really I don't see any difference in the way she behaved to the way I behaved except that she held a higher post.
I think we've found the root of the problem.
Also, Debbie did alert fellow Scientologists to the realities of the Hole in her New Year's Eve email - saying how wrong it was...
NO she did not. What letter did you read? She didn't even mention DM by name.
Maybe this is why you aren't understanding my posts, you only read what you want too not what's actually there.
The other problem I have with these threads is that an ex comes out and speaks publicly and as soon as they stick their heads up, at the time when they most need support, people start attacking them and tearing them down. It boggles my mind that any former high level executive would be willing to speak out given the crap they get for their trouble - not only from Scientology but from people who did the same things themselves - regged the public for all they were worth, or put people through hell in ethics and fucked with their minds in a totally unqualified and often dangerous fashion. We had introversion rundowns in ACT org FFS. We did exactly the same things.
There are many people here who were victims under Debbie's rule at flag, so should they just get on the bandwagon and let bygones be bygones? Should we do the same for DM if leaves and tells tales out of school?
I find it disturbing you think people should be gagged from speaking about Debbie as anything but a victim to be praised - the fact is she is both a victim and a perpetrator. It would be much easier if she fit into some easy stereotype we could all feel one way about, but she doesn't.
Plus Debbie has found plenty of support since leaving - people paid for her defense! They have donated thousands to help her and the media has certainly portrayed her ordeals with the utmost compassion. But you're upset because some people here want to discuss the broader implications of her 25 year career with CoS, because we aren't all celebrating her as a model to emulate? This type of black and white, good vs bad thinking, simple minded thinking about people or ideas is what gets people sucked into cults.
It's important to have discussion, about people taking responsibility for their actions even if they were in the cult.
Without hard truths and discussions people like Debbie will continue to believe Scientology is wonderful, the only problem is DM, or improper tech application, and lots of other bullshit some people use to keep believing the con LRH sold them. If Debbie never faces the fact her actions at Flag were harmful, under KSW, she will never wake up, she will continue the delusion. Just because she suffered, the harm and suffering she caused is not erased. However, I think people would be a lot more accepting and forgiving if she wasn't at the same time detailing the horrors, promoting how wonderful Scientology is - that's dangerous, delusional and it needs to be pointed out.
I think if Debbie ever wakes up she probably will be apologizing to those she harmed, and the apologies will be appreciated and accepted. But until that happens Debbie continues to think any harm for the greater good of Scientology is acceptable and is encouraging everyone to adopt the mindset that caused all this suffering. Like a communist apologizing to victims of the gulags, but at the same time assuring them Stalin and communism are still really great!
Will you accept DM with open arms if he leaves and tells everyone it was all because of LRH's teachings and policies? Will you get upset if people question his crimes because he was under the spell of the cult think?
Why am I less guilty than Debbie Cook? Why is any staff member?
Again I think your reaction is due to your personal issues. Many posters here have dealt with varying levels of remorse because of things they did while in the cult. I think it shows their true humanity and healing has occurred that they no longer rationalize things they did with Hubbard's thinking, or simply play a victim. Everyone who "worked" in Scientology seems to have regrets or guilt for things they did to others in the name of KSW, the levels depending on various factors. I think this healthy, part if their healing and true growth after leaving and something they will eventually be at peace at.
We regged a guy for his complete redundancy package once
That's awful, I hope he didn't end up in the streets as a result. Sucking another person dry to their last dime is somehow celebrated in CoS and that's my whole point - it reverses your moral compass, ends justify the means.
Anyway, whatever.[/QUOTE]