Scientologist's primary goals are to go up the Bridge - to attain spiritual freedom and abilities for themselves, and for every other person on the planet to do the same, and then for every other person, alien, thetan on other planets to go up the Bridge.
For an individual to go up the Bridge they are handling their own "case" or mental aberrations such as the Reactive Mind and now we know also malevolent BTs (ancient dead alien thetans that glom all over us). Exposure to things that restimulate (reactivate) engrams or old alien implants, etc. are bad for your case. You need to get case corrective actions done which are very expensive and time consuming and often result in getting sent to ethics for handling. Ethics tends to be very unpredictable - imagine someone like Nurse Ratched figuring out what to do with you, maybe she is having a good day, maybe not.
If you research critics online then you are deliberately choosing to sabotage your own case and also exposing yourself to SPs which makes you PTS (Potential Trouble Source). That means you are willing to sacrifice the success of Scientology which means you are willing to sacrifice the future of the entire planet so that means a sure trip to Ethics and as others have pointed out sec-checks, which aren't classified as private auditing, can easily cost thousands.
If you researched critics in the old days you could be declared an SP yourself. That was still relatively easy for the Church to manage damage control and gossip but now days there is the ubiquitous internet which is impossible to control so the Church is compelled to come down on it even harder. If you are declared an SP then you lose your good status and access to the only workable spiritual technology in the universe. And of course everyone you know is ordered to Disconnect from you.
This link answers your question about online criticism:
This link takes you down a very deep rabbit hole:
That rabbit hole is connected to more warrens than an Aspen grove has roots - but thanks OriginalBigBlue