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Illegal Alien

Patron with Honors
Below is a reply from the Fiona is loved thread that really got me thinking about a scene in AOSH ANZO that happened roughly in 2000 which I will mention in this thread.

Originally Posted by SweetnessandLight View Post
Dear hearts, of course we will respect your wishes in this matter. However, I do want to gently remind you to constantly re-frame the shore stories (lies) that the rest of your family is being told about you, Fiona and the situation, and remind everyone one involved that this is defamation and emotional blackmail at work, OSA's work.

Don't let them keep you away from ANY family gathering on the pretext that Fiona won't come if you are there. Stay in good comm and affinity with the rest of the family. She hasn't come in five years, so how much love and respect does that demonstrate for her dear old Granny, or anyone else in the family? Zilch. Everyone else can see this.

It is just as if she is reading from a script that has been written for her. She is not free to act on her own. She is not herself, and won't be, until she really gets free. Don't take it personally, she is being lied to and manipulated by some very evil people, and some day she will see the truth of that, as everyone eventually does. Stay strong, and love each other. I am so glad you have the rest of your family with you. So many of us have to deal with this alone.

Yes, let's broaden the scope of this thread. I know from personal experience how painful it is to be disconnected by someone you love, especially at Christmas.

Merry Christmas and a Happier New Year, with much less Corporate Scientology in it!

Much Love from Sweetness

Now I have a son in the ANZO RPF he has been in there for at least the last 5 years.
When he was 4 years old (he is in his twenties now) he flew from South Africa to ANZO with me while I did up to OT5 at the AO and he loved it we had a great time together.
Years later when my wife from that time and I divorced I had custody of our son. My x-wife went to join the Sea Org at ANZO and some time later asked if she could have our son come and live with her and be apart of the Cadet org and go to Scientology school and all that.

Well being a believer of Scientology at that time I asked him and I knew he would want to as he had good memories when he was at the AO with me.
He said he would like to go live with his Mom at the AO. So heavy heartedly and at the time believing it was the best place for a child to grow up I said yes and he flew over to live with his Mom and join the cadet org. We stayed in touch via letters.

To be honest the comm line dropped out a bit with me living in another country. Feeling bad about it now as I do does not really help but at the time I was so confident that he was in the most stable and sane group, was with his mother and so for sure he will be well taken care of.

Years went buy about 5, until one night I got a call from OSA ANZO, reporting to me that my son was in Police Custody.
He was in the cadet org (about 9 years old) and was found sitting outside the CLO building in Sydney late one night all by himself.
What had happened is he missed the last Sea Org bus and did not know what to do and so just sat on the doorstep of the CLO until the police picked him up close to midnight.
Nobody at the Cadet Org even knew he was missing, until hours later when the AO got a call from the police.
This was now a bad situation as the police were convinced that his mother was neglecting him and wanted to put my son into foster care.
As I still had legal custody OSA was all over the phone lines with me trying to handle this situation as I lived in another country.
I was very angry and obviously very upset about what was going on with hundreds of my own questions I wanted answered.
I was now being attacked by the police asking me how could I be in another country and not be taking care of my child, saying if I had really cared for him why did I let him go.
This went on for days OSA the police back to me, me calling the police and so forth it was crazy. During all this my son was in police foster care.
It eventually came down to the police asking if my son had any other family in Australia which I replied yes his grandparents. My parents were staff at the AO at the time. The police did not want to return my son to Scientology after what happened.
So OSA ANZO came up with a plan.
OSA set my parents up in an apartment near buy. The police were to be informed that my parents were retired in Australia and would take care of him.
So the police turned custody over to my parents. They had to pretend to be retired as various inspections by Child services would be carried out over the next few months. One of my parents stayed with my son while the other went to the AO.
This continued until all the inspections by Child Services were over and the situation extinguished.
With all returning to normal with my parents returning to the AO and my son to the Cadet Org, a Board of Investigation was called at my request to investigate what had happened.
I wanted this to happen so that no other child would get abandoned in the city. At first the AO wanted me to fly to Australia to be interviewed in the B of I. I refused saying I should not even be involved in a B of I the error is in Australia.
The investigation was done but I heard nothing despite attempts to get the findings of the investigation.
Finally I managed to speak to mother who informed me that the findings were being kept from me and she had been instructed not to tell me anything. However in her view it was breaking LRH policy so she told me.
Here is the joke.
I was found to be the cause of the incident as I had supposedly neglected my son in his early years.
I was 5000+ miles away had not been in Australia for 5 years. My son was in Scientology care and they forgot him in the city, cold and alone with his mother and the cadet org not even knowing he was not home and in an internal investigation blamed me.
Yip, yes, that is .......hell even now I can not find the words to explain this.

This is the group I trusted my child with. I believed so much that Scientology was the most ethical and sane group in the world and who would not want their son to grow up in an environment like that.
Boy, was I wrong and if my son ever reads this I am sorry for not protecting you more, I truly am.
I wrote reports on this matter to RTC , ED INT and heard nothing, nothing at all from anybody in the Church to try and correct this matter, NOTHING.

Many years passed and I came out to Australia again and made arrangements to see my son. He was now on the RPF.
When we saw each other for the first time after so long there were big hugs and tears between us a great re-union.
After years of not seeing my son I was only allowed an afternoon with him and because he was on the RPF he was not allowed to be alone with me; his own father, another member of the RPF followed us and sat with us were ever we went.
Effectively canceling out any father son heart to heart and my son having grown up in Scientology would not dare speak out any unhappiness or thoughts of leaving for fear of harsh discipline from the Church, it felt a bit strained as if there was something to be said but it could not be spoken.
We kept in touch via letter after that but anybody who knows the RPF knows that letters in and out are all read before being given to the recipient a total control is run over the individual.

Some time later I announced to Scientology in Glebe St that I was out and no longer wished to be apart of the Church and voiced my reasons for this.
My son and I were still writing some letters, very simple how you doing, all going well here, it’s hot all that simple stuff otherwise Scientology would block the letters.
I insisted through OSA that I wanted to speak to my son on the phone it took some work and some harsh words and eventually we spoke on the phone.
I knew he would have been told bad things about me by the Church as I was now out so wanted to just talk to him.
He was very cold on the phone and having been in that situation my self can assure you he was being coached on what to say to me and the call being listened to by Sea Org staff. All I said to him was that I was out of Scientology and that the reasons were my own and that it changes nothing between us and asked him to always remember that there are two sides to every story and in this case he only had one side of the story. He sounded like he lightened up on the phone and we said our goodbye.

After a series of events and after months of posting on this board I decided it was time to reveal my real name on the board, which I did.

In December I wrote to him and OSA saying I would like to come down and visit him and to see if he could get some time off so I could see him as it had been almost a year since my last visit.
Eventually a reply came weeks later from my son. Every letter I have received from him came in his hand writing, always.
Suddenly I receive a typed letter from him with what appears to be his signature at the bottom.
The punctuation was perfect, the words used and the way it was written was so not him. In response to me wanting to come and visit he replied that he was spending Christmas with his mother and thanks for the offer.
I have been around Scientology long enough to know that Scientology has told him lies about me and discredited me completely. This is what you call a gentle disconnection.

I was never going to make this story known as I wanted to be able to stay in touch with my son but the AO has done a good job of discrediting me so now there was no need to hold onto this story and so here it is.

Once bitten

Patron Meritorious
This story is an absolute tragedy. It is also another example of the cofs breaking the law and twisting things to their own ends. My heart goes out to you in the loss of your son.

This is something that the police should investigate. It was illegal and I'm sure Senator Xenophon would be receptive to receiving this information.

I have sent him a number of examples of law breaking that happened when I was on staff in Sydney, and he has replied thanking me, and asking my permission for this to be turned over to the police. Of course I agreed, and I'm sure you should do the same.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Wow, another horror story. This made me so angry I had to take a break twice before I got to the end of your post. :angry:

And OSA is still going on TV and claiming that disconnection does not exist. :bullshit:

Illegal Alien, please go public with this. It is exactly the sort of thing we are protesting, and it is first hand experience that is so valuable to those investigating and reporting on Scn at the moment. The sooner we bring down this foul little cult, the sooner your family will be re-united and your son will be free. Now is the time.


What a heartbreaking story!!

I hope you don't give up on him. He needs you. I feel so badly for both of you.

Grrrr Scilo!!!!! :angry:

Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron
IA, I'm so sorry for your situation.

Of course the CofS found you responsible when your son was picked up by the police. You were supposed to be watching him from 5,000 miles away. They (CofS) can't take responsibility for an effing thing. But they make all the public responsible for every single little thing.

I hope your son sees the truth soon and gets out.

Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
Disconnection does have its benefits.

When it is finally overcome and everyone is re-united it results in a level of joy that cannot be duplicated.


The C of S machine ALWAYS finds itself INNOCENT of everything, and must find individuals to blame, as a scapegoat. Endless lies, endless contrived realities, endless deception, and endless framing of innocent people to "take the fall" using "standard Scientology ethics & jutsice procedures" (what a JOKE - endless Kangaroo Courts). This has been going on since I first contacted the nutty outfit in the mid-1970s. At first I watched in shock, then disbelief, then dismay, then that turned to sadness, then disgust, until now I see them clearly as the morons, idiots and extreme imbeciles that they ARE!

I will cheer the day that they finally lose that huge court case, or some top members are arrested, or it simply slowly crumbles and collapses because of the never-ending ever-expanding NEGATIVE PR that they CREATE for themselves by their own relentless nasty and absurd behavior.

I have heard many such stories. Some day the tide will fully turn against them. I don't see how it can be any other way. And, then, ONLY THEN, the atrocities will stop! :grouch:

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Illegal Allien

It's so distressing and upsetting to read your post. It's also a very brave move on your part to post it and have others read what happened, so well done on that.

Apart from the obvious i.e. the Church's and OSA's criminal activity of deception to cover up the neglect of your boy.

What I can't get my head around is the RPF thing. So my question is... What has a young person done to warrant years on the RPF???

All your boy wanted was to be with his mother and receive the love, care and respect that all children are entitled to.

The typing of letters to parents and family who are out spoken is done for convenience of editing as the electronic version is read by Church Security, OSA etc... as I mentioned in other threads my daughter has sent out typed letters too with no signature at all...

This whole scene with your lad needs to be made public. If he has been on the RPF as a minor, well then there is the 'duty of care' issue and your ex-wife could be named as an interested party. If he was on the RPF and of school age well there is another law that has been broken.

Send a report to Senator Xenophon I have no doubt he would be very interested in this kind of treatment.

Stay strong and best wishes

Illegal Alien

Patron with Honors
Yea I was not informed of his going to the RPF.
He was a minor when he went in and should still have been at school.
His mother, I assume would have authorized him going in to the RPF.
It has been very difficult to get information as to if he finished his schooling or why we went to the RPF.
I finally got told he went to the RPF for "Gross out hygiene"
I mean what the hell does that mean "Gross out hygiene"?????????
The real reason for him going on to the RPF has been hidden from me.

Once bitten

Patron Meritorious
Yea I was not informed of his going to the RPF.
He was a minor when he went in and should still have been at school.
His mother, I assume would have authorized him going in to the RPF.
It has been very difficult to get information as to if he finished his schooling or why we went to the RPF.
I finally got told he went to the RPF for "Gross out hygiene"
I mean what the hell does that mean "Gross out hygiene"?????????
The real reason for him going on to the RPF has been hidden from me.

Gross out-hygiene means the poor kid never was taught how to take care of his personal hygiene. He probably was never taught how and when to take a shower, how to buy soap and a towel ..... probably never changed his clothes because he had none to change into and didn't have anywhere to wash his clothes.

This gets sicker by the minute. I can't stop thinking about it.


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Yea I was not informed of his going to the RPF.
He was a minor when he went in and should still have been at school.
His mother, I assume would have authorized him going in to the RPF.
It has been very difficult to get information as to if he finished his schooling or why we went to the RPF.
I finally got told he went to the RPF for "Gross out hygiene"
I mean what the hell does that mean "Gross out hygiene"?????????
The real reason for him going on to the RPF has been hidden from me.

Are you in contact with any family members?

Gross out-hygiene means the poor kid never was taught how to take care of his personal hygiene. He probably was never taught how and when to take a shower, how to buy soap and a towel ..... probably never changed his clothes because he had none to change into and didn't have anywhere to wash his clothes.

This gets sicker by the minute. I can't stop thinking about it.

Yes, Sounds like the boy was in some sort of state of apathy. It's very sad.
Last edited:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Sorry mate

When we put our kids into the SO we thought they were going, like you did, to the best place they could've been.

How wrong were we.

Well done for getting your story out there.


Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
Now I have a son in the ANZO RPF he has been in there for at least the last 5 years.
IA, please PM me or calll re: terminatedly handling this situation. This is the first I've heard if it and it just makes my blood boil.

It has gone on much too long already, let's handle it.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
When we put our kids into the SO we thought they were going, like you did, to the best place they could've been.

How wrong were we.

Well done for getting your story out there.


Further to this when Fiona went into the SO back in 2000 she was 14.5 yo. Both Wayne and I signed guardianship over to Christine Harris who guaranteed Fiona's well being.

Because of Fiona's age she was routed to the Cadet Org and the Cadet Org I/C was Karen Plumerage. Well it only took a couple of months before Fiona called to say she was all alone. She had managed to get to the mall to phone me to let me know what the situation was.

It was a Saturday morning and all the other kids and carers had left to be with their respective parents and have time out. She had no one and was crying on the phone.

So I said pack your stuff we are coming to get you. We drove 4 hours and picked her up.

Of course we had KR's written on us all and I didn't care. My viewpoint is that if you take on the 'Duty of Care' of someone else's child then take full responsibility. The SO failed in their duty and I did not hesitate to go and get Fiona. However, she went back in when she was able to hold a post in the SO.

We still supported the SO and gave them our other girl... I regret these choices that we made... but at the time, you think you are putting your kids into the best possible place.

It's all lies and deception ....


Silver Meritorious Patron
This isn't quite the flap it could soon be.

We as concerned exes and Anons have it within our ability to get this young man out of the RPF. This young man is in a penal colony for what "out fucking hygiene" give me a break and even if that is not the real reason. Geez you get less for manslaughter out here.

Panda's response is the correct one, this needs to be handle, it is not enough now for us to sit at our keyboards as I have done and send our responses. We know what conditions exist for anyone on the RPF. The RPF should be banned.

Let us make the fact of an RPF so uncomfortable for the SO they have to shut it down.


Letters to editors, to your members of parliament would be the minimum level of action...then on up from there.

Happy Aberree

Patron with Honors
We still supported the SO and gave them our other girl... I regret these choices that we made... but at the time, you think you are putting your kids into the best possible place.

It's all lies and deception ....

HD, was it different for any of us? Wasn't Clearing the Planet and Winning the Birthday Game and Salvaging this Sector and Making It Go Right and all that other vomit more important than you, your spouse, your children or any other individual person whether staff or public? We were doing all that shit as if there was a war on and just about anything was okay if it was for the old man. And all of us in there were totally sold on the whole thing, hook-line-and-sinker. This response is not an attack, but an attempt to console - I remember how bad it was and how much pressure there was.

We all thought we were doing the best thing.

Panda's response is the correct one, this needs to be handle, it is not enough now for us to sit at our keyboards as I have done and send our responses. We know what conditions exist for anyone on the RPF. The RPF should be banned.

Let us make the fact of an RPF so uncomfortable for the SO they have to shut it down.


Letters to editors, to your members of parliament would be the minimum level of action...then on up from there.

I like this...


Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
Yea I was not informed of his going to the RPF.
He was a minor when he went in and should still have been at school.
His mother, I assume would have authorized him going in to the RPF.
It has been very difficult to get information as to if he finished his schooling or why we went to the RPF.
I finally got told he went to the RPF for "Gross out hygiene"
I mean what the hell does that mean "Gross out hygiene"?????????
The real reason for him going on to the RPF has been hidden from me.

"Gross out hygiene"??? If that's the real reason, then he should be perfectly at home in the RPF: no showers, no tedious changing of clothes, sleeping in cupboards with the cockroaches and mice...

I hope you can find out the real reason, and maybe even get him out of there.

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Please get your Son out of there fast, using whatever it takes (including the Police).

This is abuse of the worst possible kind.

If help is needed, let us know.

Good luck.

Sir Facer

Patron with Honors
How can any Church have so little regard for children is just the biggest disgrace ever.

This story just had my tears rolling for this man & the scene here with his child, and OSA ANZO is just ridiculous, It reminded me of the night CO OSA's (Vicky) daughter was in the Sea Org (in her teens) & went missing at Sydneys red light district , Kings Cross! with a Scientology search party frantically trying to locate her, I recall she was found 24 hours later & you can bet your boots they didnt call the police........

The Sea Org couldnt give a crap about missing children except for the fact it would cause a media circus, so they somehow have to prevent it.

Not even realising that young nine year old boy was missing and the Police finding him first is pathetic to say the least. What the hell is a nine year old doing trying to get the last SO bus home anyway!

No wonder the Ethics section ANZO condone & push for abortions with-in the Sea Org, Children must be such a problem in the way of generating $$$$ no doubt & just another mouth to feed.

Thank god I rufused my son going in to that concentration camp.

I just hope this man can reunite with his son out of the SO one day.