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30th Anniversary!

Little David

Gold Meritorious Patron
LRH's obituary by Forrest Ackerman on Tony Ortega's blog:

On the 30th anniversary of L. Ron Hubbard’s galaxial soul ejection, an obit by an old friend


"Result: (LRH made a) solemn oath not to break the rules.

Reality: he broke ’em.

Consequence: I broke with him.

About the early 70s we got back together again. He made a generous offer I couldn’t refuse: “Just get me in print. Forry, I don’t care about the money: you keep half of it.” He caused me no further trouble but half of nothing was nothing in the case of one anthologist who justified using a Hubbard story without paying because he considered LRH in the same class with Hitler and Satan (not necessarily in that order)."

more: http://tonyortega.org/2016/01/24/on...axial-soul-ejection-an-obit-by-an-old-friend/