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Auckland Ideal Org is Clearing New Zealand For Realz

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There is a new post up at the Mike Rinder's Blog

Auckland Ideal Org is Clearing New Zealand For Realz

On January 21, 2017, Auckland was graced by the presence of the Dear Leader himself, yanking his red ribbon in semi-public view (only his dedicated followers are allowed to catch a glimpse of the great man in person) as he swung open the doors to another of his “gifts to the community.” 18 months later, […]

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They better pick it up a bit. They'll never clear the planet at this rate. And as Mike Rinder has pointed out, people are dying and time's running out to clear them "in this life". Seriously, the Scions are getting buried in the supposed aims of their own work.

"Srsly 4reelz doe..."