Gold Meritorious Patron
Welcome to this here Rodeo, philTmonx. 
So glad you are here with all of Us.
My parents were Charismatic Born Again Fundamentalist Christians. They went to their graves seeing me as the great disappointment in their lives as I never would “Come to Jesus”. They never did “see” me or “hear” me. I tried and tried and tried to make “contact” but it never happened. Of course, having spent years working on a ship in a location I couldn’t tell them--with the “Anti-Christ”--didn’t help matters very much either.
Life is a series of choices, one after the other, day in day out. Each choice made leads yet to other choices to be made. Some choices are easy, some are hard and some lead to unforeseen consequences. Your parents have made their choices and will continue to make choices, as will you, as will I, as will all of Us.
You have made your choices and that has brought you to the point that you are now. You obviously have already had to make very difficult choices that a lot of folks have never had to make…so it is with many of Us. It may take years for you to “lay down your burden” or, such as it is with me, just live with it. What I do is just keep on going forward, always forward…one step at a time. Every day--every breath taken--is a Gift, whether or not we realize it. Some of the greatest pain, sorrow and suffering I have experienced has turned out to have been the outer wrapper of a priceless Gift.
Maybe your father will come around and maybe he won’t. Mine never did and that had a profoundly positive influence on my life. I learned how not to treat my children, my friends and the rest of my family. One thing I do know, as a father, is that probably a day does not go by that your father doesn’t think of you.
Speak your mind, say your peace…now is the time and this is the place.
None of Us agrees with everything posted here...afterall, “This is reality, Greg.” Elliot, E.T. the Extra terrestrial.

So glad you are here with all of Us.
My parents were Charismatic Born Again Fundamentalist Christians. They went to their graves seeing me as the great disappointment in their lives as I never would “Come to Jesus”. They never did “see” me or “hear” me. I tried and tried and tried to make “contact” but it never happened. Of course, having spent years working on a ship in a location I couldn’t tell them--with the “Anti-Christ”--didn’t help matters very much either.
Life is a series of choices, one after the other, day in day out. Each choice made leads yet to other choices to be made. Some choices are easy, some are hard and some lead to unforeseen consequences. Your parents have made their choices and will continue to make choices, as will you, as will I, as will all of Us.
You have made your choices and that has brought you to the point that you are now. You obviously have already had to make very difficult choices that a lot of folks have never had to make…so it is with many of Us. It may take years for you to “lay down your burden” or, such as it is with me, just live with it. What I do is just keep on going forward, always forward…one step at a time. Every day--every breath taken--is a Gift, whether or not we realize it. Some of the greatest pain, sorrow and suffering I have experienced has turned out to have been the outer wrapper of a priceless Gift.
Maybe your father will come around and maybe he won’t. Mine never did and that had a profoundly positive influence on my life. I learned how not to treat my children, my friends and the rest of my family. One thing I do know, as a father, is that probably a day does not go by that your father doesn’t think of you.
Speak your mind, say your peace…now is the time and this is the place.
None of Us agrees with everything posted here...afterall, “This is reality, Greg.” Elliot, E.T. the Extra terrestrial.
