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Current Management

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Scientology management is really falling apart. Paul Burkhart, the newest defector from Scientology’s international management is telling his story on the Underground Bunker, thread here:

I think his observations of what has happened the last few years is worthy of it's own thread.

“I don’t think you know this name. But you should,” he said. “She’s literally the key person in Scientology now.”

Kerry Ibert’s title is typically Scientological. She’s the “CO CMO IXU.” That stands for the “Commanding Officer of the Commodore’s Messengers Organization, Internal Extension Unit.”

“Since all the other top managers have been sent up to the Hole, Kerry is running things. She is the person who runs every muster at the HGB, and Miscavige dictates to a woman named Tracye Danilovich who in turn gives those instructions to Kerry Ibert, and she gives them to the people actually running the orgs around the world,” Burkhart says.

“The reason that she is significant is that all of the other people have been sent to the Hole. She has hung in there despite all that, and if she was sent to the Hole, I don’t know that there’s anyone there who could run all those people,” he adds.


Free to shine

Shiny & Free
From yesterday's article:

So you saw, with your own eyes, that Mike Rinder was a prisoner in the Hole? “Yes,” Burkhart says. Heber Jentzsch? Yes. Rena Weinberg? Norman Starkey? Marc Yager?

Yes, says Burkhart. And he not only saw them on their march to the showers. He went inside the Hole often to get papers signed.

You what? we asked, startled by his statement.

Every week, he explained, there were financial requisitions to pay for renovations going on around the world. “I’d have stacks of POs. Laurence and I were handling millions and millions of dollars in renovations at any one time. And I had to go into the Hole to see Coby Knight or Ellen Reynolds or Lyman Spurlock to sign off on them. All three of them were in Finance, and all three of them were in the Hole.”

Or, if money from the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) was to be spent on a building, it had to be in the form of an IAS “grant.” Or there were expenditures by the Church of Spiritual Technology (CST) or the Church of Scientology International (CSI).

“I’d have to go to the Hole and find Marc Yager or Guillaume Lesevre to get them to sign a document,” he remembers.


Management? What a joke.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
A comprehensive comment on the financial overview:

John P. • 10 hours ago

There are two different issues involved in requiring access to reserves: a) supporting capital investment such as real estate renovations and b) covering operating deficits.

I suspect they're already dipping into reserves to complete strategic Ideal Orgs where current donations are insufficient to get the job done. I suspect that the Scientology Media Productions is being funded by reserves given the cost of the project (much higher than any Ideal Org) and given the likely relatively small percentage of that amount covered by donations. I would guess that most Scientologists will never see the place, so it's probably harder to rationalize donating to that than giving for their local Ideal Org or to the Super Power building.

I know for a fact that the cult has given money from HQ to at least one Ideal Org because I saw the filing that the New Zealand org filed with the NZ government describing a NZ$10 million loan that it is not currently able to repay, which the government contends may become a "gift" that is taxable. This makes it highly likely that the cult is funding other orgs.

But dipping into the reserves for real estate is not the same as losing money from operations, which is the trail towards ruin that really matters. Last time I ran through the numbers, I estimated that the cult was bringing in about $200 million per year. This was about 3 years ago when it appeared that the IAS fundraiser in the fall was still a major event; it appears to be a bit less well attended than before. I'd probably estimate that the cult is pulling in about $175 million right now. (These numbers account for net royalty revenue from Narconon, not the gross revenue that comes in the door there, because their expenses are significantly higher as a percentage of revenue than the rest of the cult.)

That $175 million number is an eyeball guess based on decline in course revenue, which I had estimated to be about $30 million in the orgs three years ago and about $50 million at Flag at that time, both of which are undoubtedly lower. Given the continuing implosion in Narconon, the royalty stream from all ABLE entities could be significantly lower than the $20 million I had estimated, bringing the current revenue total for the cult as low as $160 million.

Even at the lower end of that range, the cult is still likely profitable. At $160 million, I'd estimate that operating costs are about $100 million, so there's quite a ways to go before they're consistently losing money from operations and thus entering the final death spiral (a death spiral that could literally go on for decades given that they're sitting on what I estimate to be between $1.0 and $1.5 billion in reserves).

One thing that could also drain reserves is the resolution of the large number of fraud lawsuits against Narconon and related entities. I don't track that number but let's say there are 50-100 suits. If each one is settled for $500,000 (a rather generous estimate), they're on the hook for $25 million to $50 million, which is an embarrassing mess, but again is not likely to be fatal to the cult.

A rational business would conclude that it is in a hopeless death spiral and would sell itself and return the money to shareholders. However, Scientology is neither rationally run nor is structured as an actual business with shareholders. Thus, they have no economic incentive to do the right thing and close the doors. They will thus continue to limp along losing money in some form, perhaps shuttering the weakest and most financially destitute orgs, retreating to Hollywood, Clearwater and Saint Hill, and becoming an isolated trio of dusty archaeological sites, for many years.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
Another observant comment:

Noesis Observer

Today's article with the relatively fresh eye-witness information from Paul Burkhart is additional indication that the entire construct of Scientology's financial controls and corporate organization is a sham.

“I’d have to go to the Hole and find Marc Yager or Guillaume Lesevre to get them to sign a document,” [Burkhart] remembers.

If corporate officers whose signatures are required to authorize large expenditures were held as captives in The Hole under orders from Scientology Sea Org Captain David Miscavige...that is compelling evidence that there is no such thing as an "arms length" transaction between the various sham entities that comprise the global Scientology enterprise.

What would also be interesting to know is how many of the captives in The Hole were putatively Board Members of the organization (RTC) for which Sea Org Captain David Miscavige is Chairman?

If it is true that Board Members of RTC (or any other "church" organization that pretends to have fiduciary responsibility for corporate funds) were held as captives in The Hole under orders from David Miscavige, while at the same time they were "performing" their fiduciary responsibilities, then the entire front that Scientology has presented about its corporate structure could be shown to be a sham...and further, a sham that is under the singular control of one individual...Scientology Sea Org Captain David Miscavige.

Tort attorneys alert
- this story is a gold mine of information - the very sort of information necessary to pierce the veil of illegal corporate control that has enabled Scientology Sea Org Captain David Miscavige to unilaterally control virtually the entirety of Scientology across all corporate boundaries. It seems to show that the alleged Board Members of RTC (or any other Board that pretends oversight over David Miscavige) have no actual ability to select or control their Chairman, have no actual ability to protect the assets of or exercise oversight of corporate funds and have no role other than to rubber stamp the orders of Miscavige, delivered via Miscavige cutouts (such as Burkhart) who pose as independent third parties.

There is a rich vein of information to be mined here...might I suggest folks get busy with the picks and shovels?



Diamond Invictus SP

One thing I found of interest in the debrief from Paul Burkhart is that all the Sea Org members in the HGB building were well aware of the true state of affairs as concerns the Co$, at least internally. They know how bad the situation is. They KNOW the "Ideal Orgs" are empty.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall of their heads to observe the mental processes going when they attend the events with Miscavige going on and on about the wonderful unprecedented expansion of Scientology.


Silver Meritorious Patron
A former-CMO IXU member told me that at 2,100 members the SO stops working, it falls apart entirely due to the administrative requirements. If the SO membership falls below 2,100 DM loses control. He/she believes the current number is around 3,500, but thinks the magic number will be hit before 2022. This comes from SO research that was conducted to find out how close to a skeleton crew was needed to run the SO - and 2,100 was the magic number. They also were happy to hear that things had been consolidated into HGB, a prediction he/she made in 2014 as something that would happen in the next two years - but to hear it actually happened as long as two years ago! Woot. Things are decaying even faster than he/she hoped. If operations move to Flag - the bells have truly tolled for the CoS.


One thing I found of interest in the debrief from Paul Burkhart is that all the Sea Org members in the HGB building were well aware of the true state of affairs as concerns the Co$, at least internally. They know how bad the situation is. They KNOW the "Ideal Orgs" are empty.

I'd like to be a fly on the wall of their heads to observe the mental processes going when they attend the events with Miscavige going on and on about the wonderful unprecedented expansion of Scientology.

I'll tell you the mental processes going on in their heads.

It's simply the ideal state of going "clear" and then "OT". or going up the bridge.

That's the mental process. That's why they continue.


L rons purpose, to bring a barbarism out of the mud that thinks conceived itself.........

oh, how we fell for El Ron's words.


Gold Meritorious Patron
The most important thing IMO that Paul said was the current number of $ciloons, which he estimated at 20,000 - this is based on actual current stats.:yes:

That shows a bleeding of personnel that will mean that orgs cannot be manned AT ALL as there aren't enough peeps to do so - much like Canberra org has been for the past several years.:omg:

When there aren't enough people to "service" Tom Cruise or John Travolta or Bob Duggan or the Cardone turd or the other whales and celeb.s, what do these pompous narcissists then believe about their beloved cult and it's vertically-challenged dictator?:confused2:

At the point where TC or Duggan walks into FSO and it's empty even for Him, how do they continue to believe? I think that's the ultimate bubble-buster - when there's no staff left.

And it's nicely on the way to that - or is the Runt Usurper going to hire "actors" to play the part of all the blown SO members?

Staff numbers in Oz have dwindled and the SO personnel are largely Taiwanese with little command of the English language. That's why the indies are doing well in Oz and SA - they can actually speak to their "customers.":roflmao:

If you don't believe that, try talking to a Taiwanese receptionist over the phone sometime.:screwy:

The orgs in Oz have been decimated nicely over the last few years by blows and contracted staff leaving once their contracts are up, but the Faithful continue to believe that it's better "over there."

What about when "over there" is also demonstrably empty?

That's what I see is the Achilles Heel of the Dwarf Malignant's operations - when the slaves leave, who mans the desks for you?


The most important thing IMO that Paul said was the current number of $ciloons, which he estimated at 20,000 - this is based on actual current stats.:yes:

That shows a bleeding of personnel that will mean that orgs cannot be manned AT ALL as there aren't enough peeps to do so - much like Canberra org has been for the past several years.:omg:

When there aren't enough people to "service" Tom Cruise or John Travolta or Bob Duggan or the Cardone turd or the other whales and celeb.s, what do these pompous narcissists then believe about their beloved cult and it's vertically-challenged dictator?:confused2:

At the point where TC or Duggan walks into FSO and it's empty even for Him, how do they continue to believe? I think that's the ultimate bubble-buster - when there's no staff left.

And it's nicely on the way to that - or is the Runt Usurper going to hire "actors" to play the part of all the blown SO members?

Staff numbers in Oz have dwindled and the SO personnel are largely Taiwanese with little command of the English language. That's why the indies are doing well in Oz and SA - they can actually speak to their "customers.":roflmao:

If you don't believe that, try talking to a Taiwanese receptionist over the phone sometime.:screwy:

The orgs in Oz have been decimated nicely over the last few years by blows and contracted staff leaving once their contracts are up, but the Faithful continue to believe that it's better "over there."

What about when "over there" is also demonstrably empty?

That's what I see is the Achilles Heel of the Dwarf Malignant's operations - when the slaves leave, who mans the desks for you?


I see a number of things happening with greater frequency:

1) Slave labor coming from countries whose people want to leave, and come to America.
2) A few Orgs getting financial support, and not from their locale.
3) Staff leaving in droves from lack of public interest in the cult, and lack of staff pay, stat requirements, etc
4) Newly bought Orgs (within the past 1-15 years) being left derelict and sold, or, Orgs being moved to lesser locations, and the prime sites being sold.
5) Despite what others have written about the large amount of cash the cult holds, without people there is no cult, just real estate.
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Patron with Honors
With the downward stats in all categories --

Is there anything to stop this... ?

1.) DM automates the Sea Org --


2.) Then disconnects everyone else... (and, in the process becomes the tallest Scientologist - the "biggest being")

3.) And walks away with over a billion $$$ ?

And it's all perfectly LEGAL???:omg: