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CoS Faces Backpay Bill to Former Members!!!


Operating teatime



Gold Meritorious Patron
Break the bastards

That's what we are very much hoping will happen with this one. Unfortunately it is only for NSW so does not include Melbourne but if it is implemented here other states will follow. The pay and backpay alone for Sydney D & F, AOSH, CLO, CMO, OSA etc would take the entire value of the buildings they own here in NSW plus their Idle org fund. Not much would be left except to try and reg back the money and ship off the SO to Melbourne. But then I am sure the state of Victoria would have to fall in line with NSW and Scn will be sunk in Australia.


This particular fair work enquiry was kicked off a couple years ago by an Australian senator who was opposing Xenophon's request for a senate enquiry. Funny the way that worked out. But if we hadn't been lobbying for a senate enquiry, this would never have happened.

Dominoes, anyone? Start talking and writing to your politicians. :thumbsup:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Kooka - FWA applies to all of Oz, not just NSW. It's a Federal body so its judgements apply across all states.:omg:

The Senator who called for the FWA to investigate was one I'd written to detailing the abuses of the scilon workplace that I and others had suffered. I included the RPF very much in it.:biggrin:

I dunno if my letter had anything to do with his later call for an invest into the cult, but Fair Work had begun to invest themselves prior to all this due to the Four Corners show featuring our own Happy Days and OutEthicsOfficer.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
All who have worked for the CoS and any of it's associated bodies fall under Fair Work. Just like any other employer and employee situation.

If in doubt contact Fair Work Ombudsman Office.

Thanks Scoots .... yep you're right but we all had a part to play so hats off to everyone and anyone involved in bringing this cult to account here in Oz.

Champagne is a chillin just awaitin for the other shoe to drop :biggrin:


Gold Meritorious Patron
Kooka - FWA applies to all of Oz, not just NSW. It's a Federal body so its judgements apply across all states.:omg:

The Senator who called for the FWA to investigate was one I'd written to detailing the abuses of the scilon workplace that I and others had suffered. I included the RPF very much in it.:biggrin:

I dunno if my letter had anything to do with his later call for an invest into the cult, but Fair Work had begun to invest themselves prior to all this due to the Four Corners show featuring our own Happy Days and OutEthicsOfficer.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Thanks Scooter! Another piece of the jigsaw in place. :thumbsup:

I'm glad to hear this covers all of Australia. They will come crashing down even sooner. My better half was sure it was a state matter.

This is a bit like nailing Al Capone on income tax evasion. What the hell, it works!

All who have worked for the CoS and any of it's associated bodies fall under Fair Work. Just like any other employer and employee situation.

If in doubt contact Fair Work Ombudsman Office.

Thanks Scoots .... yep you're right but we all had a part to play so hats off to everyone and anyone involved in bringing this cult to account here in Oz.

Champagne is a chillin just awaitin for the other shoe to drop :biggrin:

It's gonna be one helluva victory party. :woohoo:

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I'd paste in that article but it's a long one and well worth the visit to read.

Here's a great comment from Larry Brennan in the comments section:

Organized scientology is in big trouble here.

If they are assessed millions for back pay and the like, look for them to pretend they do not have it when in fact they really do. It's just in different corporations and/or trusts controlled by the same people who truly control the local Australian scientology corporations.

While I cannot go into my testimony before an Australian federal inquiry last year as it was taken in camera I do believe that the Australian government is indeed aware of the phony corporate shell games played by organized scientology to hide their money and controls.

As it is relevant to anyone, including the Australian government, chasing down the money from organized scientology, following is part of a posting I made in April of 2010. It's a long excerpt but is relevant:

".......Two things that historically motivated organized scientology to carry out new corporate reorganizations were fear of damages from civil litigation and fear of government departments (like the IRS) seizing their assets and/or charging their executives through criminal action.

Both were the major factors in the “corporate sortout”, the major corporate reorganization of the early 1980s which led to entities like CST, RTC, CSI, FSO, new trusts, etc.I have covered much of this in an affidavit, in an ebook, in various postings and in a number of audio and video recordings.

I won’t repeat all that again but I did want to point out one thing now that some attention is being given to their filings with the IRS in the early 1990s that had to do with the flow of monies and the control of same within organized scientology.

Much of what they filed with the IRS contained outright lies or otherwise distortions to cloud the whole truth.Here is the simple bottom line of what the scene was before and after the corporate sortout with respect to the flow and control of the monies of organized scientology.

Just prior to the corporate sortout that started in late 1981 I did an evaluation of the corporate structure of organized scientology, how so much was based on lies and what could be done to correct it. That evaluation went to Miscavige and, I am told, Hubbard. I was then put on the corporate sortout mission and what I did is covered in many postings/recordings mentioned above.

One of the big potential legal liabilities confronting organized scientology was that, despite separate legal entities, it was centrally controlled and run almost as if it were one big, international unincorporated association managed from the GO and CMO, then just the CMO as of mid 1981.

Management would constantly take the vast sums of monies most orgs made each week with little to no significance put on why it was being taken. Through finance networks money could and would be taken off the top weekly and sent to management.

Clearly the corporate veils were highly transparent and there was a great danger that management would be pulled into legal suits and other actions because of their obvious unbridled control of not only the lower organizations but of their money which they took weekly at will.

That this was a problem was magnified by the fact that by 1981 there were major legal damages cases trying to pierce the corporate veils which we thought might very well drag top management and the money they took from the orgs into the cases.

This was considered very serious especially as much of management, including some of the biggest orgs on the planet, were part of one corporation the Church of Scientology of California (“CSC”).So, given the fact that management was in CSC and CSC was ripping off most of the lower orgs’ monies, CSC, its executives and the money it held was exposed to significant legal liability.

All this is gone into in much more detail in other of my writings but I mention the above to try to put into a proper context the following.

If you follow declarations Miscavige and others in management have made in courts and their filings to the IRS in the early 1990s you would think there was some big change in the early 80s and there was indeed some real arms length with local corporate boards making their most major financial decisions and a central management no longer just ripping off money from the lower orgs.

Furthermore you will get the idea that organized scientology is no longer centrally controlled as different “high up” bodies like RTC, CSI and CST exist each substantially independent of the other with Miscavige himself not even involved until he got into RTC in 1986.

Nothing can be further from the truth.Recognizing the dangers posed above, what the early 1980s corporate sortout did, simply put, was millions of dollars of window dressing to ensure they could keep the same central control in but to completely mask it in legal entities and significances.

For example, as I mentioned earlier, prior to the sortout management often just took the money they wanted from the orgs by force whether it was the Assistant Guardian Finance doing it for GO purposes or the Flag Banking Officer or other treasury executive doing it for the Sea Org.

All the early 1980s sortout did was implement various agreements and legal significances to try to “justify” the taking of the same monies from the lower orgs.

Various corporations, trusts, contracts and forms of billings were designed to make it LOOK LIKE the transactions (IE: the taking of the lower orgs’ money) were at arms length.Examples of this were things like:

1) a films trust created to get 5-10% of orgs’ income weekly as part of “leasing” all the dissemination/training films they used;

2) very steep, but we thought legally justifiable, fees and bills were created for all sorts of management actions including missions to the orgs, evaluations, you name it;

3) orgs would be made to pay for “joint actions” such as major dissemination campaigns that were meant to help all orgs;

4) in the case of more advanced orgs, there were licensing fees for the use of the “advanced technology”;

5) maximum prices were charged for books, emeters, course packs and other materials;

6) later one or more trusts controlled by management (for example CSRT) would hold mortgages for real properties of some of the orgs and get the money payments for same;

7) etc., etc., etc.

Central control of money by top management for the entire scientology enterprise did not change at all with the corporate reorganizations. It was just far better hidden.

I know this as I was the one to present the major corporate reorg planning to Miscavige to get approval of it. I then had to go to the Int base and explain it to several top WDC members such as the then WDC Chairman and CO CMO Int Marc Yager and WDC Reserves Mark Ingber. As part of the many hours I spent with them on this I had to field easily more than 100 questions of how they could continue to control things, especially the taking and keeping of money from all of corporate scientology, just like before. This is not an opinion. It is simple fact.

Policy they followed “religiously” was to take all possible money from the orgs before they could spend it.

Sadly this left no money for things like a decent wage, retirement, food, clothing, child care, medical, dental, you name it. Those were not factors at all to top management who just wanted all the money they could get.

The same sorts of controls went in throughout the entire scientology corporate empire including all kinds of fees and charges to other groups such as missions, field auditors, WISE, Narconon, the “study tech” groups, etc.

New and creative ways to get more money out of the public were also created, the best example being the IAS. I have covered this in some detail in various postings found on my blogspot.

All kinds of window dressing was put into place following the major corporate reorganization of the early 1980s such as companies to do administrative works for IAS so as not to domicile IAS anywhere for tax purposes, trusts set up to hold various orgs’ advanced payments to keep the monies away from the likes of damages claimants or tax agencies, etc.

The lies that organized scientology told the IRS about the reasons behind who controlled the money and the reasons for the various entities were epic in scale.

Even money to Hubbard as part of the sortout was dramatically increased in 1982 to some $40,000,000+ with all sorts of legal significances put on the payments, whereas in years previously a million or two were taken now and again without any legal significance at the time.

Corporate integrity actually got worse after the sortout but organized scientology created many papers trails and produced much false testimony to make it look otherwise.

IMO we were very good at making it look like a major change occurred and corporate integrity was in to those who were not in the know. But the truth is there was no improvement in corporate integrity or change in control of organized scientology despite many millions of dollars in corporate reorganization beyond the fact that it got even worse under Miscavige who assumed complete dictatorial control of organized scientology and its monies.

The very fact that David Miscavige could not restrain himself from brutally taking over and abusing the senior most people in the different corporations of scientology will in my opinion be some of the best evidence for piercing corporate veils used in current and future legal actions against his lies, abuse and fraud.......".

/end of quote from earlier posting/

Sorry for the length but there you have it.

Organized secientology is going to fight this and when/if they lose they are going to try to hide the money and say they don't have the money to pay up.

Happy hunting to the Australian government. The money is indeed available, just hidden.


I'd paste in that article but it's a long one and well worth the visit to read.

Here's a great comment from Larry Brennan in the comments section:

A great comment which you edited to remove Larry's approval of Mike Rinder's analysis of this matter as reported by Tony Ortega in the main article.

Larry Brennan said:
Mike Rinder is not wrong in his views here.

Organized scientology is in big trouble here.

(remainder of comment omitted)

You also failed to notify the reader of your omission of that part of the quotation, as is customary.


Silver Meritorious Patron
@ Sneaks
Please ask Marty and Michael,where is that video of attack on Marty.....
They put special accent on "Marty have camera in his hand...",of course if that is just another line like all of LRHs....now all of you over there can say : "He did have camera-but no one did say he was recording...." It is what has be done all this time with LRHs quotes....use it,turn it - make it sound good.
Where is video:omg:.
Big hello from LRHs Bulgraviya.
5 questions

1) I am not sure of when, but it seems a couple years ago the church began getting all SO members signing a doc saying they were volunteers. Will this doc hold water in the Ausie debacle?

2) Lets say the Ausies do levy against the church for up to 6 years of back wages. Other than taking the buildings and any assets they can find, what leverage do they have against the RTC Etc which is out of the country to get paid?

3) I am assuming they will supeona the payroll records of the church, not only from the church itself, but from any agencies like the Ausie IRS, Employment agencies etc to establish how much the church owes. Has the church been reporting faithfully to these agencies? Or is there no paper trail to follow?

4) I presume there are no records of the actual hours the staff worked, will they only get reimbursed for a 40 hr week or will they get over time as well?

5) will they get the Aussie minimum wages, or commerserate wages for the post they are holding?

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