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Give is all i did !!

There was a time in scn that all i could do is give. I started by rolling papers and throwing them out of car windows . I had no money to speak of so i helped .I then got some money and was soon on my way ..After hitting the P.C. wall of your illeagle to go up the bridge to total crap I blew ...Thought i was done for good but don't tell ME what i cant have .. One year latter and with wife and kid i went back (who would want a broke poor KID) to try again !! Chewing up every div 6 sheet i could get my hands on took years to get them all !! Twinning on the stcc was my strong point 57 hours 42 10 12 of tr0ab i lost count ...

I really did become part of the mission after so long .. I ran out of things to do my ED and HAS helped me rite a letter asking for the rite to go up !!! one month latter still nothing back !!! So once again I left but this time I stayed in town .. "to work things out " going less and less till all most gone ....I worked for two scn'ist One was trained as course soup >> and the other was self proclaimed OT wow ... They worked me over good driving me hard like a slave three years went by with huge out ethics !!! Out 2d 3d 4d 5d and 1d !!!

Trying to kill my self one night after seeing my wife with Mr soup !! I took a long ride home and said billy you need to change:coolwink: ...So i did for the worse doing all the care free things i wanted too I got back at soup by sleeping with his gross wife every time i got a picture in my head of him and my wife !!

After three long years no raise and in debt to them for 2000 say i 5000 say they !!!! I got the letter !!!!

I got the fucking LETTER !!! You are now ok !!!
Really now after three years of hell im ok ????
Happy was not the word hurt crushed slamed were the words !!!
Once again i said Bill its time to change so i did I cut of all out ethics things !!! AND started ME ALL OVER AGAIN !!!! :thumbsup:

So i did i got strait with my self stoped all out ethics and Joined staff !! Yea I know real bright !!!
with Me it maid nine !!!I was finely able to go UP if thats what you call it i got out from under there spell and ate soup !!! LOL!!!

As the mission grew I did CbCm took 31 days then against what i wanted TRs&Obs That went well (not) !!! Good idea or not sleeping with the beast Is what i did !! Next thing i know life is good no Mr soup no wana be O T !!!! My wife thought it would be a great idea to get right and join staff too !!!Most of the guys that hung out at the mission did too!!! Fixing the mission up mest wise is what i spent most of time doing ... Only now i had way too much on my plate .....My tasks were getting out of wack yes wack !!! It got to the point that i became supper ethics !!! How dare I !!!??

THEN ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE !!! We start winning the B game !!!!With no time to lose we pump up production as i see every one there crashing running on E ... We leave all in the dust !!! Just as fast as this all happened it fell even faster
Most every one got the boot and left .....Those of us who got in trouble got ethics in the form of here buy this 4500 dollar sec check !!!! Hello we just gave every penny to you for the cult !!! Now what no help ???? WE GOT NO HELP !! NO sec check just for leaving NOTHING LEFT TO ROAM !!! after 3 years of trying this ethics and that 199 days in jail and 2 broken 2ds Latter They throw us out with the trash I land here AND BY THE GODS WILL HOPEFULLY SO WILL MY FRIENDS !!!! Thanks to the good twin for telling me about all of you !! I dont have to hide any more !!!! I have done some wild stuff but not as crazy as scn would have lead me to think !!!
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How ugly was she? :omg:

Welcome, Newbie. :hattip:

Merry Christmas!
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Welcome Newbie!

Welcome Big Willy! Have you met Wiggy yet? :)

I'm so glad you're out, and hope you will really enjoy a good Christmas.

Now you are free to create your wonderful new life! :happydance:

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! :)

Good twin

It's your story Will. But There are some things I remember differently. The Sups wife wasn't gross. I have been having flashbacks about her since getting out. There were times when she stood her ground and I thought she was nuts. But now I realize that she wasn't brainwashed. She never let Scientology own her. I respect her very much for that.

I disconnected from her one too many times. To her I am a non person. I can't say that I blame her. She trusted me. She was my friend. I wasn't such a good friend to her.

Now, THAT would be an amazing reconnection story. :yes:
Holding onto Hope, Myself

Honey, healing happens and anything is possible. We're all postulating like mad for total world-wide reconciliation and re-connection. Feel free to jump right in, the water's fine! :happydance:
Theres lots missing

Of course there a parts im leaving out good bad and more and all in all she was ok but i spent lots of time with them both and wish things were not so strange I got to see her in a way most didnt !!! Her hooks went deep and yes parts were crazy too but if you want to hook up with her or soup there on face book think theyve had time to think too !!! Maybe one day I can rite as good as you but the point that i think im makeing will come out in part due Two !!! LOL !!

Im not trying to bash soup or O T all though im doing a great job !!! My life there .. Was in helping and at times covering up too But im outraged at the scn for dumping all of us to some fiction based wolfs !!! Keeping in with part two !!! I went on some rag tag cross country outing with groups of so called V M"s Got in too a real bad way in mississippi watching people of great power !! Pull me a siad and give me orders that crossed laws and orders yet i put my nose down and pushed threw many times being told over and over again to not share what was going on as too keep PR in and truth out !! I watched as pretty girls were shoved in to the spot light while the real people were pushed in to lesser jobs that would make you stand one and shout one minute and the next fall and cry!!!

Even with records being lost and comendations being held up Every one beautiful to soup my self and cathy ZANE and bobatom were all pushed out soon as we were all used up !!!! No money no hunny !!!

Once while locked up i got a letter from a friend that works in portland !!! He told me of the things that were going on to make sure i never came back !!!

Good twin

:bigcry: Dammit Bib. I should have known.

Know this. I do love you and want to see you able to hold your head up and speak freely. Your story started long before you found Scientology. It's a long and hard road. Keep talking my friend. We are listening.


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
And, in talking, don't worry too much about things not making sense in one splurge. You have time to fill in blanks later. Just say what you feel like saying and worry about making it comprehensible as it becomes necessary.

Welcome aboard in any case.

Gift from the gods !!

Soon as getting out i went to the org for help i was all ready in one set of (lowwers ) Now being put in to a new set .. all the while my 2d and 3 of 4 of her kids were being put in ethics too !! After getting in to more trouble with the law i went back to the org to protest my case !!! Wrong move they tied me up all day with run around then at the end of the day said nope cant help you after all !!!! the whole time i was there a staff guy was running around spreading roomers about me that were not true at all !!! This being the same guy that was "out to get me " the one i had gottin the letter about !!!

He is and was the same guy that has maid sure none that dont follow him him get ousted for good( well so far fine by use ) .....having come this far i just got news that my ex2d has joined our ranks:clap: but is feeling the loss hard !!! :ohmy:
It just lets me know that im doing the rite thing for once !!!! :)

Good twin

Glad to hear she is here Bib. Her heart was broken for good reason and knowing the kind of compassion they give in the cult she still has plenty of healing to do.

Yep. Ya' done good Wild Will. Thanks for the best Exmas ever. Full of surprises and reconnection and exey miracles.
