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CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Explores the Church of Scientology’s Leadership


Sorry for my confusion-a pitfall of anonymity. :coolwink:Thanks AnonKat, I think I have a man crush on you.

haha, I better live up to your expectations than. Skydog Is that a cainine version of Ceilingcat ?


Winston Smith

Flunked Scientology
Odd, I have never seen her disseminate SCN at all on her show, what kind of Scientologist doesn't use the vanity they posess on any camera op?

I think Van Susteren is very saavy. She knows when to keep her yap shut, and does not talk Scn for a reason. She knows how unliked the cult is.


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
ok,ok, psst,you want a sneak preview? Dig this: someone being interviewed was told by Anderson Cooper directly, after Anderson Cooper had just spent extensive time interviewing Tommy Davis ,the following: " they should never have let Tommy Davis alone with me for that long"...

Are you sure ? Perhaps Anderson meant that he charming the pants off of Tommy - Just joking, lol :blush:


NOT drinking the kool-aid
Not over 'til the fat lady sings...

it's in the can. Done, packaged, ready for air. No Q&A period afterwards. You can COMMENT on it on their website after it is posted. This was all done months ago. It only took this long toair due to audience numbers and time slot availability. They wanted this on during BIG AUDIENCE week. It's MAJOR.
They are planning to KILL with the ratings on this show. Look, BBC Panorama did their HIGHEST EVER stats on the "Scientology and Me" episode in 2007, never equalled yet. ABC 4 Corners, smash program on Scn talked about worldwide,recently. St. Pete Times, fairly recent, over many Sundays, huge worldwide coverage, rave success for paper. Probably Pulitzer prize for reporters. CNN is going to try and top all of them with this piece. Blood in the water? This story has it all: Violence, Betrayal, Coerced Abortions, Disconnection,Slave Labor,False Imprisonment, a worldwide cult above the law , a single church leader solely in control of over a billion dollars, over a hundred corporations combined into one acct.( Sea Org Reserves), what reporter could resist this? throw in crying families seperated from their own children for years.. que heart break music. CNN, you go get that Emmy, now,and don't let us down.

I hope as fervently as anyone on this board that this series of news shows really socks it to DM & Cof$ and goes miles toward shutting them down.

But don't forget that in dealing with the Cof$ we are dealing with true fanatics, well entrenched and well financed and practicing state of the art Earth PR,legal, political and goon squad tactics.

Watching the excellent new series The Pacific, I am reminded of just how hard it is to vanquish a fanatic foe who feels it owns the moral (religious) high ground. Just as with the WWII Japanese, Cof$ is a bunch of die hard believers (fools) hiding an utterly criminal leadership claiming to represent the deified Emperor...er, uh, Commodore.

It finally took the atom bombing of Nagasaki AND Hiroshima to bring down the Japs.

Will the Anderson Cooper series be as destructive to the Cof$?

What do you think?


NOT drinking the kool-aid
If OTEEATE was involved, there is a very good chance, so I hope so but keep in mind that Marty Rathbun is also involved. And I suspect that Rinder is speaking up on this one. Last time he and Anderson Cooper spoke:


I could be wrong...

Re the video you linked - wouldn't it be great if Cooper got Rinder to go through it point by point and cop to each lie as he told it and give the supporting orders, policies etc. behind each - now that would be an eye opener on Cof$ for the viewing public!


Bardo Tulpa
I wonder if Rinder will make his debut during Anderson Cooper Week.

That would be quite the "coming out" for such a debutante as he.


Silver Meritorious Patron

I am only interested in the CofS in so far as it continues to keep my family in a hypnotic trance where they believe they are doing good by not speaking to me. CNN will go a ways toward ridding them of their current leadership, and at that point, maybe some sanity can be injected into the scene.
I was not involved in the current program CNN is doing. My story has been told and retold, and is no longer "fresh". I DO support and help people who are involved with the CNN piece, and am giving you insight based on converstaions with them, with the intention that you talk it up with your contacts, and get maximum viewers tuned into CNN Monday through Friday. Remember, the initial views are what ratings come from, and ratings encourage networks to pour more attention onto the cause we support. Posting copies to You Tube is good, as it positions CNN as a news source to turn to. We should use whatever CNN does see fit to air, to further our points with other media.
To Chel Stith ,President LA Org(OSA) Happy Birthday March 26! Your big brother Mike loves you.


Bardo Tulpa
I am only interested in the CofS in so far as it continues to keep my family in a hypnotic trance where they believe they are doing good by not speaking to me. CNN will go a ways toward ridding them of their current leadership, and at that point, maybe some sanity can be injected into the scene.

I was not involved in the current program CNN is doing. My story has been told and retold, and is no longer "fresh". I DO support and help people who are involved with the CNN piece, and am giving you insight based on converstaions with them, with the intention that you talk it up with your contacts, and get maximum viewers tuned into CNN Monday through Friday. Remember, the initial views are what ratings come from, and ratings encourage networks to pour more attention onto the cause we support. Posting copies to You Tube is good, as it positions CNN as a news source to turn to. We should use whatever CNN does see fit to air, to further our points with other media.

To Chel Stith ,President LA Org(OSA) Happy Birthday March 26! Your big brother Mike loves you.

I have emailed friends of mine to tell them about the week-long festivities on CNN and to get them to watch it.

I am thinking of putting a banner up on my car. Something like "Ask me about CNN", or "I Found It, Ask Me How" or something like that.

What other promotional activities can be engaged in preparation for the celebration of Anderson Cooper Week on CNN?


Silver Meritorious Patron
From Anderson Cooper's blog:


I have already received a number of emails from church members complaining about the series, and accusing me of attacking the church, its beliefs, its membership, and its activities.

Given that the emails are all very similar in content, I assume this is some sort of organized email campaign.
None of those writing the emails have seen the series, but I appreciate hearing from all concerned viewers, and I certainly understand any church member, of any religion, being concerned about the portrayal of their beliefs.

For the record, I just want to point out that this series is not about the beliefs or activities of the Church of Scientology. It is not about the religion or the vast majority of Scientologists. This series simply has to do with what some former high ranking church officials say went on within the upper management of the church, and what happened to them when they left the church.
Any news report that shines a light on the abuses committed by the CoS is a good thing. But I would be less confident it's going to do everything we hope for.

CNN is probably the best known news organization in the world. But they are far from the best... the BBC, Deutsche Welle and even Al-Jazeera provide more facts and less opinion than CNN does. I used to watch CNN and AC quite a lot at the beginning, but their content has moved towards the Bud-Light-News end of the spectrum, with hours filled by journalists (and other talking heads) giving their opinion on the news rather than reporting the news. The public must be with me a little, because AC's ratings are dismal. CNN's ratings overall are also horrible. Fox's content is tragic, yet even they get better ratings than CNN.

If AC has finally gotten the chance to "do something he wanted" AND this is supposed to boost ratings, it should be good. But I'm a little pessimistic, so I'm going to expect maybe 20 minutes of actual news-content per hour, followed by 40-minutes of chat with some journalist who will nod and chime in with the occasional "ooh, tough, horrible" comment. He'll have the brunette on as usual, and probably that Roland Martin radio-character who does little more than appear on CNN, and that black chick with the salt-and-pepper hair who lives on the channel (Donna Brazile maybe).

One of the last things I saw, expose-wise, on CNN was Amanpour's "Scream Bloody Murder" on the subject of religious fanatics. It wasn't that great and provided almost 0 new information. Yet it ended up winning an Emmy/Grammy/some-award for "hard hitting news." The standard for award-winning journalism is obviously a lot lower for TV than it is for newspapers (SP Times, anybody?) If CNN and AC do their job the way they should, this week will provide them with MUCH better ratings than usual and maybe an award or two. With the ratings, other stations will jump on the "let's investigate these weirdos" bandwagon. My fingers are crossed.

I'm just afraid that AC will use the 5-day period to pasteurize words like disconnection, fair game, and RPF, rather than look into these serious issues.... now when is a news group going to infiltrate Gold Base?


And when is CNN going to start advertising their Scientology Week, like Discovery sells Shark Week? If they don't tell people, who's going to watch? Also, if I haven't seen TV spots on CNN or web ads on CNN.com yet, is it even going to happen? And if they only tell the world about it when it happens, will enough people watch?


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free

You forgot the most important part

[..] These former members, many of whom dedicated their lives to Scientology, allege that the leader of the church, David Miscavige, has used physical violence against a number of Sea Organization members. The church adamantly denies these allegations, and back up their denials with numerous affidavits and testimonials defending Mr. Miscavige and attacking those who are speaking out.

Interestingly, the church spokesman, Tommy Davis, admits there was a history of violence in the Sea Organization, but the people he blames for it are those who are making the allegations against David Miscavige. He says they were demoted by Mr. Miscavige, and are bitter and disgruntled. Some of those making the allegations admit they did engage in violent acts, but say it was at the urging of Mr. Miscavige.

There is no real proof offered by either side, but viewers can make their own assessment. We have spent several months working on this series, and believe it is a fair look at the allegations and the counter claims made by the church. [..]