Gold Meritorious Patron
I was looking for a job as I had just moved to the High desert to where my wife and kids had been staying since we had lost our house. I saw an ad in the paper saying that a book seller was needed. It was a commision job with a low salary to go with it. I appreciated the "honesty" so I went in and applied. What a trip that was. I had never been given a personality test and an IQ test just to apply for a damn job! My personalty test had a few low points, but were all above the halfway point and my IQ test scored pretty high. (OK so if I had a high IQ how did I fall for Scn?) What I found later was that if the evaluater thought they might not be able to find a ruin, they might go the other way and stroke your ego. That's what happened to me. The ED of the mission and the OES at the time ganged up on me. They were husband and wife.
(Harry and Nancy I hope you guys made it out)
The Ed said, looking at my graphs, I think we have found our next exec. The OES looked and nodded with a smile. Of course at that time I felt about 10 feet tall. This was on a Friday. They gave me a DMSMH to read and said to come back on Monday. I read that book over the weekend and I was hooked before I was halfway through. I was really excited! I could actually see that Dianetics could help to save the world from it's ever dwindling spiral. I knew I had to be part of this. When I walked into the Mission on Monday, I was walking on Cloud 9! They told me that the coming weekend they were going to be setting up a booth at the swap meet and I could start selling books, but until then, I had to decide if I was in it for two and a half or five years. I said I was going to get in it for life or longer. I didn't know why that gave them a chuckle. I then started my instant hat for my new post. I did my post hat and Staff status 0 in two days, then routed onto the Dianetics Aditor course.
Saturday came and I went to the swap meet to sell Dianetocs books. I really had a good time and it must have shown because I sold quite a few books that day. I also handed out a lot of OCA's. I made money that day and had a BLAST. Of course, at that time, they were still saying "If it aint fun, it aint Scientology."
I was also having a good time with my course. I found, through doing the word clearing that i was starting to feel smarter. Huh? I started feeling that I wanted to be at the Mission more than I wanted to be home. Hmmmm. Where have I heard that before? My wife was starting to wonder what was happening but I just explained that I was getting training to help me do my job better. That worked for a while.
Finally, she just came out and asked me what the hell I had gotten myself into. She thought I was starting to change. ME? I told her to get a sitter for the boys for the next day and I would take her down there and show her what was going on. She did and we went to the Mission. The whole thing was totally out R for her. I told her that I had to go on course and that Nancy would explain things to her better than I could. When I came off course that day, she was a little more understanding and could accept the fact that I was doing a good thing, not only for her and my family, but for the whole of mankind. The next day, they told me that my wife was an illegal PC because of having been in a psych hospital and psych drugs and that training was out for her as well because she was functionally illiterate. I was devestated, but not enough to stop. They told me that it would be ok to run some book one on her at home as long as she knew what I was doing. So I sat her down and had her start reading. She was having a hard time of it so I sat down and started to do some word clearing. Way out R. Do you know what it feels like when a dictionary hits your head? She really didn't want anything to do with the TECH. I had no idea what that was going to
cause later on down the line.
More next time. Thanks for letting me blow off some charge
(Harry and Nancy I hope you guys made it out)
The Ed said, looking at my graphs, I think we have found our next exec. The OES looked and nodded with a smile. Of course at that time I felt about 10 feet tall. This was on a Friday. They gave me a DMSMH to read and said to come back on Monday. I read that book over the weekend and I was hooked before I was halfway through. I was really excited! I could actually see that Dianetics could help to save the world from it's ever dwindling spiral. I knew I had to be part of this. When I walked into the Mission on Monday, I was walking on Cloud 9! They told me that the coming weekend they were going to be setting up a booth at the swap meet and I could start selling books, but until then, I had to decide if I was in it for two and a half or five years. I said I was going to get in it for life or longer. I didn't know why that gave them a chuckle. I then started my instant hat for my new post. I did my post hat and Staff status 0 in two days, then routed onto the Dianetics Aditor course.
Saturday came and I went to the swap meet to sell Dianetocs books. I really had a good time and it must have shown because I sold quite a few books that day. I also handed out a lot of OCA's. I made money that day and had a BLAST. Of course, at that time, they were still saying "If it aint fun, it aint Scientology."
I was also having a good time with my course. I found, through doing the word clearing that i was starting to feel smarter. Huh? I started feeling that I wanted to be at the Mission more than I wanted to be home. Hmmmm. Where have I heard that before? My wife was starting to wonder what was happening but I just explained that I was getting training to help me do my job better. That worked for a while.
Finally, she just came out and asked me what the hell I had gotten myself into. She thought I was starting to change. ME? I told her to get a sitter for the boys for the next day and I would take her down there and show her what was going on. She did and we went to the Mission. The whole thing was totally out R for her. I told her that I had to go on course and that Nancy would explain things to her better than I could. When I came off course that day, she was a little more understanding and could accept the fact that I was doing a good thing, not only for her and my family, but for the whole of mankind. The next day, they told me that my wife was an illegal PC because of having been in a psych hospital and psych drugs and that training was out for her as well because she was functionally illiterate. I was devestated, but not enough to stop. They told me that it would be ok to run some book one on her at home as long as she knew what I was doing. So I sat her down and had her start reading. She was having a hard time of it so I sat down and started to do some word clearing. Way out R. Do you know what it feels like when a dictionary hits your head? She really didn't want anything to do with the TECH. I had no idea what that was going to
cause later on down the line.
More next time. Thanks for letting me blow off some charge