Believe it or not, I wasn't trying to be insulting or unkind.
If a person is going to mention items about "their case" using Scientologese I might try to translate it into wog language.
Maybe I was too blunt and should have used more words. :confused2:
Actually, PG, I was pulling your and his leg (that's Ozzie for doing a joke).
Perhaps I should have used another dozen or so smily smilies . . .
I don't think you were actually "unkind" . . . I was using it in the context that the win, THE WIN, THE WIN! was bigger than merely getting rid of the complex you referenced . . .
My attempt at a joke was that some folks don't know they are aware or aware of what or that they actually are live Beings . . . hence the reference to the discovery of the experience that one actually exists.
As we know here, many folks think they are only a bunch of atoms bouncing about in happy accident . . .