Re: Garcias back in court in fraud lawsuit after Scientology makes arbitration imposs
Is there even one issue dealing with arbitration in scientology policy? Issued before this fiasco?
My reading of all the previously published articles is that THERE ARE NO SPECIFIC ARBITRATION POLICIES.
What the COS did in a slap-dash moment of cult terror is to OFFER UP TO THE COURT THE HCOPL(s) ON COM EVS.
Obviously, there is no slightest connection between an Arbitration and a Com Ev, other than both have ill-equipped Scientologists trying to find justice without any means of doing so. That is to say, Hubbard's policies/"technology" are guaranteed to create
injustice, which is why 99% of Scientologists eventually blow.
The court, in their infinite stupidity, accepted a Scientology-manned Arbitration, even though the cult's policies blatantly promote the doctrines that the COS is never wrong and anyone criticizing or suing is, by definition, an SP, a CRIMINAL and someone who HAS NO RIGHTS.
And someone who must be destroyed.
Put all that together and add in a half-gallon of KSW Scientologists manning the whole travesty and you have a manifestly malevolent mandate by the court that
The judge on this case is no different than the stupid IRS that ruled in favor of Scientology being a tax-exempt religion.
If there was a judge on any of those cases who was sworn supporter of the US Constitution, then this is what would have happened in those two instances:
1) The Arbitration would have been delegated to any one of the top-flight professional Arbitration-Mediation organizations that have lawyers and judges running the show according to tried-and-true, proven methodologies based on law. Thus, the Garcia's would not have been subjected to the absurd injustice of having to try to prove that Scientology is a treacherously lying criminal organization.
2) The IRS would have forced the COS to separate their "RELIGION" from the "SALES OF PRODUCTS". Thus, all pricelist donations (auditing/training) would not have been tax exempt. Likewise the properties (other than the "chapel" if it is fully dedicated to "worship") would have been liable for property taxes. And even more importantly than taxes, the COS would have been fully under the control of CONSUMER PROTECTION STATUTES AND AGENCIES. That last one would have opened the floodgates for lawyers eager to get their client's donations back for fraud. To wit, end of Scn as we know it!