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Conflicting Feelings


Patron Meritorious
Carmelo is right Gifted people usually go to college just long enough to learn what will help them in their business then drop out. Find something that you can do easily that others find hard and you will have a business.

For meeting friends Vollyball was always a good college class and autoshop too.

If you need money quick do some landscaping all you need is a lawnmower and some flyers to get started.:yes:
Carmelo is right Gifted people usually go to college just long enough to learn what will help them in their business then drop out. Find something that you can do easily that others find hard and you will have a business.

For meeting friends Vollyball was always a good college class and autoshop too.

If you need money quick do some landscaping all you need is a lawnmower and some flyers to get started.:yes:

There are lots of jobs a male or a female can do when they need cash. The key is some advertising. Putting an ad in one of those small throwaway papers. They have lots of names, ie. Penny Saver, Resident, Daily News, - not Washington Post, LA Times.

people read he little dailies. If you know how to do something - paint, wallpaper, garden, fix a computer, run errands, file papers, sell (on commission).

Working for yourself is always better than being employed. You make your own rewards. Some other person doesn't reap your production and pay you bupkis.

La La Lou Lou

Still in theres nothing wrong with a bit of education, I finished a degree last year, Im 56, and had years of miss-education in the cult, it was wonderful.

I recommend it, wonderful for self-esteem, and to pick up where you were before your face got struck by the bulldozer is great.:yes:


Patron with Honors
Still in theres nothing wrong with a bit of education, I finished a degree last year, Im 56, and had years of miss-education in the cult, it was wonderful.

I recommend it, wonderful for self-esteem, and to pick up where you were before your face got struck by the bulldozer is great.:yes:

Same here, QuadL! I also finished last year. Just a personal goal in my 50s.


Sai Ninja 2000

Patron with Honors
Still in theres nothing wrong with a bit of education, I finished a degree last year, Im 56, and had years of miss-education in the cult, it was wonderful.

I recommend it, wonderful for self-esteem, and to pick up where you were before your face got struck by the bulldozer is great.:yes:

yes exactly lol

i feel that my world has opened up and i want to learn all i can learn now that i can learn anything i wish to and not only "what the church wishes me to learn"

my seniors are actively discouraging me from wanting to go to school. before ESMB i may have listened and just went with the program. now, i know it for what it is, and i'm determined to do what i want with my life.


True Ex-Scientologist
thank you for your words of encouragement carmelo. thats what i plan to do. i want to college mainly for the experience, and i need to make some wog friends! :)

Going to college might be a right thing to do or a wrong thing to do... it depends on YOUR interests and how it could benefit you.

For me, it was the right thing to do because I wanted to do software engineering. However, for example, if you want to be a carpenter or plumber then it would probably be a waste of time and money.

It depends on what you want to do. :)

Sai Ninja 2000

Patron with Honors
Going to college might be a right thing to do or a wrong thing to do... it depends on YOUR interests and how it could benefit you.

For me, it was the right thing to do because I wanted to do software engineering. However, for example, if you want to be a carpenter or plumber then it would probably be a waste of time and money.

It depends on what you want to do. :)

:) well not TOTALLY sure what i want to do but some of the things i want to do i definitely need technical training. (despite them telling me how useless it is and how it has no value in "the real world!") i believe its the right thing for me, it will get me into some "normal people" circles and away from the crazy, and i think it will allow me to have a proper group of people to be around when the:shithitfan:

La La Lou Lou

After Id given away all my youth to cultworship, I was qualified for washing up, chambermaiding, telex operating and filing. I could stuff envelopes of course write crappy letters, write reports on my best mate, I could even shout at people without feeling at all guilty, and didnt mind clearing crap from drains, but that's not great in the real world.

Remember what you planned for yourself before the world changed for you, go back to then and find the person you were and recreate that person without all the eval and inval. That's how I redescovered myself.

Tiger Lily

Gold Meritorious Patron
Still In -- I'm a big believer in college -- (if you feel that's right for you. of course). I wouldn't trade my college years for anything -- it was a chance to develop lifelong friendships and true understanding of people different from myself. Along with the skills and knowledge to make decent money, College taught me how to think and gave me a basic knowledge base that I've found very useful so far (I'm 46 now). Not to mention connections/networks etc. which are very useful in today's job market, but also just as a matter of quality of life. You get to know a LOT of people in college, and you'll always have that bond/shared experience with them.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do!



Gold Meritorious Patron

I am very happy you are planning to leave the cult. Good for you. In a month or a year from now, you will look back and think "how on earth did I work for an organization that has offical policies that tear families apart because one member THINKS differently than the other?" Not even prisoners in jail get totally disconnected from their families. They have visiting hours, can make phone calls and write letters.

I simply get enraged when I hear the fear in your writing (and anyone elses) who are so freakin' afraid of losing their families because of the disconnection polices of scio.

Sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that but this is a real sore point for me.

Good luck to you and be strong. You have lots of friends here.

P.S. College worked perfectly for me. I was always inquisitive about how stuff worked, starting from fixing cars with my dad. I ended up getting an MSEE degree and would do it all again (ok, maybe not the exams, which I really hated. :p )