New Member
I'm here because my parents are current scientologists, they are not ex-scns and i am not one at all
but i am doing my own research on scientology because they are completely taken in by it
training and working and getting educated by the church
so i found this forum
scientology has visably helped one of my parents when nothing else did, because they truly believed it worked and i have seen really positive effects
but i am increasingly concerned and disenfranchised with the way they see the word of lrh as god and the usual red flag warning signs of cultism beginning
not because they cannot leave but because they would not choose to. everything theyve believed in up until this point has made them perfect candidates for the scn doctrinesm and they are in full belief of the church's policies, procedures, and expectations
i so far have been really encouraging and curious and i listen and smile and nod and ive visited their church and met some people. i took the personality test, got mail, got emails. i was proud they had something.
i was taken in by the seemingly interesting alternative and functional thing that was bastardised by mass media who "doesnt want the best for us"
in a damaged world scn offers itself up as a total opposing force for the wrongs of the world
abberation is a common term in their house used to describe things
they are using more and more lingo the higher they go
but one of them was close to clear and told they were going faster than average and doing so well
all the self affirming praise for someone insecure
promises that the damage will be healed and then...results! because guess what, theyre doing better
nicer house, socializing, jobs ......but all dependent on the church
they would be delighted if i were to involve myself and ive been really encouraged to, but since doing my research and becoming sure that i would never choose to be a scn i give noncommital responses. ive never said, "no."
ive had some proof of some of the stories i keep hearing from so called "SPs" ... scientologists visiting the house, when living elsewhere driving across states to check on them when they were taking a break from things... $50 and less a week for working but receiving certain processes for free...
hallunications and thigns theyve seen and felt in sauna and auditing that ive read so much about...
promises of being flown out to flag, reaching clear, making more money when things go ideal, how the money comes back to you after donating, how pay below minimum wage is good because its based on a real ethics system thats not dependent on the us economy... it upsets me
i cant talk to them about this and i try not to think about it and writing this is making me anxious
i would be shut down if i were to say anything against their Truths
and i would be scared of being labelled SP
they promise they know me and love me when i disagree with other things we have different beliefs on klots of little things that causes some conflict and things are always okay because theyre my parents
but i do not know what would happen on this subject and i dont want to find out, i dont
i think this would break their heart if they knew i was feeling like this
i diont know if im making a good moral choice talking about this
but i guess i want advice. or someone to talk to. assurance. or anything from someone that understands from the inside.
I'm here because my parents are current scientologists, they are not ex-scns and i am not one at all
but i am doing my own research on scientology because they are completely taken in by it
training and working and getting educated by the church
so i found this forum
scientology has visably helped one of my parents when nothing else did, because they truly believed it worked and i have seen really positive effects
but i am increasingly concerned and disenfranchised with the way they see the word of lrh as god and the usual red flag warning signs of cultism beginning
not because they cannot leave but because they would not choose to. everything theyve believed in up until this point has made them perfect candidates for the scn doctrinesm and they are in full belief of the church's policies, procedures, and expectations
i so far have been really encouraging and curious and i listen and smile and nod and ive visited their church and met some people. i took the personality test, got mail, got emails. i was proud they had something.
i was taken in by the seemingly interesting alternative and functional thing that was bastardised by mass media who "doesnt want the best for us"
in a damaged world scn offers itself up as a total opposing force for the wrongs of the world
abberation is a common term in their house used to describe things
they are using more and more lingo the higher they go
but one of them was close to clear and told they were going faster than average and doing so well
all the self affirming praise for someone insecure
promises that the damage will be healed and then...results! because guess what, theyre doing better
nicer house, socializing, jobs ......but all dependent on the church
they would be delighted if i were to involve myself and ive been really encouraged to, but since doing my research and becoming sure that i would never choose to be a scn i give noncommital responses. ive never said, "no."
ive had some proof of some of the stories i keep hearing from so called "SPs" ... scientologists visiting the house, when living elsewhere driving across states to check on them when they were taking a break from things... $50 and less a week for working but receiving certain processes for free...
hallunications and thigns theyve seen and felt in sauna and auditing that ive read so much about...
promises of being flown out to flag, reaching clear, making more money when things go ideal, how the money comes back to you after donating, how pay below minimum wage is good because its based on a real ethics system thats not dependent on the us economy... it upsets me
i cant talk to them about this and i try not to think about it and writing this is making me anxious
i would be shut down if i were to say anything against their Truths
and i would be scared of being labelled SP
they promise they know me and love me when i disagree with other things we have different beliefs on klots of little things that causes some conflict and things are always okay because theyre my parents
but i do not know what would happen on this subject and i dont want to find out, i dont
i think this would break their heart if they knew i was feeling like this
i diont know if im making a good moral choice talking about this
but i guess i want advice. or someone to talk to. assurance. or anything from someone that understands from the inside.