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David Miscavige Prophecy

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Of course, as far as character is concerned, they are opposites.
Nah ... they are very, VERY similar characters (both are strong willed and a tiny, teeny, little bit dominant).

Oh ... and they both have hideous orange hair and a comb-over (whoops, I wasn't supposed to mention that ... Potus lotus will be cross with me now).

Sorry Sis! It just came out ... honestly it did (it was quite unintentional).


Little David

Gold Meritorious Patron
Nah ... they are very, VERY similar characters (both are strong willed and a tiny, teeny, little bit dominant).

Oh ... and they both have hideous orange hair and a comb-over (whoops, I wasn't supposed to mention that ... Potus lotus will be cross with me now).

Sorry Sis! It just came out ... honestly it did (it was quite unintentional).

Lotus has a conscience, Potus doesn't.


Class Clown
Nah ... they are very, VERY similar characters (both are strong willed and a tiny, teeny, little bit dominant).

Oh ... and they both have hideous orange hair and a comb-over (whoops, I wasn't supposed to mention that ... Potus lotus will be cross with me now).

Sorry Sis! It just came out ... honestly it did (it was quite unintentional).

To quote an old English comedian form the 70s:

Oh you ARE awful. But I like you!


Class Clown
Once upon a time on a beautiful day in [MONTH], David Miscavige had just finished a meeting with [PEOPLE] at [PLACE], and he had to pee. So he got up and walked to the bathroom and peed in the toilet.
But something happened to him in that bathroom, we don’t know what exactly. And when he came out of the bathroom he went directly into a private office in the building he was in, closed the door and locked it. There, David Miscavige sat. He was alone in the office and pondered what just happened to him in the bathroom. He sat there alone for [TIME PERIOD].

What had happened that day was that God called him. David had an immediate change of heart that he did not cause. Someone had prayed for him earlier and God answered that person’s prayer and that’s what caused it to happen and set it off.

All of a sudden David knelt down on his knees and began to call out “Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ… Jesus Christ….” Over and over again he said it. After [TIME PERIOD] of doing this he left the office he was in. And then he went back to visit with his people who he had just gotten out of the meeting with.

He called one of his friends aside and whispered something in his ear. When the friend heard what David whispered in his ear, his countenance became terrible and horribly frightening. The friend immediately got in his car and drove away.

To the people who were still around him, he spoke to them in a loud voice, without a microphone, for he was yelling. And he said to them “[ONE SENTENCE].” The whole crowd became astonished at what David had just said. But David slipped away and went to a private place where there was a Holy Bible. Out of curiosity he wondered what Heaven was, for the Lord had made him to question it at that very moment.

And he opened to a chapter at the end of the Bible called The Revelation and when he read this, “They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads,” he remembered what happened to him in the bathroom earlier, and prayed to God that would be true for him. And at that moment David Miscavige became a born-again Christian. He forsook Scientology and realized there was someone better than his teacher L. Ron Hubbard. He realized at that moment that he wanted to be friends with Jesus Christ, someone who actually loved him and conquered death. And he realized at that moment that despite all the goodness he knew about L. Ron Hubbard, Jesus Christ was better.

The Holy Spirit came upon David Miscavige, and from that moment on he no longer represented the Church of Scientology. Instead, he became a disciple of Jesus Christ and lived happily ever after.
Miscavige is a psychopath. He is too hooked on personal power and the abuse of it to ever change, unless he suddenly loses it all.

If he did change then, it would be for an ulterior motive, such as to gain sympathy and leverage to rise again. In this case it would not be a genuine conversion, c'est n'est pas?


Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Phenom... :eek:

POTUS is the digusting ''thing" who grab them by the puXXXy
And I am one of the puXXies he will never grab...I prefer to die...or to go with Lord Xenu..or may be to go lesbian...:oops: or even to keep on going solo... :p

lol :D
I didn't infer that there was any meaning to the coincidence.
My attention wandered onto the cookies, and I noticed the spelling.
You are a Moon beam.
He is slime.


stubborn rebel sheep!
Nah ... they are very, VERY similar characters (both are strong willed and a tiny, teeny, little bit dominant).

Oh ... and they both have hideous orange hair and a comb-over (whoops, I wasn't supposed to mention that ... Potus lotus will be cross with me now).

Sorry Sis! It just came out ... honestly it did (it was quite unintentional).

Actually I must admit we have similarities...
But noting in the hair... neither in baggies pants...nor in the bank account...

But, I too grab them all by the pu..y ba..s :D
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Little David

Gold Meritorious Patron
Bad cookie:

Good cookie:


stubborn rebel sheep!
I won't tell wich are my fav cookies:D
But I like those sweat 'n sour, plain cookies, classy that are to be enjoyed for the afternoon tea...They are comfy cookies... which goes along well with pearl clutching about gross things...
bring True Total Freedom to everyone

To me, True Freedom involves letting every person blossom and reach his/her full potential, regardless of religion. EDIT: I suspect that would absolutely be the philosophy of my conservative namesake, Alex P. Keaton.

First, I want to see everyone out of those roach-infested berthing areas that I always hear about (as a never-in).

Second, I want to see these people paid back the money the have donated, with interest, so they can get started on a decent life outside the cult. Clothing, housing, schooling, transportation and health care come to mind. After people leave and get established in their communities, they can find time for leisure pursuits like going to restaurants, concerts and sporting events, parks, museums -- all the things most of us take for granted.

Third, I'd like the cult to stop domineering its members with cult propaganda and "urgent Hill 10" and "call-in" situations where they don't have time to think for themselves. Having a made-up sci-fi religion rammed down their throat 120 hours a week prevents people from making up their own minds. In time, some people will find other religious beliefs, others will never form any spiritual beliefs. But it should be up to them. Because of their experience with Scientology, I suggest very few ex-Scientologists will ever return to any high-control cult group.

Of course the cult is not just going to disband for the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual well being of its people.

To me, thinking that God will infiltrate this cult and bring it down from the inside (mentioned earlier in this thread), is just plain ludicrous. Our ever more-connected and online society shows people what life is like on the outside. Nobody is entering the cult, because everybody knows they have better options in the "wog world". Staff/Sea Org may have their TVs confiscated, forbid the Internet, practice disconnection and fill every waking hour with cult teachings (and invalidation) so they don't have time to think for themselves, but a few will think for themselves, and blow. But the ones still in have no money. Whales that have money to buy buildings and subsidize cult expenses will become disaffected, run out of money like the Feschbachs or die off (RIP Steve Brackett). Are the Whales or the IAS funds supposed to subsidize a money-losing operation forever?

TL;DR version: God won't bring down this cult. Vibrant society and opportunities for a better life have already choked off the cult's supply of raw meat, the cult will run out of money soon, so let's daydream about how people will face AND OVERCOME challenges (and reap rewards) upon setting up their wonderful post-cult life !

(And if you are curious, in my area, we have a thriving Islamic community, Amish and Mennonites, a Hermeticist, some Buddhists, Christians [like me], and we even have one of the area's foremost practitioners of Allestair Crowley's OTO! [he told me "it's not about wild sex parties"!])
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Bad cookie:

Good cookie:
Every x-mas my grandmother would bake a slew of German cookies and mail them out in tins - they were so wonderful. Mmmmm.

Here's a link:
"10 German Christmas cookies you have to bake this winter
Vanillekipferln (vanilla crescents) Photo: Astrid Kopp / Flickr. ...
Springerle. Photo: Frank C. ...
Pfeffernüsse (pepper nuts) Photo: Dan Phiffer / Wikimedia Commons. ...
Lebkuchen. Photo: Silar / Wikimedia Commons. ...
Berliner Brot (Berlin bread) ...
Bethmännchen (little Bethman) ...
Heidesand (heather sand) ...
Zimtsterne (cinnamon stars)


My other Grandmother made the yummiest almond macaroons ever. Forget coconut macaroons - these are just as chewy but soooo yummy.



I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
I won't tell wich are my fav cookies:D
But I like those sweat 'n sour, plain cookies, classy that are to be enjoyed for the afternoon tea...They are comfy cookies... which goes along well with pearl clutching about gross things...

Note to self: Always politely refuse any biscuits offered by Lotus (they sound disgusting!).


I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Every x-mas my grandmother would bake a slew of German cookies and mail them out in tins - they were so wonderful. Mmmmm.

Here's a link:
"10 German Christmas cookies you have to bake this winter
Vanillekipferln (vanilla crescents) Photo: Astrid Kopp / Flickr. ...
Springerle. Photo: Frank C. ...
Pfeffernüsse (pepper nuts) Photo: Dan Phiffer / Wikimedia Commons. ...
Lebkuchen. Photo: Silar / Wikimedia Commons. ...
Berliner Brot (Berlin bread) ...
Bethmännchen (little Bethman) ...
Heidesand (heather sand) ...
Zimtsterne (cinnamon stars)


My other Grandmother made the yummiest almond macaroons ever. Forget coconut macaroons - these are just as chewy but soooo yummy.


Another note to self: Always accept any biscuits baked by Mimseys Granny ... they look divine (and not at all sweaty).


Work Hard and Bray
... He is a man. ... He is clay in God's hands and God can do whatever he wants with clay...
Pity God didn't "do whatever He wants" with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

(Note: When discussing The Living God it is customary to capitalize references to Him and not just the humans being refered to - fixed that for you.)

Does God want sacrifice and desire suffering? Perhaps a better answer is that God so prizes human free will in choosing to follow Him that immense human wrongdoing will be tolerated rather than seize control over humans. Angels, not humans, are the creatures He prefers to utterly dictate to, it seems.

Outside of the book of Daniel's King Nebuchadnezzar and a few references to "hardening the heart" of people like Pharoh and sending angles with messages at other times, Y*H*W*H seems to disdain treating humans as puppets. When did Jospeh and Mary's problem child ever show an instance of seizing control over any person and determing what they shall think and feel, even though He could FREE their minds from demons and change water into wine, if one credits the text.

Maybe devout Christians should just pray like Jesus said to, stuck record like as that seems, and not pray that they be recognized as better than The Author of Creation in choosing what that Mighty King should decide and do.
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Gold Meritorious Patron
Pity God didn't "do whatever He wants" with Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

(Note: When discussing The Living God it is customary to capitalize references to Him and not just the humans being refered to - fixed that for you.)

Does God want sacrifice and desire suffering? Perhaps a better answer is that God so prizes human free will in choosing to follow Him that immense human wrongdoing will be tolerated rather than seize control over humans. Angels, not humans, are the creatures He prefers to utterly dictate to, it seems.

Outside of the book of Daniel's King Nebuchadnezzar and a few references to "hardening the heart" of people like Pharoh and sending angles with messages at other times, Y*H*W*H seems to disdain treating humans as puppets. When did Jospeh and Mary's problem child ever show an instance of seizing control over any person and determing what they shall think and feel, even though He could FREE their minds from demons and change water into wine, if one credits the text.

Maybe devout Christians should just pray like Jesus said to, stuck record like as that seems, and not pray that they be recognized as better than The Author of Creation in choosing what that Mighty King should decide and do.
I would like to think this kind of Lecture on Proper Christianity Belief isn't going to become a regular thing around here. It doesn't belong anywhere on ESMB in my opinion. Please go somewhere else.