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Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS?


Patron with Honors
Did a medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman on the basis of religion because he left the Church of Scientology?


Michael Fairman | July 19, 2011 at 10:38 pm | Reply


As I was writing the above, another piece of disgusting news arrived. Joy and I have been patients of Dr. Lisa Benest, Dermatologist, for over 10 years. We have gone to her and her colleague Dr. Rush, many, many times for dermatological issues and check-ups. Today I had something of an emergency and called to see Dr. Rush. I was told there was no available opening until September. Being a long time patient in good standing I pressed the issue and was told by the receptionist that she would speak personally to Dr. Rush and see if I could be brought in immediately. She called back to say I could be seen by Dr. Rush on Thursday morning, but the call was abruptly cut off. When I finally got back in touch with the office I was told by another person that I would have to make an appointment with another referred dermatologist out side their office. I said no and hung up. Joy had come over and I told her what had happened. she called the office , and tigress that she is, pulled the string and found that Dr. Benest, a Scientologist, had inserted a note in the computer alongside my name and Joy’s name, that we were to be referred elsewhere for services. There was no explanation. But I know what the explanation is as do all of us here. What the FUCK? We are witnessing the Church of Miscavige’s version of Nazi Germany!, South African apartheid and the segregated, bigoted American South. THIS MUST END!



joygraysen | July 19, 2011 at 11:16 pm | Reply

I want to share with you lovely people here what I just posted on Facebook!

Another heinous example of religious discrimination: Michael Fairman and I have been patients the Dr. Lisa Benest Dermatology office for well over 10 years. We have been treated by the wonderful Dr Rush. Lisa Benest is a Scientologist and she owns the practice, I don’t know what Dr Rush’s religion is.

Today Michael called to make an appointment and was told she was booked until Sept. As we have been long time patients, he asked if they could please squeeze him in before that. He was put on hold and the receptionist, Tiffany spoke to Dr. Rush personally. She came back on the line and told Michael, yes, she will see him in 2 days -Thursday at 10 am. Then the phone was disconnected abruptly. He called back and another woman told him that he couldn’t be seen and gave him a referral. He said didn’t want to see someone else in another office and argued he loved Dr. Rush. The woman said that this was how it had to be.

Then I called back the office and spoke to Blue and she told me there was a note in the computer from Dr Benest stating Michael Fairman could no longer be seen by her office and was to be referred elsewhere.

I then called her back to see if my name and my daughter’s name were also to be “referred” and she put me on hold and came back on and said, “yes, you will have to be treated elsewhere. Your daughter, I’m not sure…”

The only logical reason for this is that although we still consider ourselves Scientologists, Michael and I are no longer a members of the “church” of Scientology. We believe the church has become entirely corrupt, as is evidenced by yet another example of the “disconnection policy”, and the severing of relationships by threat of the “church” to those who refuse to disconnect from people who have every right to their own personal religious choices.

L. Ron Hubbard said that “…communication is the universal solvent…” but the church doesn’t allow communication with anyone that disagrees or doesn’t march in lock-step with their doctrines.
DISGUSTING and illegal.

I would also like to add to my previous post that Michael and I have the best medical insurance there is, have paid every bill early, do not owe a dime to them and had a wonderful rapport with everyone in that office. So there is absolutely no other reason to refuse service to us other than for our religious beliefs. Period.



California Civil Code § 51

Unruh Civil Rights Act; equal rights; business establishments; violation

(a) This section shall be known, and may be cited, as the Unruh Civil Rights Act.

(b) All persons within the jurisdiction of this state are free and equal, and no matter what their sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation are entitled to the full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges, or services in all business establishments of every kind whatsoever.

(c) This section shall not be construed to confer any right or privilege on a person that is conditioned or limited by law or that is applicable alike to persons of every sex, color, race, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require any construction, alteration, repair, structural or otherwise, or modification of any sort whatsoever, beyond that construction, alteration, repair, or modification that is otherwise required by other provisions of law, to any new or existing establishment, facility, building, improvement, or any other structure, nor shall anything in this section be construed to augment, restrict, or alter in any way the authority of the State Architect to require construction, alteration, repair, or modifications that the State Architect otherwise possesses pursuant to other laws.

(e) For purposes of this section:

(1) “Disability” means any mental or physical disability as defined in Sections 12926 and 12926.1 of the Government Code.

(2) “Medical condition” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (h) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.

(3) “Religion” includes all aspects of religious belief, observance, and practice.

(4) “Sex” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (p) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.

(5) “Sex, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation” includes a perception that the person has any particular characteristic or characteristics within the listed categories or that the person is associated with a person who has, or is perceived to have, any particular characteristic or characteristics within the listed categories.

(6) “Sexual orientation” has the same meaning as defined in subdivision (q) of Section 12926 of the Government Code.

(f) A violation of the right of any individual under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336) shall also constitute a violation of this section.
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Patron with Honors
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

Might be good to look into the state law for doctors and maybe file a complaint with the state and the AMA.
From the AMA code of medical ethics FACs (http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/pub/phy...ical-ethics/frequently-asked-questions.page):

Q: My physician has said that I will need to find a new doctor, is that ethical?

A: In general, the AMA Code of Medical Ethics states that physicians are free to choose whom to serve (see Principles of Medical Ethics, Principle VI), but that "physicians have an obligation to support continuity of care for their patients" (Opinion 8.115, "Termination of the Patient-Physician Relationship"). Once a patient-physician relationship has been established, the physician should not neglect a patient (see Opinion 8.11, "Neglect of Patient"). Opinion 8.115 provides guidance on how physicians should proceed in circumstances when it is necessary to terminate the patient-physician relationship.
Physicians and patients wanting to know more about the appropriate mechanism for terminating a patient-physician relationship should also determine if there are any applicable laws pertaining to the amount of notice required, documentation, etc. You should contact your state licensing board or medical society to find out what the regulations are in your state. Contact information of the licensing boardsin all 50 states.


Patron with Honors
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS


joygraysen | July 19, 2011 at 11:16 pm | Reply

I want to share with you lovely people here what I just posted on Facebook!

Another heinous example of religious discrimination: Michael Fairman and I have been patients the Dr. Lisa Benest Dermatology office for well over 10 years. We have been treated by the wonderful Dr Rush. Lisa Benest is a Scientologist and she owns the practice, I don’t know what Dr Rush’s religion is.

Today Michael called to make an appointment and was told she was booked until Sept. As we have been long time patients, he asked if they could please squeeze him in before that. He was put on hold and the receptionist, Tiffany spoke to Dr. Rush personally. She came back on the line and told Michael, yes, she will see him in 2 days -Thursday at 10 am. Then the phone was disconnected abruptly. He called back and another woman told him that he couldn’t be seen and gave him a referral. He said didn’t want to see someone else in another office and argued he loved Dr. Rush. The woman said that this was how it had to be.

Then I called back the office and spoke to Blue and she told me there was a note in the computer from Dr Benest stating Michael Fairman could no longer be seen by her office and was to be referred elsewhere.

I then called her back to see if my name and my daughter’s name were also to be “referred” and she put me on hold and came back on and said, “yes, you will have to be treated elsewhere. Your daughter, I’m not sure…”

The only logical reason for this is that although we still consider ourselves Scientologists, Michael and I are no longer a members of the “church” of Scientology. We believe the church has become entirely corrupt, as is evidenced by yet another example of the “disconnection policy”, and the severing of relationships by threat of the “church” to those who refuse to disconnect from people who have every right to their own personal religious choices.

L. Ron Hubbard said that “…communication is the universal solvent…” but the church doesn’t allow communication with anyone that disagrees or doesn’t march in lock-step with their doctrines.
DISGUSTING and illegal.

I would also like to add to my previous post that Michael and I have the best medical insurance there is, have paid every bill early, do not owe a dime to them and had a wonderful rapport with everyone in that office. So there is absolutely no other reason to refuse service to us other than for our religious beliefs. Period.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

sounds like religious persecution to me


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

heh! "Persecution" - I've told you a billion times not to exaggerate.

Sure, the doctor is a bigot but I can't understand what these people's problem is. I mean, as per HCOPL YOU CAN BE RIGHT 22 JULY 1963:

. . . Thus a wrong action is wrong to the degree that it harms the greatest number
of dynamics. And a right action is right to the degree that it benefits the greatest
number of dynamics . . .

KSW, baby.


Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS


We are witnessing the Church of Miscavige’s version of Nazi Germany!, South African apartheid and the segregated, bigoted American South. THIS MUST END!

What you are witnessing is STANDARD SCIENTOLOGY. I cannot fathom the degree of idiocy these sort of Marty-esque Freezoner people display. I am truly dumbfounded at times. Exactly the SAME thing would occur if Hubbard were still in power. It has nothing to do with Miscavige (outside of your delusion).

It is simple. It is from LRH's policies on SPs and disconnection.

A Scientologist in good standing may NOT EVER communicate with, much less give help or support to any declared SP. That includes doctors who are Scientologists. Treating a patient is providing them help or support. THAT is NOT allowed. Sure, they will lie about the REAL REASON, and create illusions of justification for WHY you can no longer be serviced by them, but it is ONLY because Hubbard's policies are very clear on this matter.

It will never end, not until the Church of Scientology becomes a small footnote on the page of history, because the root of the problem is NOT Miscavige. The root of the problem is HUBBARD! Hubbard wrote the policies that Miscavige applies (to the letter).

You are witnessing Hubbard's version of Nazi Germany, and Miscavige is simply the current primary facilitator. :yes:

Geez, these people are SO THICK! But then, "true believers" almost always exhibit that trait - of being "thick" - unable to see or understand anything outside of their firmly-held fixed ideas.
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Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

We need the Stupidity police sent around to give 4 slaps with white gloves to the face to this "Doctor Poo", a slinging telegram.


Patron with Honors


Patron Meritorious
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

Big woopty flippin doo. :melodramatic: Shunned by a scientologist dermatologist? I know of kids disconnecting from parents and vice versa, :angry: I know about spouses being forced to disconnect and employers doing it mercilessly to good employees! :grouch: I know of businesses having their reputation demolished for the "greatest good". If I am not mistaken, this IS Mr. hubbards doctrine; is it not? I guess that IS a fine example of the tech in action! The "tech" sucks.

Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

I understand the discrimination, disconnection and how disgusting it all is.

However, why would you want to be treated by a medical doctor, dentist, chiropractor et al if these individuals are still in the CoS especially if you have spoken out publicly. These so called professionals would have a definite conflict of interest and therefore would not have your best interests at heart.

How could they when they are under the influence of the cult.

So IMO you are better off seeking medical attention elsewhere.

jenni with an eye

Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

Too true Happy Days, every public display of disconnection in any form is further proof to the rest of the world that this 'disconnection' policy not only exits but is very much alive and well. :yes:

The 'church of scientology' all over the world is proclaiming to anyone that cares to listen that 'they' have NO 'disconnection' policy. :nono:

This is yet another example of YES the church of scientology DOES have this policy and DOES enforce it. :yes::yes::yes:

Whether the disconnection is to do with friends, family or even business, every instance needs to be put into the public spotlight. :megaphone:



Big List researcher
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

In 2003 Dutch dentist Beekmans, a scientologist, refused to complete a service for another scientologist, who was declared an SP.

I cannot find the original link anymore, but the news is still in nntp:

http://nl.nntp2http.com/scientology/2003/11/d28d549fb6bbc221a4a942fa1be194e7.html (dutch)

As Google Translation makes quite a mess of the layout I have put it here:

Google translation said:
Het Parool, 11/08/2003, p7, 'Amsterdam'.

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Dentist-Scientologist refuses an apostate

by Bart Middelburg

The dentist Hans Laren Beekmans, active member of the Scientology sect in Amsterdam, refuses to treat a complex with another Scientologist complete, because this patient by Scientology for 'mutiny' is declared infected person. Beekmans, saying that also the dentist of several members of the royal family, has long had a relationship with the executive director of Scientology Netherlands, Mary Koster.

Scientologists are permitted by the legal system of the sect have no contact with believers who by the leadership as "suppressive person" are excommunicated. The patient, Ricardo Wirth from Amsterdam, is furious about Beekmans' refusal to treat him further. "I see it as two separate things: you have your professional life, and you are Scientologist. Beekmans that mixing two things, and that's not true."

The Health Care Inspectorate also finds it "not a proper state of affairs' as a dental treatment breaks as a result of complications within a sect. "There may of course be circumstances which a dentist can not or will not continue with a patient," says spokesman Raymond Salet of the inspection. "But someone point out the door with the argument: you are cast by a sect, so I treat you any more, that can not just our eyes."

Wirth joined about three years ago with the L. Ron Hubbard established sect, located on the Damrak. About one year ago, also appeared in Beekmans. Beekmans is considered an authority in the field of implants. He is secretary of the Dutch Academy of Esthetic Dentistry, and one of the developers of an implant of zirconium oxide.

"Hans had had private problems, and on the advice of another dentist, who have been with us sitting in Scientology when he arrived," said Wirth. As a trainee Scientologist had Beekmans, as usual, the first purification rundown of the sect to follow: a "detoxification" mainly in the sauna should be spent, and where vast quantities of vitamins to be swallowed. There are reports of early Scientologists who were coughing up blood during their purf. "As a Scientologist, I was more experienced while the twin of Hans, as they say, his companion, and we have many hours spent in the sauna," says Wirth.


Soon after its appearance in the cult was Beekmans a relationship with the top boss in the "Org", the headquarters of the Nieuwezijds, reporting several Scientologists. That chief is Mary Koster, executive director of the sect. "Purely for its bucks," says Wirth. "Hans is a millionaire that has-he told me often enough, he did occasional large donation, so that Mary could all be sitting Koster." The relationship with Koster proved to be very beneficial for Beekmans' progress on Hubbard's Bridge to Clearwater: Scientology of study in which the less fortunate followers sometimes years to stagnate, Beekmans flew from one level to the next.

Besides twin Wirth was also patient of last spring Beekmans. "That was, I missed many years a tooth. Hans was to me a dental implant, and the deal was taking that as the treatment at all would be ready, he's my case should be used for advertising purposes and presentations. I felt fine."
Wirth was in their own words first extensive preparatory treatment. "To make room for such implant, he said. That operation went well and after six months would be put to implant it. That could be done so in September."

Interim, on August 15th to be exact, was against the leadership of Scientology Wirth ioor schter issued a so-called SP-declare: he was declared suppressive person, SP for short.

Orange also patient with cult member?

Wirth had in fact committed a capital crime: Scientology is empty, the last few months, dozens of the Scientologist sect turned their backs, and Wirth had a number of apostates who had contact. And contact with a suppressive group is simply a mutiny, according to the SP-declare, that as usual in the Org was hung on the bulletin board.

With SPs are allowed under the internal system of penalties of Scientology not only no contacts are maintained, they must also be "cheated, lied or persecuted, or destroyed" - so of esthetic dentistry can no longer be.

Wirth: "I called Hans to arrange an appointment for further treatment and was told that I made a mess of me and that he did not want to deal with. It is of course the director, and he finds the whole philosophy Hubbard fantastic, but I think it's not right."
Across several Scientologists Beekmans has hinted in the past year several members of the royal family to be treated. "He told me that he was last year to head over to the AMC was to see if everything was wrong with the teeth of Prince Claus," said Wirth. "That was a few days for Claus' death, and Hans did a whole story, complete with an armored car in which he was raised, and bodyguards."


Other Scientologists confirm that, including John Leemhuis, former souls winner of the sect: "There are sometimes events in the chapel of the Org where people on their progress and performance to tell. Hans Beekmans has them again on stage climbed is there when he told the dentist of the royal house. There was myself at. Queen Beatrix he has under his care, he said. "
The Government Information Service will not comment on relations between Beekmans and the royal family. Beekmans himself after reading the previous "no comment" on the issue Wirth nor his relationship with Maria Koster and his claims on the Bridge to Clearwater, nor on its work for the royal family.

"These are physician-patient relationships, and that we must practice and make no claims," ​​said Beekmans' office manager Marcel van de Vis.

With Beekmans' progress in Scientology will also be loosening. Two weeks ago, for example, were advertised in the Gooi and Eemlander interested recruited for an information foundation of Narconon. This "rehab" is, even though that was not in the advertisement, headed by veteran Scientologists Kluessien Joanna, and is aimed primarily at the addicts also sect in sheds. Venue, the ad says: Beekmans Dentists in Laren. "You can register at the desk or you can call the practice."

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Jeta Eggers - "suppressive person" explanation Ricardo: http://www.b-org.demon.nl/scn/nl/plaatjes/sp-declare -ricardo-1.jpg http://www.b-org.demon.nl/scn/nl/plaatjes/sp-declare-ricardo-2.jpg

Note: Beekmans somewhere in 2003 or so was kicked out as dentist of the Dutch royal family.

Royal Prince Xenu

Trust the Psi Corps.
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

I rang my dentist today to find out that the earliest appointments are February next year. In this case, "religion" has nothing to do with it.

I think the OP has struck a raw nerve. A successful proof would make another excellent foot-bullet.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

He was discrimanted against - and he should report it to the AMA - and every other authority he can think of - publicize it - in the newpapers, TV news, with Anderson Cooper, whatever. Sue? Why waste the time and money - what are the damages?

And he should seek new doctors. Who could trust a doctor after that?

That is the whole point. Publicize it LOUDLY - and go elsewhere, form new trust with professionals who do not betray their 'code' of humanity.

Serious wake up call, people, about scno and co$. People are nothing - and all that shit rolls downhill.



Patron Meritorious
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

I had to read the original post three times to finally see clearly what I was missing.

Michael Fairman is a patient of an associate dermatologist at the practice. His dermatologist was more than willing to see him for an appt. later in the week. The Scn practice owner, who is not Michael Fairman's dermatologist, is the one who has disconnected.

He can file a complaint with the California State Board. However, physicians can terminate a doctor/patient relationship in many circumstances. What appears to be a major outpoint here is that there was no formal written notice which should have been sent via certified letter and via USPS to ensure that the patient was properly notified of the termination of the relationship and suitable arrangements made for continuity of care as well as transfer of medical records to the newly chosen dermatologist. THIS is what can get the Scn practice owner in trouble.

Doesn't matter if you are "Independent", "Free-Zoner" or entirely disconnected from the Scn, the HPL's all came from Hubbard, so this is exactly where the practice of Scn takes you when you become disaffected or enlightened as the case may be.



Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

Its just clicked for me! Fairman is one of the molly-coddled spoiled-brat Scilon celebs. He's never come face to face with the cold reality of KSW and has been given a bit of fight. Poor little fella.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

I then called her back to see if my name and my daughter’s name were also to be “referred” and she put me on hold and came back on and said, “yes, you will have to be treated elsewhere. Your daughter, I’m not sure…”

That IS religious Discrimination, per the LAW and you know,Joy, you and Michael have the policies (and SP declares) showing they do disconnect people. If you need my SP declare as proof, let me know. :yes:

And infinite? How can you be so cold? Every single person is the same who has been "in".......whether celebrity or not: C of $ shields ALL from seeing their evil, creepy side, so most people have NO CLUE___Until it happens to them.

Even if someone told me so, which "Critics and X's" did, for years with me:
*I* did not believe it. It took me leaving, tomorrow, 11 years ago, and OSA
(via "An anonymous person called and cancelled your van") cancelling my van---that was THE FIRST Glimpse even I had of Fair Game, and that it DOES

Needs to make it public. Don't let them silence you, please.

Love to you, and Michael, and ALL here :hug: :biggrin:



Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
Re: Did medical doctor discriminate against actor Michael Fairman because he left COS

. . . And infinite? How can you be so cold? Every single person is the same who has been "in".......whether celebrity or not: C of $ shields ALL from seeing their evil, creepy side, so most people have NO CLUE___Until it happens to them . . .

Didn't you get a "clue" when you were setting up dummy accounts to fair game critics?

I don't know that I'm being cold. I don't like how he's using his tiny wee sob story to lure people into more mind fucking courtesy of the Indie Dependents. The fence sitters that really need to "come out" are those still denying the criminality of the cult and still hoping to extract cash from innocents by eliminating the spiritual bodies of aliens brought to Earth by Xenu in UFOs and thus allowing exteriorisation with full perception at will.

Consuming more of what ails you cannot heal you. Ever.
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