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Comandante of the Mexican State Judicial Police speaking at Scientology event


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Comandante Alejendro Tapia of the Mexican State Judicial Police speaking at Scientology event.

Sec Check: Ideal Org ODD – Comandante Tapia

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The Organización Desarrollo y Dianética A.C. (known as ODD) will be holding an Ideal Org fundraiser on January 10th. Although there is already an Ideal Org in Mexico City, there are a number of non-Ideal orgs as well, and this one seems to be falling behind. They have not announced the purchase of an Ideal Building, but appear to be rehabbing the existing location to ideal standards. From Google Translate:

Gisela Galicia – OT VIII

Our New OT VIII and Humanitarian of the Organization Ideal come to share all their profits since its inception in Scientology until recently attest the great level OT VIII.

Comandante Tapia

We will share the social ruins the lives day by day in our Mexico, stories do not hear in the media and that are the reality of what is happening in society.

We will have carne asada, and awards

We hope!

We are used to having Sea Org officers speak at Scientology events, but a Comandante?

Comandante Alejendro Tapia is a supervisor in the State Judicial Police for the State of Mexico (one of 31 states in the country). As Comandante, he is the commanding officer of a “Delegación,” or precinct of about 200 police officers.

Here is the Comandante distributing The Way to Happiness to employees of the Federal Electricity Commission in April, 2014.


Here is the Comandante speaking at a Scientology org on International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Drug Trafficking, promoting the Scientology program Truth About Drugs in June, 2014.


This is what the Ideal ODD will look like:


And what it looks like today:


Somebody save us some carne asada!

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