If you were alone here, you would require evidence that you were paid a salary (contract, canceled checks, etc.) If enough people come forward with the same story, then you all have a case. That's why it's important to join with BFG, his wife and Laura's lawsuit.
Yesterday at BFG's party I spoke to a couple in that situation. What's worse is they were told by the CoS that the SS taxes were deducted, but in their SS report none shows up. So if you were supposed to get $50/week and you only got $42, the $8 was supposed to go to the govt. Not only that, but they were supposed to match the deduction on your side and pay another $8 to the govt/ If it's not on the report, that's a HUGE problem for the CoS.
Please report it to the SS administration.
Ahha! Well that bit about ministers: Now I know the Real reason why all staff had to drop everything and do the Minister's Course! We were told to keep from getting drafted (also Purif, as guinea pigs). You see, the world was coming to an end via radiation bombing.
I'm working on cutting down on cussing as of late, damn it, and this is not helping. Wondering if currently SO staff required to do Minister's Course? Also, wondering if short course, Volunteer's Minister's Course, would fit the legal bill.
We were That insulated we believed all this. Anyone, it means it would have been legal. And damn it, pay was something like $5 or $10 anyway, Holy Crap (now u know why i go by Holy Cow).