.

Regarding the Rube Goldberg scientology machine itself, I believe Hubbard gave scientologists a 'shore story' version of how the "tech" works. What there is of his explanation paints a picture of a collection of disjointed and unrelated processes that somehow end up producing super powers and "total freedom". Scientologists just have to take it on faith that Foul Ol' Ron* knows what he's doing. I've never seen any overall coherent conception that ties together ALL the various Scn processes and practices from "raw meat" to "OT8". It's a little like a secret weapon factory, where each component is built in isolation from others so that nobody gets the full picture and can put together what the finished product is or how it works except those at the top.

For example, what exactly did Hubbard intend by directing his marks to run over thousands of GPM statements, many of which contain multiple mini-GPMs or dichotomies of their own, until they no longer 'read' on the meter for OT2? I know the story is that they were all "implanted" in that exact order into everybody trillions of years ago, but aside from being fatuous bullshit it excuses Hubbard from explaining what the hell that stuff DOES. It doesn't matter what it does, because you just need to "erase" it. Going over and over that crap just "erases" it? I doubt it.

It seems to me that good-intentioned and beneficial processes (such as those devised by Mayo and others) would be obvious in their mechanism. Those who know the different materials can confirm or deny this.

*Apologies to Terry Pratchett fans.


Patron with Honors
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

Scientologists just have to take it on faith that Foul Ol' Ron* knows what he's doing.
*Apologies to Terry Pratchett fans.

NEVER apologize for such an APT comparison! Millennium hand and shrimp, indeed! They both stink, spew rubbish, and need dogs to talk for them. Only way it could be more perfect is if Foul Ol' Ron was into Millennium clams.



Squirreling Dervish
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

Li'l Slappy isn't a skilled and practiced hypnotic 'operator' as Hubbard was, so of course he's blind to the subtle mechanisms he might be monkeying with. For that matter, I doubt if anyone really knows what many of those "tech" processes are really doing, let alone what Hubbard intended them to do. Miscavige is just a violent, paranoid psychopath who took over production and maintenance of a very complex Rube Goldberg type mechanism, and the only tool he feels comfortable using happens to be a hammer. Not that that's a bad thing :biggrin: As somebody recently posted, Slappy is priceless to anyone who wants to see the destructive corporate cult structure exposed and demolished.:)

Hubbard engineered a sort of gradual program of hypnotic and deceptive enslavement, but Tiny Fists just cannot be arsed with such airy fairy things. I remember a story about him being taken out fishing for the first time. He flipped out when he learned that fishing was 98% sitting and waiting for the fish to bite, and he ranted about wanting to jump in the water and just grab the damned (CICS) fish. In the same way, he'd just as soon clap his few remaining victims in actual irons and beat them until they're willing to work and/or donate to the IAS rather than wait for a gradual process of conditioning to lead them into enslaving themselves and watchdogging each other.

Regarding the Rube Goldberg scientology machine itself, I believe Hubbard gave scientologists a 'shore story' version of how the "tech" works. What there is of his explanation paints a picture of a collection of disjointed and unrelated processes that somehow end up producing super powers and "total freedom". Scientologists just have to take it on faith that Foul Ol' Ron* knows what he's doing. I've never seen any overall coherent conception that ties together ALL the various Scn processes and practices from "raw meat" to "OT8". It's a little like a secret weapon factory, where each component is built in isolation from others so that nobody gets the full picture and can put together what the finished product is or how it works except those at the top.

For example, what exactly did Hubbard intend by directing his marks to run over thousands of GPM statements, many of which contain multiple mini-GPMs or dichotomies of their own, until they no longer 'read' on the meter for OT2? I know the story is that they were all "implanted" in that exact order into everybody trillions of years ago, but aside from being fatuous bullshit it excuses Hubbard from explaining what the hell that stuff DOES. It doesn't matter what it does, because you just need to "erase" it. Going over and over that crap just "erases" it? I doubt it.

It seems to me that good-intentioned and beneficial processes (such as those devised by Mayo and others) would be obvious in their mechanism. Those who know the different materials can confirm or deny this.

*Apologies to Terry Pratchett fans.

I had an old OT7 who trained under Hell Con at Saint Hell Manure tell me that he personally knew the dude who's primary task was the Grades as they felt they needed some preparatory processes to bilk, I mean ready the PC's for the clearing course as it was obvious that the reason people weren't making it was they were not properly set up.
So set up they were. Dillard, you on this board?
He said that back in the 50's it was primarily people from all walks of spiritualism who were attracted, soon it would be the terminally unemployable who were body routed in and made to feel so welcome at the Morgues and soon joined staff because a few bucks a week was better than zilch.
So then, if you don't go clear on the clearing course because you have no reactive mind, just wait till after OT2 when you'll then have plenty of bank to run out because you've just got tricked into mocking it all up again, and again and again.
You could of course do OT8 and learn that nothing you've ever run was yours and all BT bank that you got packaged in with!
And I see no reason to believe that things automatically erase just because you apply some $cilon mumbo jumbo "processes" to it.
Won't erase the bad karma that came with your overts just by moving further back in time and running what has been running you.
Don't we wish that $cientology had worked?
We do, but it didn't and it won't no matter how many times through.
The way through is not the way out.
The way through is the way in. The way out is the way out, and stay out!
By the way, doesn't DM look and talk like the love child from between Satch & Slip? Uncanny!

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Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Scientology no longer clears words to full conceptual understanding. OC is PTS to

DagwodGum - it is funny to me to try to take apart a cult that has had hundreds of thousands of members and a reported thirty five million words of doctrine and write it up in a series of articles for easy reading - and then have people ask for cliff notes !!!

And a cult that Hubbard made by combining thousands and thousands of plagiarized ideas and dozens of methods of influence .

The articles are the cliff notes version ! Silly Willy . Think of the thousands and thousands of hours a cult member spends on course getting indoctrinated and in auditing getting thought reform and on post or in an org or with Scientologists or at home thinking Scientology terms getting thought reform for decades and you can see the tearing that down and totally exposing it may require a few more words .

Here is the abridged version - Scientology no good bad fuck you mind up .
A bit longer version may involve this...http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthre...ubric-TOP-100-Techniques-Found-in-Scientology

That is the top 100 propaganda methods ! NOT ALL ! So the job is big and the effort to undo it takes some time but far , far less than the indoctrination . That is the best news I have . Hope it is better than nothing .