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2010 Maiden Voyage/OT Summit Events


Angelic Poster
Only ESMB could turn MV, DM and the cult into a tits thread.

Well done, boys!


EP - Ethics Particle

Gold Meritorious Patron
Just sayin'...

Anyone goin' on that BT CF excursion better hope that the vessel stays at the dock. :yes:

She has about the nastiest motion in a seaway I've ever experienced! :nervous: :sadsigh::nooo::puke2:

Not libidinous in the least! :no:

Forewarned is forearmed. :ohmy:



Patron with Honors
I protest

I protest that guys are being sec-checked up the drainpipe about their Masterbation Overts and yet this babe is a Scientologist posing for FHM so that guys can masterbate over her!

How's that for a double standard?


Three events instead of four.

This is for the schedule for Flag, PAC orgs and all the rest.

RE: Night III

Three events instead of four.

This is for the schedule for Flag, PAC orgs and all the rest.


Of the three things mentioned for night three, only "resolute" seems to fit.

Scientologists, on the whole, are pretty damn daunted. It is a manic existence, with long stretches of dread punctuated by moments of ecstasy. Avoiding regges, suppressing yawns in the courseroom, sandbagging your progress on course so that you're not forced to skip Thursday morning at your day job just to be quickied through the end of your checksheet. The climate has cowed the rank and file.

And "defiant"? Against who? Generalities, mostly: The "psyches". The "SPs." Oh, occasionally defiant against each other (see also: chit wars.) It is -- if you'll pardon the expression -- namby-pamby pantywaist dilettante defiance. The head of the church embodies everything the church claims to be against (i.e., insanity) and yet some of the most rational, thoughtful people I know are firmly on his side. For instance, Christopher Smith, who was part of the All-Star celebrity raid party in Corpus Cristi some weeks back. That dude is the coolest, chillest guy I had met in the church. Or should I say, "was." Blazing sharp wit, very considerate, and "defiantly" for Dear Leader.

"Resolute," I'll give them that one. I have never personally seen -- let alone, once been a part of -- a group more dedicated to being wrong.


My Own Boss
Are we supposed to recognise OTX and OTXII, with OTXI somewhere in the middle? Taking us off planet to some cleaner seas under two very odd moons?

It's a far cry from the rusy unhygienic hulk, still (despite an investment of $30 million, according to Marty) lacking a sewage treatment system and trundling wearily round and round the ABC islands.

....still infested with blue asbestos according to Lawrence Woodcraft...
The ad reminds me of the crown air freshener of the 1990s

that were replaced by the Calvin Pee-on Decals

The cults next Maiden Voyage/OT Summit Ad will probably look like


Patron with Honors
Smilla, is it art appreciation week? Because I definitely agree with your assessment!

"Their graphic design is just horrible."

Presumably slapped together using elements from other promotions, this "OT Summit 2010" poster is remarkably lame. At the same time, it's fascinating!

Organizations make "freudian slips" just like people do. One of my better mentors taught that these were inescapable in a company's advertising copy, slogans, and graphics. He used to say, "Companies advertise their biggest weakness or problem."

Most people see this when it's obvious, as with Scientology's "fastest growing religion" which is really stating the organization's underlying problem, "We are NOT growing." My mentor believed these dichotomies are inevitable, so it's best to turn them to advantage. A good example is the old Avis rental car campaign, "We're #2. We try harder."

So here we have Scientology's "OT Summit 2010" poster headlined, "The New Civilization Rises" and in a rather limp typeface, weakly reversed out of the background (that is, left white). The problematic subtext is easily seen, "Scientology isn't new and it ain't rising!"

What's truly fascinating is how the graphic reveals the lie. The rococo "xXII, OT, Freewinds" graphical element is exceedingly HEAVY, dense, cumbersome, onerous. Obviously, even the color choice emphasizes the ponderous weight of gold and silver. Topped with a crown, it's darn easy to see that this is meant to represent the precious jewel that is Church of Scientology.

So what's this precious piggy attempting to do? FLY OVER WATER!

You don't need to read very far in Aristotle to know the elemental relationships between earth, wind, fire, and water! Gold and silver doesn't fly and it doesn't float! Could gold and silver be placed more precariously? Stand on the Golden Gate bridge and toss a platinum disk (engraved with Hubbard's writings) into the air and you'll see the inevitable demonstrated rather conclusively! :)

That's what the artist is doing thematically (and subconsciously) in this poster. There are other subtexts operating, but the golden pig trying to fly away from a watery doom is what stood out for me Your interpretations are heartily welcomed!

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Gold Meritorious Patron
You don't need to read very far in Aristotle to know the elemental relationships between earth, wind, fire, and water! Gold and silver doesn't fly and it doesn't float! Could gold and silver be placed more precariously? Stand on the Golden Gate bridge and toss a platinum disk (engraved with Hubbard's writings) into the air and you'll see the inevitable demonstrated rather conclusively! :)

There's also the old heraldic design principle of never using a metal (white or yellow) on a metal or a color on a color (black, blue, red, green). So if there's going to be a gold OT symbol, it should be on a color, not a metal. Easier to read. Scientology considers blue the color of spirit, so it should be that color, and a dark enough blue to be really legible.

If you look at almost all logos, they do follow heraldic principles of design.

Right now, this one's a hot mess.


Patron with Honors
Thetanic, thank-you! It certainly makes sense that heraldry would be a sound basis for logo design principles! Heraldic recognition of the difficulty in re-producing gold and silver is very interesting to me! I've never heard that before.

Most folks are unaware that what's underneath a pigment contributes as much to perceived color as the pigment itself. Pigment is a two-way light filter. What we actually see as color is light penetrating pigment (often ink or paint) bouncing off the surface underneath, passing through the pigment a second time -- and then entering our eyes. If the surface underneath the pigment is inconsistent, the varying intensity of the light reflected back to the eye produces a mottled perception of the color.

You're quite right that gold and silver are difficult tones to re-produce well. Fortunately, in most printing processes today, the underlying surface is white paper and you build those colors out of CMYK and typically add a second "K" (black) to accentuate highlights. Still, I agree. Gold over silver or vise versa can look washed out.

For logotypes, visibility and clarity is important. Strong colors are distinctive and hotter tones more visible than cooler.

These hotter shades: :party:

rather than these cooler tones: :grouphug:

For visibility, variations of "Exxon Red" always won out in controlled testing. When a business traveler finds his rental car at a rainy airport, the "Marriott red" logo atop the hotel is easy to find. Hilton's corporate color is blue, but I think Hilton uses a similar red on the building. Sheraton too, I believe. I may be wrong though. It's been a while since I paid attention.

Anyway, thanks for your observations on heraldry, that's good to know!



Gold Meritorious Patron
Thetanic, thank-you! It certainly makes sense that heraldry would be a sound basis for logo design principles! Heraldic recognition of the difficulty in re-producing gold and silver is very interesting to me! I've never heard that before.

Heraldic design rules are really all about easy recognition on the battlefield, though many arms do in fact violate the general rules. Here's a wikipedia page on the subject.

Getting it wrong could cause wars....


Gold Meritorious Patron
Of the three things mentioned for night three, only "resolute" seems to fit.

Scientologists, on the whole, are pretty damn daunted. It is a manic existence, with long stretches of dread punctuated by moments of ecstasy. Avoiding regges, suppressing yawns in the courseroom, sandbagging your progress on course so that you're not forced to skip Thursday morning at your day job just to be quickied through the end of your checksheet. The climate has cowed the rank and file.

And "defiant"? Against who? Generalities, mostly: The "psyches". The "SPs." Oh, occasionally defiant against each other (see also: chit wars.) It is -- if you'll pardon the expression -- namby-pamby pantywaist dilettante defiance. The head of the church embodies everything the church claims to be against (i.e., insanity) and yet some of the most rational, thoughtful people I know are firmly on his side. For instance, Christopher Smith, who was part of the All-Star celebrity raid party in Corpus Cristi some weeks back. That dude is the coolest, chillest guy I had met in the church. Or should I say, "was." Blazing sharp wit, very considerate, and "defiantly" for Dear Leader.

"Resolute," I'll give them that one. I have never personally seen -- let alone, once been a part of -- a group more dedicated to being wrong.

How true! :thumbsup:


Sign of Success

Patron with Honors
Heraldic design rules or bad taste in graphic aside, the event will be made and
like every SCN event it will be a success.
Probably we must to face tha SCN is actually unstoppable and start asking ourselves
why it' so.

Terril park

Heraldic design rules or bad taste in graphic aside, the event will be made and
like every SCN event it will be a success.
Probably we must to face tha SCN is actually unstoppable and start asking ourselves
why it' so.

COS as opposed to scn is gasping its last breaths. It may be doing that for some time, but the writing is on the wall. This last two years have seen an unprecendented rise of media exposes and attacks, still gaining momentum,
and Flag has started corporate suicide with the by passing of its feeder class V orgs.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
OK, so what was the release? Someone here must know. PM me if you don't want to post it yourself and I'll post it for you but without attribution.
