bring True Total Freedom to everyone
To me, True Freedom involves letting every person blossom and reach his/her full potential, regardless of religion. EDIT: I suspect that would absolutely be the philosophy of my conservative namesake, Alex P. Keaton.
First, I want to see everyone out of those roach-infested berthing areas that I always hear about (as a never-in).
Second, I want to see these people paid back the money the have donated, with interest, so they can get started on a decent life outside the cult. Clothing, housing, schooling, transportation and health care come to mind. After people leave and get established in their communities, they can find time for leisure pursuits like going to restaurants, concerts and sporting events, parks, museums -- all the things most of us take for granted.
Third, I'd like the cult to stop domineering its members with cult propaganda and "urgent Hill 10" and "call-in" situations where they don't have time to think for themselves. Having a made-up sci-fi religion rammed down their throat 120 hours a week prevents people from making up their own minds. In time, some people will find other religious beliefs, others will never form any spiritual beliefs. But it should be up to them. Because of their experience with Scientology, I suggest very few ex-Scientologists will ever return to any high-control cult group.
Of course the cult is not just going to disband for the physical, mental, psychological and spiritual well being of its people.
To me, thinking that God will infiltrate this cult and bring it down from the inside (mentioned earlier in this thread), is just plain ludicrous. Our ever more-connected and online society shows people what life is like on the outside. Nobody is entering the cult, because everybody knows they have better options in the "wog world". Staff/Sea Org may have their TVs confiscated, forbid the Internet, practice disconnection and fill every waking hour with cult teachings (and invalidation) so they don't have time to think for themselves, but a few will think for themselves, and blow. But the ones still in have no money. Whales that have money to buy buildings and subsidize cult expenses will become disaffected, run out of money like the Feschbachs or die off (RIP Steve Brackett). Are the Whales or the IAS funds supposed to subsidize a money-losing operation forever?
TL;DR version: God won't bring down this cult. Vibrant society and opportunities for a better life have already choked off the cult's supply of raw meat, the cult will run out of money soon, so let's daydream about how people will face AND OVERCOME challenges (and reap rewards) upon setting up their wonderful post-cult life !
(And if you are curious, in my area, we have a thriving Islamic community, Amish and Mennonites, a Hermeticist, some Buddhists, Christians [like me], and we even have one of the area's foremost practitioners of Allestair Crowley's OTO! [he told me "it's not about wild sex parties"!])