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Milestone Two says you fear Scientology because it works


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Milestone Two says you fear Scientology because it works.

Milestone Two Blog: They fear it because it works

Posted by Lana M.
July 27, 2014

By Tom Martiniano

When a person says something that is just pure garbage, no one will want to comment on it: Why bother commenting on tripe? But when someone says something that misses a withhold or two, you can be sure there will be lots of negative comment.

For background purposes only: I was a big part of the “Rollback Missions” into the USGO, GOWW, Clearwater Sea Org Base, PAC Sea Org Base and Australia. The definition of Rollback is in HCO PL ETHICS. The term means to “Roll Back or trace back rumors and destructive acts to their source”. Every rumor and destructive act has a source. We knew from the start of our rollback missions that the source of the infiltration into Church management and the Guardians Office was the FBI, CIA, MI-5 and behind them were the managers of these clandestine operations; the American Medical Association and the American Psychiatric Association and then the IRS. We understood that. What we wanted to do was remove their operatives from management.

Since 1950 and the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, the American Medical Association has spent hundreds of millions and possibly billions of dollars to stop the expansion of Dianetics and Scientology. As was discovered in the “victory” over the IRS, it was definitely the AMA employed the Internal Revenue Service in the USA to sue the Church over religious status, hoping to remove the religious aspect of Dianetics and then having accomplished that, they would remove the E-Meter and then remove the practice of “healing”. This would have made Dianetics and Scientology ineffective and thus a completed project board for the FBI, AMA and IRS.

In 1950 the AMA had analyzed Dianetics and found it to be a very powerful technology. In fact, the tech from Dianetics has been so respected throughout the last 60 years that it is used today by AMA/APA sanctioned practitioners to help veterans get over trauma in hopes that they will get better and live normal lives. This tech is not called Dianetics, it is called TIR (Trauma Incident Reduction but it is controlled by the AMA and APA). You can look it up on the internet, but what they do is have the veteran go over and over the traumatic incident until it is “reduced”. Sound familiar? So they do see the power in this tech and doctors across the United States are now availing themselves to it.

After reading DMSMH, doctors in the early 50’s panicked and invoked the huge AMA lobby to do something about this new technology that has the potential of destroying their income. After all, Lumbosis (made up illness) could now be treated and cured in just a few short hours for a few small dollars. However, Medicos can make a small fortune off of Lumbosis by involving surgery and extensive costly follow-up treatment. In short, the world of Medicine was shaken up by this new book and to their horror the book and organizations were spreading fast.

So in the 50’s the AMA attacked LRH and Dianetics via Readers Digest, Time Magazine, the London Daily Mail and other widely read publications. By the 60’s all major magazines were running with cover stories in an attempt to make Scientology and Dianetics look horrible. Then in the 70’s the attacks came full force via hugely popular shows such as “60 Minutes”, “20/20”, “Nightline”, “CBS News”, “NBC News”, talk shows and so forth with the same agenda – to discredit Dianetics and Scientology. The 80’s was a war between the Church and the Big Pharmaceutical companies. We attacked Eli Lilly and Prozac and cost them billions of dollars. They in turn attacked with stepped up media against Dianetics.

Now we can see that hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by the media to discredit Scientology and Dianetics.
Was this much money spent on the Hare Krishna’s? No. How about the Moonies? No. How about Faith-Healing Christians? No. The attacks on Dianetics and Scientology in the United States alone wee unprecedented. Never in the history of the United States was a religion so maligned by the press and media. And this in a country that was founded on religious freedom! Unprecedented.


Because the AMA really has had something to fear:
The workability of Dianetics and Scientology Technology. I have been auditing Dianetics since 1971 and I have seen this technology save hundreds of lives, on all 4 flows. I have seen Expanded Dianetics save lives. I have seen Scientology help people communicate better. I have seen Scientology help people solves problems, get relief and stop making others wrong while spending his life being right. I have seen Clears who now lead sane lives compared to the insanity that trapped them heretofore. It is good technology and it works when applied correctly. But this is where it all gets summed up: “If it is applied correctly” – the Achilles tendon of Scientology.

So when the AMA couldn’t stop us on the media they resorted to infiltration into the management areas with the express intent of stopping us in our tracks. The infiltrators steered GO staff into committing felonies by breaking and entering of FBI offices. I personally had an FBI plant on my meter who told me he was being run by the FBI to steer the Church into committing felonies. It worked and Mary Sue Hubbard had to jump on that grenade and went to jail while LRH went on the lam. Then David Miscaviage saw his opportunity and went for it. The rest of it is horrible history.

What is left inside the Church right now are incredibly ignorant staff and Sea Org members who are run by SPs who are making the tech of Scientology unworkable with GAT and GATII. Why do you think the attacks on Scientology have stopped? Because the attack is coming from within and by the person who owns the trademarks of Scientology is heading up the attack.

Don’t think for a minute that the tech of Scientology and Dianetics doesn’t work. Too much energy was used by the US Government to stop it, so it must have worked it’s miracles as advertised. Imagine the meeting at the AMA. “So Doctor Scalpel, you read this book by Hubbard, do we have anything to worry about?” The doctor replies, “I see a great danger with this book and we need to suppress it now, while we have a chance. I used some of its technology and it does rid people of illnesses with simple applications. This will cost us hundreds of millions of dollars.” And so it went. Why else would the government spend so much energy on stopping us?

On top of this, you people who are still hanging on have had wins with the tech, somehow, someway.

The naysayers have also had some wins with the tech, and it scares them because they are suppressive and they know that they have to not only stop it but bury the tech so it doesn’t ever get used correctly again. Why else would anyone attack anything for years on end on a daily basis? Can you spell insanity?

If someone thought that Dianetics and Scientology were just scams or were just some useless tripe, they would just ignore it and move on. But if they know it works and they are SPs, they will devote their lives to reducing the tech to ashes. This is why these attacks go on for years. Understand, these SPs are hard at work to make Scientology and Dianetics not work and to convince you that it doesn’t work.

And you people who are taking offense to being called SPs, understand that there are two things to be done with Scientology right now: One is to learn the tech and the second is to deliver it and see that it is delivered. Anything negative about Scientology and Dianetics is purposely putting the subject of Scientology into a negative light for your audiences. It really is as simple as that. If you thought the tech of Scientology and Dianetics were bad you wouldn’t go out of your way to make it look bad.

We know it works because we apply it CORRECTLY and MAKE IT WORK on a daily basis. That’s what we are all about here at MS2.


stubborn rebel sheep!
By Tom Martiniano said:
By Tom Martiniano

They fear it because it works

When a person says something that is just pure garbage, no one will want to comment on it: Why bother commenting on tripe? But when someone says something that misses a withhold or two, you can be sure there will be lots of negative comment.

Why don't using the standard on source LRH tech to handle such suppressive persons ??? :confused2:

Okay here's an admin scale of handling the feared people saying garbage
wich may be defined as ????? offensive [STRIKE]truth[/STRIKE] lies as a [STRIKE]OSA [/STRIKE]malignant intent ????

1) get the names (identify the ''they'')
2) Invistigate facts & people
3) BofI - Com Ev
4) Issu an ethics order about the findings
5) get them seck check to pull their remaining missed witholds & crimes
6) declare people ennemies of mankind
7) Use such crimes to dead agent or black pr them

To be totally on source - the following notification should be added:
(to be given a r2-45 process if encountered)

If it doesn't work,

I would buy a bluebird motor home to hide somewhere, in a dessert, avoiding SP's and such garbage happening all over the planet to an order of magnitude you can't imagine. :no:
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Gold Meritorious Patron
Even mobius strips, while held out as infinite, yet composed of infra-red = yellow = ultraviolet because they have colour characteristics, eventually get cracks in them and shatter acquiring an end. :yes:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Tom Martiniano said:
If someone thought that Dianetics and Scientology were just scams or were just some useless tripe, they would just ignore it and move on.
That's so right! Hubbard said it so it must be true!

The only reason someone would oppose something is because that thing is good and works! There is no other reason people oppose something!

It's all so clear to me now!
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Silver Meritorious Patron
If Hubbard declared the sky was purple and the ocean pink Tom Martinio would self-deploy on a ethics rollback mission to NOAA to find the bastards behind the conspiracy to make Hubbard appear wrong by using chemtrails to make the sky and ocean look blue.


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
ingrid smith says:
July 27, 2014 at 4:13 am

Great article Tom. The SPs are trying to convince people that it is because of Ron and the tech that Scientology is being attacked.
TheWidowDenk says:
July 27, 2014 at 6:14 am

Great article Tom. Thanks for the historical information. I can add something to that information from the book CULTS OF UNREASON by Dr Christopher Evans, a Delta paperback published by Dell Publishing in 1975. Chapter entitled “Brush with Authority” on page 80.

Regarding the FDA raid of January 1963: Quoting — “As far as the controversial raid on the Washington Scientology headquarters is concerned, the E-meter was the principal target and the seizure of books and pamphlets was merely to provide reading matter to back up the FDA’s investigation. The raid seems to have come as a complete surprise to the Scientologists, who by all accounts were simply going about their business auditing each other, or attending to the routine administration of the establishment. The press, however, who had been tipped off in advance by the FDA, were present in large numbers and we are thus favoured with photographs of solemn-looking US Marshals trudging out of the building with armloads of E-meters. (They can’t have been very selective in what they took, for after filling two trucks with E-meters, books and pamphlets, they had to send for two more, ending up with a reported total of three tons of literature and equipment.) After this haul the agents, who with their Marshals numbered over two dozen, roared off back to their depot in Baltimore with an armed police motorcycle escort. Presumably someone was then landed with the unenviable task of reading through the three tons of Scientological literature which had come their way.”

“The raid was clearly a tactical error of the first order, and gave the Scientologists just the kind of ammunition they enjoy. FDA RAIDS CHURCH is the headline in a Scientology account of the event in which it is stated that the agents burst into the Church offices ‘… with their armed Marshals, and loudly if incoherently demanded and threatened all in sight…. Showing no legal warrant the agents and heavy deputies pounded their way up stairways bursting into confessional and pastoral counselling sessions, causing disruption and violently preventing the quiet pursuit of the normal practice of religious phisosophy.’ ” End quoting.

This line stands out to me: “The press, however, who had been tipped off in advance by the FDA, were present in large numbers and we are thus favoured with photographs of solemn-looking US Marshals trudging out of the building with armloads of E-meters.”

Just imagine the FDA tipping off the press in advance of a raid
Jim Logan says:
July 27, 2014 at 7:00 am

This is a sobering reality communicated here. These facts are indeed part of what goes on, and the situation we have to deal with.

This sort of post will go blow right through the winds of space that are between the ears of all sorts. Much like Margaret Lake’s superbly researched and factual website is ignored by Wright, Russell, et al, and jellyfish take up the drivel from these two and “marvel” at the “truth”.

There are those “few with a good forward look who are relatively unaberrated” as it says in the F.O. on Ethics Presence that do work daily to handle the factual suppression, the jabbering, the subtle and not so subtle efforts to subvert this subject, and its efficacy. Those who apply these data sincerely and routinely.

I’m glad I know you, out there, that get it.
Bernie Wimbush says:
July 27, 2014 at 8:06 am

Great post Tom.

And now because there are so many practicing Scientologists who are not associated with the corporate mob, it means Scientology itself cannot be destroyed. I sometimes wonder if LRH had a hand in there somewhere?


Some LRH quotes for the benefit of homo sapiens

Milestone Two says you fear Scientology because it works.

Milestone Two Blog: They fear it because it works

I notice that the South African Scientology blog has recently fallen under the influence of the Milestone Two people, and has purged a number of its participants. That appears to be the extent of the influence of Milestone Two.


A chronological sampling of quotes from L. Ron Hubbard. In case anyone is wondering where the nuttiness is coming from:

According to Hubbard, bad things happen to those who oppose or try to "enturbulate" Scientology.

In 1959, Hubbard wrote in the 'HCO Manual of Justice':

"Dianetics and Scientology are self-protecting sciences. If one attacks them one attacks all the know-how of the mind. It caves in the bank. It's gruesome sometimes.

"At this instance there are men hiding in terror on Earth because they found out what they were attacking. There are men dead because they attacked us - for instance Dr. Joe Winter [wrote Introduction to 'DMSMH', and the book, 'A Doctor's Report on Dianetics' with an Introduction by Fritz Perls]. He simply realized what he did and died. There are men bankrupt because they attacked us - [Don] Purcell, Ridgeway, [publisher of 'DMSMH'] Ceppos."


From 'Keeping Scientology Working', 7 February, 1965:

"We're not playing some minor game in Scientology. It isn't something cute to do for lack of something better.

"The whole agonized future of this planet, every Man, Woman, and Child on it, and your own destiny for the next endless trillions of years depend on what you do here and now with and in Scientology :unsure::ohmy::yes:

"This is a deadly serious activity. And if we miss getting out of the trap now, we may never again have another chance :spacecraft:. Remember, this is our first chance in all the endless trillions of years of the past . Don't muff it now because it seems unpleasant or unsocial to do Seven [Hammering out of existence incorrect technology], Eight..."


Just prior to the appearance of 'KSW', was published the piece 'My Philosophy', in which L. Ron Hubbard told Scientologists:

"Blinded with injured optic nerves, and lame with physical injuries to the hip and back, at the end of World War II, I faced an almost nonexistent future. My service record stated: 'This officer has no neurotic or psychotic tendencies whatsoever', but also stated, 'permanently disabled physically'.

"And so there came a further blow. I was abandoned by family and friends :violin: as a supposedly hopeless cripple and probable burden on them for the rest of my days."


And, on 7 March 1965, 'KSW' was published 'Suppressive Acts, Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists, the Fair Game Law':

"A Suppressive person or group becomes 'fair game'.

"By Fair Game is meant, without rights for self, possessions or position, and no Scientologist may be brought before a Committee of Evidence or punished for any action taken against a Suppressive Person or group...

"Suppressive acts are defined as actions or omissions undertaken to knowingly suppress, reduce, or impede Scientology or Scientologists.

"Such suppressive acts include public disavowal of Scientology... public statements against Scientology.

"[Suppressive acts also include] 1st degree murder, arson, disintegration of persons or belongings not [emphasis added] guilty of suppressive acts.

"[Suppressive Persons] place themselves beyond any consideration for their feelings :nazi:or well being...

"The homes, property, places, and abodes of persons who have been active in attempting to suppress Scientology... are all beyond any protection."


And from the 12 February 1967 Policy Letter 'Admin Know-How, the Responsibility of Leaders' -a.k.a. The Bolivar Policy Letter - on the topic of how a subordinate should relate to his "power":

"[The power asks] 'What are those dead bodies doing at the door'. And if you [the subordinate] are clever, you never let it be known HE [the power] killed them - that weakens you and also hurts the power source. 'Well, boss about all those dead bodies, nobody at all will suppose you did it. She over there, those pink legs sticking out, didn't like me'. 'Well', he'll say if he really is a power, 'Why are you bothering me with it if it's done and you did it. Where's my blue ink?...

"...always push power in the direction of anyone on whose power you depend. It may be more money for the power, or more ease, or a snarling defense of the power to the critic, or even the dull thud of one of his enemies in the dark, or the glorious blaze of a whole enemy camp as a birthday surprise...

"...Real powers are developed by tight conspiracies of this kind... and if they are right and also manage their man
[the power] and keep him from collapsing from overwork, bad temper or bad data, a kind of juggernaut builds up."


"I am not interested in wog morality. If anyone is getting industrious trying to enturbulate or stop Scientologists or Scientology or its activities, I can make Captain Bligh look like a Sunday School teacher." From the 1969, 'Discipline, SPs, and Admin'


From the 1969 "Scientology Intelligence Tech" issue, 'Intelligence Actions - Covert Intelligence Data Collection' [all parenthetical material, below, is from the original]:

"The objective of the enemy is to discredit... Their first blast was from the San Francisco papers, Sept. 1950, quoting the publisher (of Book One) Ceppos being critical of me (he was a communist) followed by the LA papers, pushed then by Sara Komkovadamanov (alias Northrup) 'divorce' actions, followed by attempted kidnapping of myself. Other details were pushed into it including the murder of four and so on. This was a full complete covert operation. At the back of it was Miles Hollister (psychology student), Sara Komkovadamanov (housekeeper at the place nuclear physicists stayed near Caltech), Gene Benton and his wife - president of the Young Communists League... This was a full war against Dianetics."


Interview with Nancy Many. (At 1:30): "Hubbard hated Paulette Cooper. He hated her and he wanted her destroyed."



@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Re: Some LRH quotes for the benefit of homo sapiens

I notice that the South African Scientology blog has recently fallen under the influence of the Milestone Two people, and has purged a number of its participants. That appears to be the extent of the influence of Milestone Two.

Can you provide the names of the people "purged" and links or other evidence?

I know the South African Independent Scientology blog, Scientologists getting back in comm, censors comments. I try to read the blog regularly and I was not aware that they had "purged" anyone. How does a blog "purge" anyone, anyway? Was there a change in the management of the blog? A change in the people who control the blog?


Re: Some LRH quotes for the benefit of homo sapiens

Can you provide the names of the people "purged" and links or other evidence?

You want me to provide names and links?

Sorry, it's not important enough.

Don't worry about it. It's only a small blog.


stubborn rebel sheep!
Re: Some LRH quotes for the benefit of homo sapiens

LRH - lord Mettaya said:
"I am not interested in wog morality. If anyone is getting industrious trying to enturbulate or stop Scientologists or Scientology or its activities, I can make Captain Bligh look like a Sunday School teacher." From the 1969, 'Discipline, SPs, and Admin'


I didn't know Lord Mettaya - the Buddha was so vengefull



At least Cap'n Bill, aka Parmesan Cheese, had more "flair" and threw the Marcabs in as the leaders of this cabal. I don't even give it an "A" for effort.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Scientology is not failing because it is attacked. In the real world, neither Scientology nor its critics are of the slightest importance. They don't exist. Scientology only gets mentioned in silly celebrity gossip rags - that's how unimportant it is.

No, Scientology is failing because it has always failed and will always fail. Even if no one ever attacked Scientology, it will fail.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I personally had an FBI plant on my meter who told me he was being run by the FBI to steer the Church into committing felonies. It worked and Mary Sue Hubbard had to jump on that grenade and went to jail while LRH went on the lam. Then David Miscaviage saw his opportunity and went for it. The rest of it is horrible history.

I wonder whatever happened to this poor fool? had to be someone whose beliefs in the whole conspiracy were just as strong as Martinianos... probably a Sea Org member burdened with guilt for not being able to keep his/her stats up to the expected level and after many many OW write ups nothing changed, convinced they'd been horribly horribly BAAAADD on the whole track... still in? routed out and has the uniform stashed in the closet, waiting to be forgiven? out and then hit the next stop -- the loony bin? enquiring minds want to know...

Purple Rain

Milestone Two says you fear Scientology because it works.

Milestone Two Blog: They fear it because it works

She obviously didn't watch that episode of Elli Perkins the other night. Scientology works and anyone who says otherwise has withholds. Scientology certainly makes sure you check your brain out when you enter. One should make sure to collect it on the way out.

Edit: Scientology doesn't even work for Scientology. If the tech is so workable, how did all those degraded wogs infiltrate not only the organisation itself, but also all the way to top management? Oops! How did an intelligent woman end up in a kitchen defrosting an idiot's prawns? How come suppression wasn't shattered and marriages weren't saved? If this is the only way out for humanity, the universe and everyone, then there is no hope for humanity. Because what a useless clusterfuck Scientology is. What a weak, impotent, pathetic waste of everything.
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Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Re: Some LRH quotes for the benefit of homo sapiens

Can you provide the names of the people "purged" and links or other evidence?

I know the South African Independent Scientology blog, Scientologists getting back in comm, censors comments. I try to read the blog regularly and I was not aware that they had "purged" anyone. How does a blog "purge" anyone, anyway? Was there a change in the management of the blog? A change in the people who control the blog?

I know they stopped posting my comments when I dared to question the author of one article on a particular point in last of the few comments I made there. Re: the inclusion of the sexual background of Rena Weinberg when she was a young woman. I thought it was spiteful, inappropriate and uncalled for.


stubborn rebel sheep!
Re: Some LRH quotes for the benefit of homo sapiens

Re: the inclusion of the sexual background of Rena Weinberg when she was a young woman. I thought it was spiteful, inappropriate and uncalled for.

$cientology despicableness!


Gold Meritorious Patron
After 60+ years of the "war against psychiatry" it seems to me that the psychiatric profession hasn't been affected one little bit whereas the Scientology organization has lost most of its members.

So the tech works?

During these 60+ years the target was a cleared planet, which was at times reduced to a cleared continent, which then became a cleared country. The fact is they haven't even cleared a single org in all that time.

So the tech works?

I wonder which parts of the tech he's talking about?:confused2:


Gold Meritorious Patron
You just can't argue with fanatics.:no:

In the case of these poor fools, beliefs are far more important than mere facts, like there's NEVER been a Clear that fits the description, let alone an OT.:duh:

Yet the deluded Faithful will fight to the death to defend the indefensible against all "us SPs" who've had the same experiences that they've had yet used them to LOOK at facts rather than explain them away, just to keep the Hubbardspew bubble firmly in place.:omg:

Sad - these folks are actually good people underneath all that stupid.:yes: