The level the Scientology has descended to in the area of pestering critics is little more than what a high school sophomore could come up with: sending porn and applying for credit cards for somebody who doesn’t want them. Even the sick puppies at the old GO could come up with better stuff than this.
Here we see the work Hubbard’s mental virus has done to a family, turning them on each other. This is courtesy of the “most ethical people” in the world. Heather Bennett, herself a second generation member, former member anyway, has some choise words for the cult.
Every time I post to this NG or do a little work to benefit the critical cause, i.e, the redesign of, Scientology adds me to another porn list – or perhaps even applies for another credit card in my name — that one is being investigated. (I know that I’m not the Lone Ranger here and that this is a typical “perk” for critics.)
Many of you don’t know as much about me as $cientology does, so for the purpose of this post, I’ll provide a bit of history: My parents, brother and sister, sister-in-law, her entire family, my ex-husband, and his children (my step children) from his previous marriage to a scientologist are all Scientologists. Included in this family are the usual mix of dissidents, OT’s, Sea Org members, squirrels and hard core Scientologists that one could reasonably expect to find however, I am the only official SP. I have two daughters ages 10 and 12 who were born into scientology, making them potential 3rd generation members. Because of my own relationship with scientology, my kids have suffered enormously as a result of disconnection policies and from being recipients of a lifetime’s worth of bad news about me (what comes to mind is one of them at age two explaining to the other that “Mommy causes all the accidents in the world”.)
Despite the horrors of my experience with the cult, I’ve been extremely careful regarding what I say about Scientology in front of my kids. Rather than preach the dangers of Scientology specifically, I’ve been more inclined to educate them about harmful practices and groups in general which in turn allows them to form their own analogies and to grow up thinking for themselves. Education is the only effective weapon that I can use in our case actually and, as you can imagine, “being gentle” about the subject has been no small feat – esp. while resident in the Lerma household.
Aside from wanting them to think for themselves, a reason I don’t share the TRULY REVOLTING nature of Scientology with my kids is that they are extremely close to some of their scieno relatives and, since I have no legal right to prevent them from having relationships with a few family members that are of concern to me, I’ve been left with no choice but to try to make the best of it. After careful consideration, I decided that a policy of not saying anything that could harm or interfere with their mutual love and admiration from these many sources – while being keenly aware that Scientology has a built in system of shooting itself in the foot – is the best one for our particular situation. I’m confident that, armed with an education – which most scientologists don’t have – it is better to allow scientology to be the one who officially dissuades my kids from any involvement in their psychotic group. This confidence is possible because, as a 2nd generation scientologist myself, even while living entirely within the walls of a scientologist family, I was able to reason my own way out of the cult.
To read the rest of this 2002 post go here:
Here is another YouTube post that I found concerning the cult and children.