stubborn rebel sheep!
BTW, Lotus...Your on my 40+ "Short List" because...
So nice..lovely face

(mec adorable)
Old sweet song!

BTW, Lotus...Your on my 40+ "Short List" because...
Also, 'the Old Guard' without whom this board would have been much less:
and more...![]()
I learned A LOT of how mind control works with the contributions from Arnie Lerma.
Read everything you can.
I think Arnie partakes in "keying out" with a littlehere and there...
But Arnie Lerma is one resilient mother fucker - a true humanitarian SP with Honors....
The "fair gaming" he received from Scientology was beyond belief....it was cruel, inhumane and VISCOUS!
He contributed a lot of missing information as to "HOW DID I GET SO SUCKED INTO SCIENTOLOGY". I did not want to do the Bridge - I was just looking for a cool group to hang with and do some nice things for others....
Within 3 years - Scientology Shattered my whole entire family and my life...
He is out and my son is with me.
He blew, escaped, took control of his life, made a stand, said thats enough..... yesterday and he is home with me and ready to begin a new life outside the clutches of scio.
I am so proud of him and I am sure in the not to distante future he may just introduce himself here but all in his own time and on his decision.
F U C K ! ! ! !
That is the best news I have EVER, EVER, EVER heard on this blog. (Probably because I haven't been paying good enough attention, but still ...!)
Congratulations to everyone! I am so happy for you all.
And speaking of ESMB LEGENDS: There is the Legend of Feral.........
Mod, can you please sticky it or something?
Originally Posted by TG1....
That is the best news I have EVER, EVER, EVER heard on this blog. (Probably because I haven't been paying good enough attention, but still ...!)
Congratulations to everyone! I am so happy for you all.
More and more legends of ESMB finding their way onto this thread!
Your post reminded me of TG1...
Which in turn reminded me of the utter [/COLOR]awesomeness, wit, intelligence, insight and hilarious humor of the tantalizingly terrific trio of ferociously flippant & funny female former posters--TG1, Synthia & Smilla. Holyhell their contributions to the board were incredible and much missed!
The forum is also mirrored and updated on the Way Back Machine internet archive, providing hope that generations to come will have access to what is public on this forum.
I don't think of legends specifically,
but mostly about the contributions that helped me the most... (other not being less valuable)
in a specific order to allow me to move on..I appreciate posts, threads, more than specific posters.
1) All the post about personnal stories in the cult (have already been named)
I've probably read them all and may add : Twin A, Free to Shine, Sharone Stainforth, Glenda and much more
2) All contributions unveiling truth about Ron Hubbard and how it was then
Afaceinthecrowd has been instrumental to me in reinforcing my perceptions about LRH with facts
His narrative of those times is captivating.
All his post, are a blessing...to get understanding of the character and how followers (kids and slaves) have been fooled by the old man.
(a few other too provided infos to make the records straight)
3) The light stuff, parodies, ridicule of $cientology, laughters, comedies, shoops..
this was mandatory to heal..otherwise, it's dangerous to fall down in a dark deep well...
Thanks to all those lovely funny degraded beings.
Each time I come I make sure to jump in those threads...to ensure I get some ehaling endorphines
and thank those people making this place a funny place (Helluvahoax is the most famousone though..but others too are funny)
4) all the thread people are chatting about real life stuff and and how they cope with making a new life
Many people contribute there (you know who you are..they are my favorite interactions)
And finally,
the legendary freezoners, trolls, true believers, preachers, exorcists etc...
who day after day, trying to save us, handling us, putting our ethics in , labbeling us,
ensure that we don't forget to post again and again truth to be read by lurkers...
and who knows..may be to keep a few live (and families) away of the $cientology mindfuck (and consequences)
they all ensure entheta remains on the message board front page.
(they can be read here and there in threads about tech, processing, levels, gains, wins...)
The thing is, for me, nobody was ever a Legend, hero, guiding light or any of that. God help me, Scientology cured me of any desire to search for a new guru or leader.
My first real friend here, though, was Scooter, and I love him. I love his family, his work and the way he overcame the horrors he went through.
Since I was in Australia, my next set of friends, support, comraderie, insight, laughter and joy on ESMB were mainly Australians. Jump is a darling, both on the Board and IRL. Then there's oneonewasaracecar, TheFixer, a whole bunch of Anons, Feral, Panda and other people on this Board who I've gotten so used to calling them by their real life names that I've forgotten their ESMB names!
Veda was there throughout, and we had some good, close friendship moments between us. I love Veda.
Then came HH, then Karen#1, and so many others. Again, they aren't Legends. They are real people to me. Friends. I mean that in the truest sense of the word, too, and they know what I mean.
I don't just love Face and his writing, if it weren't for Face's support as a friend, I would never, ever have been able to write "A Nanny Story." His support and understanding meant the world to me and I needed it at the time. That story had stuck in my gut, heart and soul for decades, it was so painful, but he was there for me. He was a FRIEND. After writing that, Bea Kiddo and I shared a special understanding and became genuine FRIENDS IRL too. She's amazing.
Then there are the superlative, gifted writers who touched my soul like no others, brought me through their emotional stories, their hopes and fears and I related to them as if I was living it myself. Glenda and John Duignan are the most gifted writers I've ever seen in or out of scn.
Then there are the especially gifted philosophers and one extra special scientist. TAJ and Gadfly for philosophy. Udarnik for science.Oh what they've given us all!! Udarnik is one of a kind. How privileged we are to have him here! I've read every single one of his posts, some of them 3 or 4 times, and sometimes I refer back to the older ones 'cause they're so meaty. All of them have been friends to me.
LuluBelle for practicalstuff (as well as the latest celebrity goss, lol!), and Enthetan for politics and just a solid, conservative view.
There are folks that I always disagree on the smaller stuff but we always agree on the bigger, more important picture, like RogerB. RogerB helped me with something personal. We had to both think outside the box for that, but he was up to it. Don't underestimate the man!
Dulloldfart and I used to disagree but get along, if that makes sense. I don't know what happened there, but I'm pretty sure we've been friends throughout. He's so cool, always distilling the better bits out of scientology in a way that doesn't hurt people.All the work he's done so those that leave scn can do it and not feel cut off or incomplete, but in a way that is safe, not culty or indoctrinating and even free.
Freethinker is awesome, because we get in heated disagreements as often as we completely agree, but he always has his own way of looking at things. Keeps me on my toes! Panda was that way, too. I enjoy Helena Handbasket sometimes, too' sometimes her creativity combined with imagination and wit just knocks my socks off. She's full of surprises.
TrevAnon was kind of new to the Board so at his request, I issued him his own, personal "Non-Enturbulation Order."I love him, too. He never got in a tiff with anyone, so he just had to have one, just on principle.
BigBlue is a special sort of honey to me. Ask him anything about renovations or the history of the complex, he's stunning and a joy to have around. Bill doesn't post nearly enough, gosh I love his posts, the way he expresses himself so clearly with so few words.
Most recently, Lotus and I seem to be tossing the ball back and forth and doing the GMTA thing, but Tess is stimulating the heck out of me with intellectual ways of looking at things. Mimsey keeps reminding me how scns think but really tosses the ball around from that direction, and Terril is handy here as probably our only FZ rep to tell us what goes on there.
WildKat, F. Bullbait, PirateandBum, Ogs, Gib, AngeloV, Strati, Pheno, Dchoice, Tess, OperatingDB, ThetanExterior, ITYIWT, Churchill, Knows, Renegade, sheesh, if I can list the top 200, maybe I can start to come close to listing the ones that are all 10 out of 10???
And you wanted THREE?!?!?!![]()
So the problem isn't about being polite or anything, it's that there's about a hundred categories of top posters here and a lot of the posters keep changing. Everyone has a specialty and it all sort of works together and each part and each specialty is essential to ESMB. They're not legends. They're all just awesome and I love them to bits even when we scrap. I hope that makes sense.
You know one of the legends around here who is never mentioned?
Communicator IC - who has worked tirelessly for years to bring the news on anything scientology over here. And has probably therefore started more threads than anyone too!
And Kha Khan did the same.