Patron with Honors
Did a medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman on the basis of religion because he left the Church of Scientology?
California Civil Code § 51
Unruh Civil Rights Act; equal rights; business establishments; violation
(a) This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Unruh Civil Rights Act.
(b) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever.
(c) This section shall not be construed to confer any right or privilege on a person that is conditioned or limited by law or that is applicable alike to persons of every sex, color, race, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any construction, alteration, repair, structural or otherwise, or modification of any sort whatsoever, beyond that construction, alteration, repair, or modification that is otherwise required by other provisions of law, to any new or existing establishment, facility, building, improvement, or any other structure, nor shall anything in this section be construed to augment, restrict, or alter in any way the authority of the State Architect to require construction, alteration, repair, or modifications that the State Architect otherwise possesses pursuant to other laws.
(e) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Disability” means any mental or physical disability as defined in Sections 12926 and 12926.1 of the Government Code.
(2) “Medical condition” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (h) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.
(3) “Religion” includes all aspects of religious belief, observance, and practice.
(4) “Sex” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (p) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.
(5) “Sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation” includes a perception that the person has any particular characteristic or characteristics within the listed categories or that the person is associated with a person who has, or is perceived to have, any particular characteristic or characteristics within the listed categories.
(6) “Sexual orientation” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (q) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.
(f) A violation of the right of any individual under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336) shall also constitute a violation of this section.
Michael Fairman | July 19, 2011 at 10:38 pm | Reply
As I was writing the above, another piece of disgusting news arrived. Joy and I have been patients of Dr. Lisa Benest, Dermatologist, for over 10 years. We have gone to her and her colleague Dr. Rush, many, many times for dermatological issues and check-ups. Today I had something of an emergency and called to see Dr. Rush. I was told there was no available opening until September. Being a long time patient in good standing I pressed the issue and was told by the receptionist that she would speak personally to Dr. Rush and see if I could be brought in immediately. She called back to say I could be seen by Dr. Rush on Thursday morning, but the call was abruptly cut off. When I finally got back in touch with the office I was told by another person that I would have to make an appointment with another referred dermatologist out side their office. I said no and hung up. Joy had come over and I told her what had happened. she called the office , and tigress that she is, pulled the string and found that Dr. Benest, a Scientologist, had inserted a note in the computer alongside my name and Joy’s name, that we were to be referred elsewhere for services. There was no explanation. But I know what the explanation is as do all of us here. What the FUCK? We are witnessing the Church of Miscavige’s version of Nazi Germany!, South African apartheid and the segregated, bigoted American South. THIS MUST END!
joygraysen | July 19, 2011 at 11:16 pm | Reply
I want to share with you lovely people here what I just posted on Facebook!
Another heinous example of religious discrimination: Michael Fairman and I have been patients the Dr. Lisa Benest Dermatology office for well over 10 years. We have been treated by the wonderful Dr Rush. Lisa Benest is a Scientologist and she owns the practice, I don’t know what Dr Rush’s religion is.
Today Michael called to make an appointment and was told she was booked until Sept. As we have been long time patients, he asked if they could please squeeze him in before that. He was put on hold and the receptionist, Tiffany spoke to Dr. Rush personally. She came back on the line and told Michael, yes, she will see him in 2 days -Thursday at 10 am. Then the phone was disconnected abruptly. He called back and another woman told him that he couldn’t be seen and gave him a referral. He said didn’t want to see someone else in another office and argued he loved Dr. Rush. The woman said that this was how it had to be.
Then I called back the office and spoke to Blue and she told me there was a note in the computer from Dr Benest stating Michael Fairman could no longer be seen by her office and was to be referred elsewhere.
I then called her back to see if my name and my daughter’s name were also to be “referred” and she put me on hold and came back on and said, “yes, you will have to be treated elsewhere. Your daughter, I’m not sure…”
The only logical reason for this is that although we still consider ourselves Scientologists, Michael and I are no longer a members of the “church” of Scientology. We believe the church has become entirely corrupt, as is evidenced by yet another example of the “disconnection policy”, and the severing of relationships by threat of the “church” to those who refuse to disconnect from people who have every right to their own personal religious choices.
L. Ron Hubbard said that “…communication is the universal solvent…” but the church doesn’t allow communication with anyone that disagrees or doesn’t march in lock-step with their doctrines.
DISGUSTING and illegal.
I would also like to add to my previous post that Michael and I have the best medical insurance there is, have paid every bill early, do not owe a dime to them and had a wonderful rapport with everyone in that office. So there is absolutely no other reason to refuse service to us other than for our religious beliefs. Period.
California Civil Code § 51
Unruh Civil Rights Act; equal rights; business establishments; violation
(a) This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Unruh Civil Rights Act.
(b) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever.
(c) This section shall not be construed to confer any right or privilege on a person that is conditioned or limited by law or that is applicable alike to persons of every sex, color, race, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation.
(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any construction, alteration, repair, structural or otherwise, or modification of any sort whatsoever, beyond that construction, alteration, repair, or modification that is otherwise required by other provisions of law, to any new or existing establishment, facility, building, improvement, or any other structure, nor shall anything in this section be construed to augment, restrict, or alter in any way the authority of the State Architect to require construction, alteration, repair, or modifications that the State Architect otherwise possesses pursuant to other laws.
(e) For purposes of this section:
(1) “Disability” means any mental or physical disability as defined in Sections 12926 and 12926.1 of the Government Code.
(2) “Medical condition” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (h) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.
(3) “Religion” includes all aspects of religious belief, observance, and practice.
(4) “Sex” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (p) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.
(5) “Sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation” includes a perception that the person has any particular characteristic or characteristics within the listed categories or that the person is associated with a person who has, or is perceived to have, any particular characteristic or characteristics within the listed categories.
(6) “Sexual orientation” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (q) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.
(f) A violation of the right of any individual under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336) shall also constitute a violation of this section.
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