Hi Sai,
Try to keep in mind that love has nothing to do with disconnection, it just doesn't, and you should try not to look at this as if your family does not love you. What happens, and I know this from having been disconnected from and from having disconnected from others while a scientologist, it that fear drives the decision. Fear of retribution. Fear of questioning what is being mandated. Scientologists may say that eternity is the reason but that's not true because they are clueless as to what that means. It's fear of disconnection and losing standing with the church and with the majority of those they feel obligated to abide by. And that fear is so automatic, so indoctrinated, that the person is not even thinking logically or rationally.
Because of this indoctrination and group agreement, the one being disconnected from is reduced to a concept of nothingness - of something without value in the grand scheme of things because thetans, by Scientology definition, are nameless, formless entity who does not have feelings (HE&R). Thetans come back, they think. Thetans get new bodies, they think. Thetans who are considered entheta and 'not handle-able' must be dispensed with now until they conform. Dedicated Scientologists are the most jaded people I have ever met. When a person dies, human grief is suppressed because 'it's just a body' and 'he/she willl come back' .... suicide is not uncommon because it wipes away the penalties for present life 'overts' or crimes committed or an ' illegal pc status'.
What you have to do is recognize that your family does this because they do not know what they do, in the broadest sense. They still need your love, your hope, your forgiveness and your devotion because they lack the ability to draw out these essential human qualities on their own.
Anything you do ( and this goes for anyone in a situation where they are trying to prevent permanent disconnection) to try and change their mind must include awareness of these things if you are to be able to handle the overflow of emotions they are lacking. Little things like showing love when met with that nothingness, using 'ARC' when they aren't, small talk that bridges them to the past, when things were well in the relationship, gratitude for what the person has done right instead of focusing on what the person has done wrong. This gives you the power over the situation. Even if it means sending postcards weekly with notes that show you are thinking of them.... But to try and force logic where none can be accepted, is to further force separation. That is the mechanism that keeps disconnection in place. This is not about you getting agreement on what you believe. It's about keeping a connection of Love, and what you want is to keep that love in sight despite all reasons not to love that may present themselves.
Remember that the mind-set of your family is an illusion they have bought and it can crumble alot faster than it took to create. I know. I have experienced this and I have repaired some of the relationships I disconnected from when I was in as soon as the wall crumbled. Not all, but most of the relationships. With one, it's an ongoing process of locating and connecting with the loved one. I have learned to not give up because I was once the victim and the perpetrator of disconnection. So, be patient. Pray. Never worry. Never consider it a done deal. Love them regardless. This is about your integrity and your integrity to your family. Reconnection can only happen when someone leaves the door open and does not get sucked into thinking there is no hope. When a scientologist wakes up, it has a snowball effect. It just takes 1 moment of awareness to open up the eyes of a scientologist to more. Never give up hope.
I wish you the best.
Mary McConnell