A good chunk of Shreffler's e-mail talks about the gutting of the FSM system. I wonder if he "came to" (at least in part) because his bottom line was being affected?
Like most things in Scientology, there is a wave of destruction that either follows whatever it touches, whether by direct Tsunami blast or gradual erosion over time.
And Scientology, itself, is destroyed by applying Scientology.
Thus Scientology thinks nothing of taking their own top FSM (Shreffler) and "attacking" and getting rid of them for any perceived or imaginary slight. That scorched earth courtesy is extended to the very pillars of selfless dedication that somehow keep the Bridge scam held upright--such as top money-producing org exec (Debbie Cook), top thug problem fixer (Rathbun), top spokesLiar (Rinder), top Clear Ambassador (John McMaster), top movie director/writer Paul Haggis, top class XII auditor Karen de la Carriere, top management figurehead and "president" Heber Jentzch, top celebrity actress Katie Holmes/Nicole Kidman and a vast list of others who collectively earned billions in goodwill and money for the organization.
How easy would it have been for the CoS to keep Shreffler bringing in millions of selectees' hard-earned cash? This easy......
* Give him a piece of paper that says Kha-Kahn. (cost $ 00.02)
* Award him a shiny medallion at a gala event that says Freedom Medal of Dissemination. (cost $ 25.00)
* Don't change his sales commission structure that keeps him bringing in millions and recruiting others who then bring in millions (cost $ 00.00)
Total Cost= $25.02
Instead they freaked out when Shreffler started nosing around in their other lucrative money-scams (IAS, Ideal Orgs, Books To Libraries, SuperPower, etc...) when for $25.02 they could have kept him operating on the Bridge to OT money scam.
But, one wonders, how could they have settled Shreffler down, because he didn't like when the other church money scams were cutting in on his particular money scam? That would have been easy too.
All they would have had to do was bond him and give him a super-confidential briefing where they would tell him a bunch of lies about how "the field" had been destroyed by SPs (now out of the church) during the utter destruction of the mission network and how the many money raising programs are a necessary evil ("greatest good") designed to accumulate enough cash/assets to run Scientology for 30 years ( the same amount of time that it took for that field to build itself from 1950 to 1980) until that "3rd Dynamic Engram" was vanquished without. Then they could have shown him some LRH advices that talked about how Scientology can only survive it it has enough cash reserves to operate for 30 years in the event of a war or economic crash. After all that started to bring Shreffler's ARC and KRC up (even though he would still have troubling questions) they would invite him to be the Chairman of the newly created "Field Staff Renaissance Program" where "all the successful actions of FSMing that Ron had created would be brought back to their former glory. That would have "rehabbed" Shreffler (at no additional cost) and he would be charged with the sacred duty of bringing the "Field Revenues" up to the same level of income as is being generated from the other Donation Programs, at which time those "emergency programs" could be phased out.
This might sound very wacky to some people reading it, but it would work like a charm because all Shreffler really wanted was to "Clear the planet" by talking about how great Scientology is to people and getting them to pay money. He would have been good-to-go for another 5 years at least with the new dream that he personally was helping Ron and mankind. If his reverie was broken at any point, they could have simply given him a new briefing and told him that "an OT works best with other OTs" and that not only should he recruit PCs (FSMing) but should also widen his "sphere of responsibility" to additionally recruit more Field Renaissance Ambassadors like himself to help his fledgling program.
The bottom line is that Scientologists can be made to do just about anything by telling them fanciful stories about OT and planetary salvaging.
Does anyone doubt that if Shreffler's would still be shilling for COS (knowingly or unknowingly) if he had been given the Tom Cruise Super-Lovebomb, Super-VIP, Super-We-Need-Your-Help-To-Save-The-Planet treatment?