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electromagnetic activity and the mind & emeters


Squirreling Dervish
exactly, Hubbards original testing of the emeter did not have cable shielding on the wires going from the cans to the emeter. Toroids prevent wires and cans and a human as acting like an antenna to pick up RF signals and higher. Hubbards testing is done in an uncontrolled environment.

CB radios, TV cable, all use coaxial cable shielding. The center terminal is the signal, and the shielding is the ground connection, some more expensive cables have an additional aluminum shield in the cable to prevent unwanted signals entering in to distort. There is also the matter of the dialectic used to separate the center terminal from the outside ground shielding.


The emeter and cans use only wires and no shielding, nor is there positive or negative. Just thinking out loud, the proper way to test the emeter would be to have a testing done in a closed environment, like a large box that has been magnetically shielded from any outside influence.

FYI, old instuments of high standards had their electronics in a box lined with copper, these are precision instruments.

Cable 101:


What just hit home as a result of this dialog is the true meaning of Elron stateing that "50% of gains come from training".
During my training package I was constantly twinned up where I was holding the cans during all the auditor drills.
After day after day of this for months on end, I was soooo buzzed up with a persistant f/n and floating t/a that my grades were completed in the evenings after a modest succession of short sessions with a "natural clear" determination off some list, could just have been a green form though I don't remember.
It was during this time I became hypersensitized to electrical currents, that I caught a substantial buzz when I would look at high voltage electrical transformers, as wierd as that sounds.
This went on for years.


This came across my desk this morning . . . note this Russian scientist guy is commenting on the affect of man-made EMR and RF on the human bodily cells . . . and specifically on the hydrogen bonding in the water component of our bodies . . .

My old cancer guru, Jim Sheridan, told me that cancer cells are evidenced by the breaking of the hydrogen double bonds in our DNA due to lowered energy states of the electrons produced by the metabolic process of these cells . . .

Ty Bollinger Interviews Dr Igor Smirnov about Electromagnetic Radiation and the WaveRider - See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com...ent=2017-03-08&utm_term=#sthash.JXv45x7t.dpuf



Squirreling Dervish
This came across my desk this morning . . . note this Russian scientist guy is commenting on the affect of man-made EMR and RF on the human bodily cells . . . and specifically on the hydrogen bonding in the water component of our bodies . . .

My old cancer guru, Jim Sheridan, told me that cancer cells are evidenced by the breaking of the hydrogen double bonds in our DNA due to lowered energy states of the electrons produced by the metabolic process of these cells . . .

Ty Bollinger Interviews Dr Igor Smirnov about Electromagnetic Radiation and the WaveRider - See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com...ent=2017-03-08&utm_term=#sthash.JXv45x7t.dpuf


This reminded me that I had an EarthCalm EMF protector and the scalar wave device that my ex wife encouraged me to disconnect because it made her think she had married sci fi Poindexter the loony tune former Scientologist and were potentialy unsafe devices. Doesn't appear to have negative effects on my wifi so far!


What just hit home as a result of this dialog is the true meaning of Elron stateing that "50% of gains come from training".
During my training package I was constantly twinned up where I was holding the cans during all the auditor drills.
After day after day of this for months on end, I was soooo buzzed up with a persistant f/n and floating t/a that my grades were completed in the evenings after a modest succession of short sessions with a "natural clear" determination off some list, could just have been a green form though I don't remember.
It was during this time I became hypersensitized to electrical currents, that I caught a substantial buzz when I would look at high voltage electrical transformers, as wierd as that sounds.
This went on for years.

hmm, me has a different viewpoint, that is 50% of the gains from training is actually learned self imposed thru agreement brainwashing and not gains at all, but thinking we would become clear and then OT, no gains actually had. Afterall, none of us thought to compare hubbards ideas to others ideas, he poo poo'd all other philosophers and scientists and wouldn't allow free discussion with KSW.
hmm, me has a different viewpoint, that is 50% of the gains from training is actually learned self imposed thru agreement brainwashing and not gains at all, but thinking we would become clear and then OT, no gains actually had. Afterall, none of us thought to compare hubbards ideas to others ideas, he poo poo'd all other philosophers and scientists and wouldn't allow free discussion with KSW.
Or 50% of the gains from auditing out the reactive mind come from being indoctrinated by the 50% training gain of believing there is such a thing called the reactive mind, and that is a 0% total net gain over never having had one to begin with. Or to reduce it to algebra where X = 50% gains. 0 gains +x-x = 0 gains. In other words you are back to where you started from before you did that first HAS course.

However, perhaps one of you who didn't flunk algebra in high school, can work the time invested in training and auditing and cost of said training and auditing into the equation and come up with something truly brilliant.



Operating teatime
This reminded me that I had an EarthCalm EMF protector and the scalar wave device that my ex wife encouraged me to disconnect because it made her think she had married sci fi Poindexter the loony tune former Scientologist and were potentialy unsafe devices. Doesn't appear to have negative effects on my wifi so far!

It's counterintuitive that adding more EM radiation with a randomised wave structure would have less cellular effect. But it sounds legit.


Gold Meritorious Patron
This came across my desk this morning . . . note this Russian scientist guy is commenting on the affect of man-made EMR and RF on the human bodily cells . . . and specifically on the hydrogen bonding in the water component of our bodies . . .

My old cancer guru, Jim Sheridan, told me that cancer cells are evidenced by the breaking of the hydrogen double bonds in our DNA due to lowered energy states of the electrons produced by the metabolic process of these cells . . .

Ty Bollinger Interviews Dr Igor Smirnov about Electromagnetic Radiation and the WaveRider - See more at: https://go2.thetruthaboutcancer.com...ent=2017-03-08&utm_term=#sthash.JXv45x7t.dpuf


There is so much nonsense in this video I don't know where to start.

First, there is a huge difference in penetration distance into the human body based on the frequency of electromagnetic radiation. Low frequencies (long wavelengths) (like AC current at 50-60hz) are stopped less than a millimeter into the skin. The Schumann frequency is about 7Hz which wouldn't even penetrate the dead cells on the surface of your skin. High frequencies can penetrate much further. However, distance from the source of the EMR is crucial. The amplitude of EMR drops off or attenuates by the inverse square law. EM fields from cell phones held against your head can penetrate a few millimeters. Hold the cell phone away from your head and the EM fields hardly penetrate at all. The guy does not mention this important fact.

Now to the 'wave rider' which this video purports to protect people from EM radiation by emitting a 'noise field' similar to that of the earth's magnetic field. And further that it 'piggy backs' the noise field on 'microwave radiation' so that human cells don't notice the man-made radiation. That statement is pure hogwash. If you want to cancel out EM radiation that is present in whatever environment, you transmit a signal that is 180 degrees out of phase with the EM signal. That is the only way to do it. This is the technique used in noise cancelling headphones. These headphones actually produce sound. It's just 180 degrees out of phase with the incoming sounds which cancels them out and you hear less sound from the environment.

Now if he said the the wave rider senses the frequencies of the EM fields in its vicinity and transmits those frequencies 180 degrees out of phase, then I would believe the guy. But he didn't say that.


Squirreling Dervish
hmm, me has a different viewpoint, that is 50% of the gains from training is actually learned self imposed thru agreement brainwashing and not gains at all, but thinking we would become clear and then OT, no gains actually had. Afterall, none of us thought to compare hubbards ideas to others ideas, he poo poo'd all other philosophers and scientists and wouldn't allow free discussion with KSW.

That is exactly what I used to think too until yesterday morning when it hit me about how little there was to learn while becoming a class IV auditor, I was told that the underlying research that had been done would be revealed on the briefing course - it's always the next level you know.
On my cclass 4 training package I was faced with so much repeat indoc. like KSW stuff that bored me to the core.
Bear in mind that I had been around the scene for about 5 yrs and used to listen to Hubbards lectures like a junky as I had access to the orgs library, so nothing new was revealed when I did my training package.
What was unique to me was the hands on, no pun intnded, of being twinned up doing the metered drills.
My hands were perpetually soaked with hand lotion and they became pemanently semi circle from holding the cans.
My boody seemed to adapt itself to whatever micro currants that came through the cans as I completed the circuit.
In the courseroom the sups would use me to demonstrate a persistant f/n and floating ta.
Mind you I never had any real auditing, only some terribly run objectives by a roommate.
When the org worked out a deal wth an OT3 to audit me, as I'd read the OT3 materials I'd found in a public library book by that woman they harrased and a book by Robert Kauman in the mid/late 70's.
By the time I received my grades I would just f/n through it all as my body quit resisting the current and just went with it.
So it only yesterday occured to me that others had similar experiences with their auditor training making their grades fly like nothing.
Add to that the fact that we also had to word clear the processes, also on the meter, so we had no mu phenomena during session as having actually practised being run on the commands during the metered drills.
So it hit me yesterday that the constant in all of this was being made to hold the cans way more than a typical pc would at that level and that in itself created an illusary additional "50% of case gain" as I had been trickle charged as I marinated awash in this strange electromagnetic energy.
I hope the growth that has appeared on my left pointer finger is neither cancerous nor emeter related, I'm about to find out.
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Squirreling Dervish
It's counterintuitive that adding more EM radiation with a randomised wave structure would have less cellular effect. But it sounds legit.

Yes, I've never felt that my Earthcalm system did much to counter EM radiation but merely confused the situation by adding to the EM "soup" if you will, a potentialy compounding signal.
I'm trying it out again and considering getting a state of the art EM radiation meter off of Amazon and seeing if I can get some answers.
I used to have cheap one for testing cell phones but don't have it anymore.
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Gold Meritorious Patron
There is so much nonsense in this video I don't know where to start.

First, there is a huge difference in penetration distance into the human body based on the frequency of electromagnetic radiation. Low frequencies (long wavelengths) (like AC current at 50-60hz) are stopped less than a millimeter into the skin. The Schumann frequency is about 7Hz which wouldn't even penetrate the dead cells on the surface of your skin. High frequencies can penetrate much further. However, distance from the source of the EMR is crucial. The amplitude of EMR drops off or attenuates by the inverse square law. EM fields from cell phones held against your head can penetrate a few millimeters. Hold the cell phone away from your head and the EM fields hardly penetrate at all. The guy does not mention this important fact.

Now to the 'wave rider' which this video purports to protect people from EM radiation by emitting a 'noise field' similar to that of the earth's magnetic field. And further that it 'piggy backs' the noise field on 'microwave radiation' so that human cells don't notice the man-made radiation. That statement is pure hogwash. If you want to cancel out EM radiation that is present in whatever environment, you transmit a signal that is 180 degrees out of phase with the EM signal. That is the only way to do it. This is the technique used in noise cancelling headphones. These headphones actually produce sound. It's just 180 degrees out of phase with the incoming sounds which cancels them out and you hear less sound from the environment.

Now if he said the the wave rider senses the frequencies of the EM fields in its vicinity and transmits those frequencies 180 degrees out of phase, then I would believe the guy. But he didn't say that.

But but we head sort of. Essentially he is claiming the cell gates are kept open by the 7.83 nature immitated Hz. No?


Operating teatime
But but we head sort of. Essentially he is claiming the cell gates are kept open by the 7.83 nature immitated Hz. No?

I think he said that Schumann field was a bit randomised with an average at 7.83 - and being random it didn't affect the cell membranes in that way.

Regarding the 180 degree cancelling, .. if he had said that, I would know he was pulling a fast one because the cancelling signal would have to be along the same vector as the signal you wanted to cancel. But that is 'ideal world' stuff that never really happens. The environmental radio-noise comes from all over the place. Even Wifi is reflected off of walls etc. To check into it further, I would look up the credentials and other research findings of the scientist he quotes as confirming the cellular research. Also does in-vitro truly reflect in-vivo.

It's interesting but I'm not rushing out to buy one.

Also, I had heard that holding the mobile phone actually 'lights up' your entire body as a resonant cavity. So even carrying the phone in your back pocket has some potential risk. We're talking about very subtle effects that are hard to measure.


That is exactly what I used to think too until yesterday morning when it hit me about how little there was to learn while becoming a class IV auditor, I was told that the underlying research that had been done would be revealed on the briefing course - it's always the next level you know.
On my cclass 4 training package I was faced with so much repeat indoc. like KSW stuff that bored me to the core.
Bear in mind that I had been around the scene for about 5 yrs and used to listen to Hubbards lectures like a junky as I had access to the orgs library, so nothing new was revealed when I did my training package.
What was unique to me was the hands on, no pun intnded, of being twinned up doing the metered drills.
My hands were perpetually soaked with hand lotion and they became pemanently semi circle from holding the cans.
My boody seemed to adapt itself to whatever micro currants that came through the cans as I completed the circuit.
In the courseroom the sups would use me to demonstrate a persistant f/n and floating ta.
Mind you I never had any real auditing, only some terribly run objectives by a roommate.
When the org worked out a deal wth an OT3 to audit me, as I'd read the OT3 materials I'd found in a public library book by that woman they harrased and a book by Robert Kauman in the mid/late 70's.
By the time I received my grades I would just f/n through it all as my body quit resisting the current and just went with it.
So it only yesterday occured to me that others had similar experiences with their auditor training making their grades fly like nothing.
Add to that the fact that we also had to word clear the processes, also on the meter, so we had no mu phenomena during session as having actually practised being run on the commands during the metered drills.
So it hit me yesterday that the constant in all of this was being made to hold the cans way more than a typical pc would at that level and that in itself created an illusary additional "50% of case gain" as I had been trickle charged as I marinated awash in this strange electromagnetic energy.
I hope the growth that has appeared on my left pointer finger is neither cancerous nor emeter related, I'm about to find out.

We are actually having a few conversations here on different viewpoints.

I'd consider listening to the lectures, which I did, as part of the "training" or so called gains which I'd prefer to call indoctrination or "the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.".

I'm not actually looking at what I posted as the little current traveling thru a body while on the emeter. The point I was trying to make is more in the line that Hubbards so called research is bullshit as he knew nothing about interference electrically or RF wise or EMF wise as there was no shielding on the emeter back then in the 1950's and 1960's in the emeter nor the wires from the cans to the emeter. So, some RF or EMF could influence the emeter, and that means reads of lets say a tick may be from RF or EMF and not the person. Opps, how did Hubbard figure that one out and give hisself an out, yep, correction list. :melodramatic:

When I went to Flag for training I recall, I was as the cult says "keyed out", why I was finally at the mecca of training, I was used as well constantly because I had an F/N, I mean I was very happy to be there to get the very best training advertised by the cult, I was one happy camper at the time. But I don't associate being connected to the emeter as that result. I don't understand the F/N quite well and how it comes about electrically with the emeter, but it is observable.

All I'm really trying to say is that Hubbards research is woo and really rhetoric to convince.


Squirreling Dervish
We are actually having a few conversations here on different viewpoints.

I'd consider listening to the lectures, which I did, as part of the "training" or so called gains which I'd prefer to call indoctrination or "the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.".

I'm not actually looking at what I posted as the little current traveling thru a body while on the emeter. The point I was trying to make is more in the line that Hubbards so called research is bullshit as he knew nothing about interference electrically or RF wise or EMF wise as there was no shielding on the emeter back then in the 1950's and 1960's in the emeter nor the wires from the cans to the emeter. So, some RF or EMF could influence the emeter, and that means reads of lets say a tick may be from RF or EMF and not the person. Opps, how did Hubbard figure that one out and give hisself an out, yep, correction list. :melodramatic:

When I went to Flag for training I recall, I was as the cult says "keyed out", why I was finally at the mecca of training, I was used as well constantly because I had an F/N, I mean I was very happy to be there to get the very best training advertised by the cult, I was one happy camper at the time. But I don't associate being connected to the emeter as that result. I don't understand the F/N quite well and how it comes about electrically with the emeter, but it is observable.

All I'm really trying to say is that Hubbards research is woo and really rhetoric to convince.

Oh, my yes.
The indoctrination is what the mind keys on during and for long after the complete process of fooling us into becoming such true believers and hardcore's with that fixed glare.
And I can relate to how you felt when you'd go to Flag, the Mecca of a Scientologist, because I used to feel that way when I'd head out to LA & stay at the Manor.
That the conversation has spread to a few different tangents is because each one is part of the same puzzle and it's all good.
I've fixated upon the electromagnetic properties of the emeter mostly because I'm wondering If I've become one of its cancer casualties with this weird growth on my left forefinger.
And although the emeter began its life as an off the shelf, low voltage output Wheatstone Bridge, it's in how it's been tricked out during it's modification and development that remains my concern.
But being I got out for good by the early 80's, I've had zero exposure to the newer versions that were subsequently developed.
Seems to be an inordinate number of cancer casualties though amongst those who spent the most time hooked up to an emeter which is for the most part the point I've been trying to make by
connecting the dots where I can in despite my limited experience in the field of electronics.

Terril park

Oh, my yes.
The indoctrination is what the mind keys on during and for long after the complete process of fooling us into becoming such true believers and hardcore's with that fixed glare.
And I can relate to how you felt when you'd go to Flag, the Mecca of a Scientologist, because I used to feel that way when I'd head out to LA & stay at the Manor.
That the conversation has spread to a few different tangents is because each one is part of the same puzzle and it's all good.
I've fixated upon the electromagnetic properties of the emeter mostly because I'm wondering If I've become one of its cancer casualties with this weird growth on my left forefinger.
And although the emeter began its life as an off the shelf, low voltage output Wheatstone Bridge, it's in how it's been tricked out during it's modification and development that remains my concern.
But being I got out for good by the early 80's, I've had zero exposure to the newer versions that were subsequently developed.
Seems to be an inordinate number of cancer casualties though amongst those who spent the most time hooked up to an emeter which is for the most part the point I've been trying to make by
connecting the dots where I can in despite my limited experience in the field of electronics.

The more time you are hooked up to a meter the more
interaction with CO$, and thus the more stress one is
exposed to. Its fairly well established that stress is associated
with illness. It appears to be that cancer is also linked to
stress, although that is less researched.



Squirreling Dervish
The more time you are hooked up to a meter the more
interaction with CO$, and thus the more stress one is
exposed to. Its fairly well established that stress is associated
with illness. It appears to be that cancer is also linked to
stress, although that is less researched.


Could be stress but I won't know till they biopsy it. My pc went caput, I'm trying to do this on cell phone w/o knowing how to text.


The more time you are hooked up to a meter the more
interaction with CO$, and thus the more stress one is
exposed to. Its fairly well established that stress is associated
with illness. It appears to be that cancer is also linked to
stress, although that is less researched.


You phrased that well, Terril.

"Linked to" is not the same as "caused by." Stress can exacerbate cancers, like any other illness. It's hard to research, since there's hardly anybody who doesn't have some stress in their lives.


From my Sunday morning reading . . .

Conspiracy theory confirmed: secret docs show government covered up cell phone cancer risks for years

After years hidden from the public, California Department of Public Health officials have finally released a draft document outlining health concerns stemming from cellphone radiation — including multiple cancers and infertility.

“We have evidence of brain tumors and other head and neck tumors. We also have evidence of sperm damage in males, infertility in females,” explained Joel Moskowitz of U.C. Berkeley’s School of Public Health, who sued the state in 2016 under the California Public Records Act to obtain the information.

Although the Department of Public Health ultimately chose not to publish the document — both pages have since been emblazoned with “Draft and Not for Public Release” — its content is of critical import to cellphone users around the planet.

San Francisco affiliate ABC7 reports, “Moskowitz says there’s been a lot of pressure from the wireless industry to keep any kind of negative report on cellphones hidden from the public,” and, he notes,
“[T]hey’ve done a very good job at it, essentially following the same playbook that the tobacco industry used.”

Moskowitz’ conclusion seems apt. Despite the matter-of-fact tone with which the nature of cellphone health threats is presented, the document — appropriately titled “Cell Phones and Health” — reads more like a checklist for phone usage.

Following several simple guidelines parsed out by health officials could help prevent the development of brain and other cancers, as well as other afflictions. In fact, basic protocols like holding the phone at a distance, switching to speakerphone, or, most preferably, using headphones for conversations can all help reduce risk.

Snipped . . . .

EWB reports officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention deny succumbing to pressure from the mobile phone industry — but nonetheless, the information in the health document could have been put to better use with a full, public release. As EWB continues,
“In human epidemiological studies, cell phone use has been linked to an increased risk of brain and salivary gland cancers. Studies from teams of scientists in several nations have raised troubling questions about possible associations between heavy cell phone use and altered brain metabolism, sleep disturbance, and even diminished sperm count and sperm damage. In 2011, the World Health Organization declared cell phone radiation a possible carcinogen.r
Snipped . . . big report, lots of info.

Source: thefreethoughtproject.com; March 6, 2017; http://tinyurl.com/glcveqn)


Squirreling Dervish
You phrased that well, Terril.

"Linked to" is not the same as "caused by." Stress can exacerbate cancers, like any other illness. It's hard to research, since there's hardly anybody who doesn't have some stress in their lives.

You hit the nail on the head with "Stress can exacerbate" rather than being the primary reason for.
Too often I've had my doctors take the easy way out with a stress diagnosis rather than rolling up their sleeves and ordering the right test to find a root cause for whatever malady I'm being seen for.
Stress diagnosis's often seem to be implying that I can become so spooked by overwhelm that I will mock up my own demise as a substitute for a more rational response such as identifying and removing the root cause for an illness.
But I don't disagree that stress is the hot sauce over the top, just not the whole enchilada in the overall puzzle.


You hit the nail on the head with "Stress can exacerbate" rather than being the primary reason for.
Too often I've had my doctors take the easy way out with a stress diagnosis rather than rolling up their sleeves and ordering the right test to find a root cause for whatever malady I'm being seen for.
Stress diagnosis's often seem to be implying that I can become so spooked by overwhelm that I will mock up my own demise as a substitute for a more rational response such as identifying and removing the root cause for an illness.
But I don't disagree that stress is the hot sauce over the top, just not the whole enchilada in the overall puzzle.

My theory is that the visualizing of Body Thetans and Clusters can cause the cancer cells in the body to come alive.


Squirreling Dervish
My theory is that the visualizing of Body Thetans and Clusters can cause the cancer cells in the body to come alive.

Now that you mention it, yes I can see that.
One would be flowing life energy to, as well as postulating that each little blip on the meter is alive with a degraded soul ready to re-inflate itself, so to speak.
Hubs really had a knack for tricking us into fucking up our space did he not?
He was one fowl fuck of a cat and our minds were his litter boxes.
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