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Sorry, I don't really want to say when it was. I'm overly paranoid about them somehow figuring out who I am or whatnot. I remember how they made our lives hell when we left. I don't want a repeat!

It is very easy to get rid of them. You just tell them you have a psychiatrist, you are on Prozac and you are broke! :biggrin:

OSA has too much to do, few staff, a crazy leader and exponential growing of critics so they will only address PR disasters or legal threats of magnitude. Unless you had just come out of the INT Base with a collection of porn pics of David Miscavige and you were going to publish them or you really had leverage on a legal case, there is no way they will come after you. They've been harassing people who took part in Going Clear, ex-Int staff who spoke out or journalists who really do a good job exposing them, like Tony Ortega. They paid a PI who paid a hacker abroad to hack Tony and Mike Rinder. But if you feel better not giving any personal info, just keep it like that, it is what I do usually over here. Glad you and your family came unscathed from the journey into the mad world of L Ron Hubbard. :biggrin:


It is very easy to get rid of them. You just tell them you have a psychiatrist, you are on Prozac and you are broke! :biggrin:

OSA has too much to do, few staff, a crazy leader and exponential growing of critics so they will only address PR disasters or legal threats of magnitude. Unless you had just come out of the INT Base with a collection of porn pics of David Miscavige and you were going to publish them or you really had leverage on a legal case, there is no way they will come after you. They've been harassing people who took part in Going Clear, ex-Int staff who spoke out or journalists who really do a good job exposing them, like Tony Ortega. They paid a PI who paid a hacker abroad to hack Tony and Mike Rinder. But if you feel better not giving any personal info, just keep it like that, it is what I do usually over here. Glad you and your family came unscathed from the journey into the mad world of L Ron Hubbard. :biggrin:

OSA reads this forum. OSA reads Facebook. They try to put real names to the forum nyms. Tony didn't just have that happen, so don't limit your opinion to what you've seen in print. Things happened that readers don't know about. Same with me, and I'm a nobody.

The bottom line is: that's their job. That is their assignment, and they sit at the keyboard, day in, and day out.


Hi Crow,

Welcome to ESMB! :welcome:

Yes, OSA and other dedicated, die-hard true believing brainwashed Scientologists are a concern. The longer you were in, the more you know, the higher in the organization you were and the more recently you were out, the more interested they would be.

At the moment I'd say they have bigger fish to fry than you, though.

Don't worry, but be cautious. You wouldn't leave your wallet on the car seat of an unlocked car in the ghetto, and you don't go to an ex site and post personal details that anyone can Google until and if you are ready to come out publicly and deal with whatever comes your way. It's just using common sense. There's some real fanatics in the Scientology cult.

As for getting rid of them - West Grinsted is right, what could be easier? You're seeing a psychiatrist. You've discovered Jesus and joined Hillsong, you can't talk right now because you missed your Prozac... or you can just simply talk complete, unrelated nonsense until they get irritated enough to hang up on you. Ever try it on a phone salesman? It works. They don't call again.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
OTOH, people who seem to do well despite difficulties caused by scientologists or other fucked up people, can have "issues" which are so masked, that they don't comprehend that they have them. They think the way they feel, (anxious, ups and downs, and other issues), is "normal". Not having experienced "normal" for much of their lives, they have forgotten what it is. They might be able to surivive fairly well, but be missing out on a more 'real' enjoyment of life.

Leah Remini looks like she has really got her shit together, and she obviously has in many ways, but still, she is having therapy (she said so on one of the interviews).

Exactly! There are a lot of people out there who were indoctrinated as children and have no idea of 'normal'. Oh they may think they do but deep down there are concepts that trip them up when they least expect it. One of the most common is 'must be successful, or appear so'. 'Exchange' is another one, as is "it's really all my fault" or "I can make this happen no matter what/ I can face/confront this". We know what 'tek' that is and it goes way beyond normal concepts on these subjects. Don't get me started ....

And welcome Crow! There are quite a few people here who were kids in scientology. :) :welcome:


Hi everyone, I'm new to the board but have been lurking a little so I thought I'd introduce myself. My involvement with Scientology was relatively short but quite eventful. When I was about 9 years old, my mother began dating a man who was very deeply involved with Scientology. He soon dragged her into it and within a few months, my older sister and I were dragged along with her. I started my first course and didn't really understand what I was doing nor what the point the was. My sister excelled while I just sort of sat back and questioned everything. And well, lets face it, I was 9. I wasn't interested in sitting in a room for several hours a week, until well past 10pm, reading and doing ridiculous exercises.
I always seemed to be in trouble! I was often pulled aside and told how disrespectful I was for asking questions and was often locked in a cupboard to 'reflect' on my behaviour. This continued on for a couple years and my mother and sister got in deeper and deeper. Her boyfriend would often preach to us about all the great things Scientology did and would tell us stories about all his past lives. We'd often undergo touch assists instead of going to the doctors when something was actually seriously wrong.
Then one day, we were pulled out of school and went to stay on the Freewinds while my mums boyfriend did his OTVIII. My mum and sister continued to study on the ship and I, who thought of it more as a vacation, continued to get in trouble and locked up for reflection and auditing.
Unfortunately, my memory gets a little foggy after this. My sister was recruited by SeaOrg and my mum began to get suspicious of what was really going on. My mum finally wised up and left her boyfriend, who at that point was getting quite abusive. She pulled us both out of the church and so began the harassment. We had people coming to our home at all hours, phone calls and my sister was even visited at her school. We moved and they eventually gave up on us.
As an adult, I used to often look back and wonder if I made all of it up, as it was such a bizarre time in my life. I've been researching Scientology for a couple years now to jog my memory of it all. I look back on it now and realise how lucky I was to have got out when I did.

So anyways, that's me in a nutshell. Hi :)

Nobody has any business treating a child that way.

That being said- welcome!:aliengreeting: