Twin A
Patron with Honors
Hi, my name is Maureen, also known as "Mo" (I'm not the dancer "Mo" who was a dancer/choreographer on the Apollo with LRH, I'm the "Mo" who was in the Camera Department at Gold for a long time between 1986 and 1995) I've posted some on another board, the XSO board before, and now I feel like posting on this board. I am fascinated by some of the stories I've read here, haven't finished reading them all yet, but thanks to everyone for sharing all this stuff
And I love reading Little Bear Victor's posts and any Ex INT staff stories, especially.
Without further ado...some of my Scientology story (Jaws music....): I met a guy named Bill Ward way back in 1978 who told me he was a Scientologist. I was only 12 years old. He made friends with my Mom, he had met her at a psychiatric outpatient clinic in San Jose, and they fell in love and he asked her to marry him. He moved in with us in our small apartment in Santa Clara. He was a strange and fascinating guy. An ex-Mormon High Priest with one polio leg. He was very stocky with thick glasses and a deep sonorous voice. He also had a large wart on his nose, he was ugly as sin, but sounded great. He'd done some work as a radio DJ and was a phone sales guy for these special automatic beds, the kind that can be moved into a sit up position electronically and all that. He loved to gamble and was a stock car racer as a hobby. He had a special gyroscope in the trunk of his green Ford Ltd that he thought kept him from fish tailing too much. He'd always speed on the freeway. He had a fake police badge and a flashing red light he would put on the cab on his car so he could pretend to be an undercover cop and travel at seriously high speeds on the freeway. I think I saw the guys speedometer hit 180 once. He never got caught. He had a CB radio in his car so he knew where the "Bears" were.
My twin sister avoided him because she thought he smelled (he was a heavy smoker like my Mom) and was ugly and "gross". My brother Randy liked him and so did I. We got to be friends with him. I learned how to do wheelies in his wheel chair, went on some fishing trips, met his kids Gary, Keith and Bruce Wayne Ward from his previous marriage (all over 16), I learned how to fire a bb gun and other fun things. He had some wild tales about his life growing up in Arkansas. I remember one tale he told about how he could kill venomous water mocassan snakes by grabbing their tails and whipping them like a whip which would snap their heads off. Yuk. He also told us some stuff about the Mormon church, about how Brigham Young was an "asshole" and we were to say that to any Mormon missionairies we saw peddling by in their white shirts in our neighborhood. I never did it myself, but I did see him scream at some missionairies once and they looked so shocked and hurt when he said it, and then they peddled their bikes fast in the other direction.
When Bill moved in, he brought his books with him. Two of the books he showed us (my little brother and I) were his Dianetics books. Both green hard cover books. He made some really really wild claims about Scientology. He said that I could learn how to help my Mom with her mental illnesses. Oh, also, he'd said he was on staff at the Santa Clara Mission earlier, possibly as a reg or a Div 6 guy, I have yet to find anyone who remembers the guy on staff. Anyone?
His claims included potentials for telepathy, being able to levitate objects with "Tone 40" and past life recalls, super powers, all kinds of crazy things. Now Bill was also involved with EST, Silva Mind Control and Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, hypnotism-- a certified hypnotist, and he was even a certified, but unpractising chiropractor. He told me that the day I had won a one mile race in 7th grade ( I was the only girl who had ever run a mile in 5 1/2 minutes at this school) he had "bathed me in white light" before the race. I originally believed him! Now that I have a more discerning mind, I really think I was a fast runner because my genetic father was a professional football player. My Mom said his name was Alan Rutter (not the guy who was the head of the Railroad Commission) and he'd been kicked off of the 49ers because he had a bad temper. She'd had an affair with him when she was at the psychiatric ward of the El Camino hospital in Mountan View (same hospital I was born in--oh, not the psychiatric ward, the baby ward) I have been unable to verify the exhistance of an ex 49er named Alan Rutter. I suppose my Mom could have been pulling my leg about which football team he was on but I have no doubts that I could run fast because of him and that I had playing football in my blood somehow.
Now, back to Bill Ward and his Scientology and Silva Mind Control stuff, I was curious about all this. He told me to read the Dianetics Book to prove how smart I really was. I couldn't read it, it put me to sleep despite my tryng to "look up my words", so I realized that I wasn't that smart after all ( I no loner think that I couldn't read that book because I was dumb) He did some TRs with me out of the book Dianetics Today and I thought it was fun. He flunked me everytime I laughed because he had shot his dentures out of his mouth at me. I never got to flatten that one... I wanted to do more, but Bill died one night in our living room of a heart attack while playing video games with my little brother. I was sad to see him go, my Mom was particularly sad for a long time. She thought she'd killed him with her corned beef...
Years later, when I was being tortured out in Hemet with RPFing and "withold pulling" "technology" --- I invoked the memories of Bill Ward to help me get out. I claimed he PDHd me (sorry Bill...I figured you wouldn't mind) which would make me unqualified for the SO. Oddly enough, that whole fake incident is fully covered in my 2006 SP declare! You see I really wasn't an honest hard working SO Member all those years, I was a spy for EST and Silva Mind Control, trying to steal secrets for the dead Bill Ward!!!
In mid 1980, my neighbors gave me their junk mail, in it was a "free personality test" from the Church of Scientology Mission of Stevens Creek. I filled it out enthusiatically and sent it in. About a month later, I got a post card saying my results were ready and I could come on a Saturday or a Sunday after 10:30. I went in on the Sunday...
more later folks....

Without further ado...some of my Scientology story (Jaws music....): I met a guy named Bill Ward way back in 1978 who told me he was a Scientologist. I was only 12 years old. He made friends with my Mom, he had met her at a psychiatric outpatient clinic in San Jose, and they fell in love and he asked her to marry him. He moved in with us in our small apartment in Santa Clara. He was a strange and fascinating guy. An ex-Mormon High Priest with one polio leg. He was very stocky with thick glasses and a deep sonorous voice. He also had a large wart on his nose, he was ugly as sin, but sounded great. He'd done some work as a radio DJ and was a phone sales guy for these special automatic beds, the kind that can be moved into a sit up position electronically and all that. He loved to gamble and was a stock car racer as a hobby. He had a special gyroscope in the trunk of his green Ford Ltd that he thought kept him from fish tailing too much. He'd always speed on the freeway. He had a fake police badge and a flashing red light he would put on the cab on his car so he could pretend to be an undercover cop and travel at seriously high speeds on the freeway. I think I saw the guys speedometer hit 180 once. He never got caught. He had a CB radio in his car so he knew where the "Bears" were.
My twin sister avoided him because she thought he smelled (he was a heavy smoker like my Mom) and was ugly and "gross". My brother Randy liked him and so did I. We got to be friends with him. I learned how to do wheelies in his wheel chair, went on some fishing trips, met his kids Gary, Keith and Bruce Wayne Ward from his previous marriage (all over 16), I learned how to fire a bb gun and other fun things. He had some wild tales about his life growing up in Arkansas. I remember one tale he told about how he could kill venomous water mocassan snakes by grabbing their tails and whipping them like a whip which would snap their heads off. Yuk. He also told us some stuff about the Mormon church, about how Brigham Young was an "asshole" and we were to say that to any Mormon missionairies we saw peddling by in their white shirts in our neighborhood. I never did it myself, but I did see him scream at some missionairies once and they looked so shocked and hurt when he said it, and then they peddled their bikes fast in the other direction.
When Bill moved in, he brought his books with him. Two of the books he showed us (my little brother and I) were his Dianetics books. Both green hard cover books. He made some really really wild claims about Scientology. He said that I could learn how to help my Mom with her mental illnesses. Oh, also, he'd said he was on staff at the Santa Clara Mission earlier, possibly as a reg or a Div 6 guy, I have yet to find anyone who remembers the guy on staff. Anyone?
His claims included potentials for telepathy, being able to levitate objects with "Tone 40" and past life recalls, super powers, all kinds of crazy things. Now Bill was also involved with EST, Silva Mind Control and Instantaneous Personal Magnetism, hypnotism-- a certified hypnotist, and he was even a certified, but unpractising chiropractor. He told me that the day I had won a one mile race in 7th grade ( I was the only girl who had ever run a mile in 5 1/2 minutes at this school) he had "bathed me in white light" before the race. I originally believed him! Now that I have a more discerning mind, I really think I was a fast runner because my genetic father was a professional football player. My Mom said his name was Alan Rutter (not the guy who was the head of the Railroad Commission) and he'd been kicked off of the 49ers because he had a bad temper. She'd had an affair with him when she was at the psychiatric ward of the El Camino hospital in Mountan View (same hospital I was born in--oh, not the psychiatric ward, the baby ward) I have been unable to verify the exhistance of an ex 49er named Alan Rutter. I suppose my Mom could have been pulling my leg about which football team he was on but I have no doubts that I could run fast because of him and that I had playing football in my blood somehow.
Now, back to Bill Ward and his Scientology and Silva Mind Control stuff, I was curious about all this. He told me to read the Dianetics Book to prove how smart I really was. I couldn't read it, it put me to sleep despite my tryng to "look up my words", so I realized that I wasn't that smart after all ( I no loner think that I couldn't read that book because I was dumb) He did some TRs with me out of the book Dianetics Today and I thought it was fun. He flunked me everytime I laughed because he had shot his dentures out of his mouth at me. I never got to flatten that one... I wanted to do more, but Bill died one night in our living room of a heart attack while playing video games with my little brother. I was sad to see him go, my Mom was particularly sad for a long time. She thought she'd killed him with her corned beef...
Years later, when I was being tortured out in Hemet with RPFing and "withold pulling" "technology" --- I invoked the memories of Bill Ward to help me get out. I claimed he PDHd me (sorry Bill...I figured you wouldn't mind) which would make me unqualified for the SO. Oddly enough, that whole fake incident is fully covered in my 2006 SP declare! You see I really wasn't an honest hard working SO Member all those years, I was a spy for EST and Silva Mind Control, trying to steal secrets for the dead Bill Ward!!!

In mid 1980, my neighbors gave me their junk mail, in it was a "free personality test" from the Church of Scientology Mission of Stevens Creek. I filled it out enthusiatically and sent it in. About a month later, I got a post card saying my results were ready and I could come on a Saturday or a Sunday after 10:30. I went in on the Sunday...
more later folks....