Thanks for sharing, Mo.
I started reading your story this morning and ate breakfast, then later I realized I was hungry and couldn't believe it since I had *just* eaten breakfast, but that turned out to be hours earlier. Throughout the story, between meals, I chewed off my fingernails.
I'm finally done and it's now past dinner time and my mind is a blur with images and feelings from your time in SCN mixed with my time in and the similarities and differences.
One great thing about your story is that I think it makes it more understandable for people who were never in it how a reasonable and intelligent person can believe what to them is ridiculous at their first discovery of it. And how we can put up with god-awful conditions and treatment that they would never stand for.
Ordinarily, we wouldn't either. But it's like a mixture of the boiling frog scenario and the layers of an onion. Nobody walks into an Org for the first time, signs a billion year contract and gets sent to the RPF in a day.
(Well, I went from newbie to staff in one weekend, then from staff to Sea Org in a week or two, but that's another story.)
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for sharing and congratulate you on getting out - finally!
From your first escape attempt, I kept thinking the next time you'd make it, but then I continued reading and the years kept scrolling by. So sad. But at least you're out now and finally living a real life.
I'll have to read the after-story pages to see if there are any updates on your siblings.
Good job on getting your mind back!