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Here I am


I'll go light on the details, I've got a couple extended family members who I'd rather not stress out with the whole SP disconnection dealio.

The last 6 months or so of my 5 year Scientology "career" was spent in the SO... during the height of the basics push.

Was put into a post and situation that I didn't agree with, and I started getting the overwhelming desire to leave. Communicated that to my seniors, and spoke with my wife and found out she was having the same thoughts.

Wrote it all up and routed myself to ethics... only to be basically ignored for a few weeks staying in the same stupid post situation.

When SO members began lying to my wife and I about the intentions of the other (ordering us not to talk to one another, lying and saying that "your wife/husband wants to stay so if you leave he'll divorce you, etc.) and that was IT!

I was outta there. We blew and started our lives over.

For a few years here I had no self respect or self esteem - thought I was the most horrible person in the world for leaving. Ashamed of it. Even went back to "route out properly."

But just recently over the past month or so, began to look for myself here on the internet and really WAKE UP after not really thinking about Scientology at all for a few years.

So, here I am. :coolwink:

Never again.


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller


. . . welcome home!!


Bitter defrocked apostate
Awesome. That's two more on the outside, and two less on the inside. Well done. This is what I pray for; not the big stuff like a huge FBI raid at dawn, but that an individual will have the courage to speak out when they see something that's wrong. That a person who has been separated from their family will take a chance and get back in touch... and that a person who decides to leave will have the good fortune to get away clean, and find a decent welcome back in the real world.

Common sense beats lies, in the end... and love often beats intimidation. Again, well done!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Welcome back the world Mali. You'll like it better I think. Life's hard enough without the shit they throw at you. It might be worth it if they were actually saving the world. Evidence suggests they're coming up a bit short.


Gold Meritorious Patron
I'll go light on the details, I've got a couple extended family members who I'd rather not stress out with the whole SP disconnection dealio.

The last 6 months or so of my 5 year Scientology "career" was spent in the SO... during the height of the basics push.

Was put into a post and situation that I didn't agree with, and I started getting the overwhelming desire to leave. Communicated that to my seniors, and spoke with my wife and found out she was having the same thoughts.

Wrote it all up and routed myself to ethics... only to be basically ignored for a few weeks staying in the same stupid post situation.

When SO members began lying to my wife and I about the intentions of the other (ordering us not to talk to one another, lying and saying that "your wife/husband wants to stay so if you leave he'll divorce you, etc.) and that was IT!

I was outta there. We blew and started our lives over.

For a few years here I had no self respect or self esteem - thought I was the most horrible person in the world for leaving. Ashamed of it. Even went back to "route out properly."

But just recently over the past month or so, began to look for myself here on the internet and really WAKE UP after not really thinking about Scientology at all for a few years.

So, here I am. :coolwink:

Never again.

Welcome, maliauctor!

It is good that you came here. It is a very good place to sort out the Scientology experience. And there are not many people who go through Scientology without some damage, even if they don't realize it at the time. So you feel like shit after an "ethics" handling....well, you're responsible for your own condition, right? Must be you feel like shit cos you're such a ratbag! Nothing to do with the batshit ethics tech designed to forcibly adjust your thinking. :no: :duh:

I am so glad to hear you and your wife made it out together. Many couples do not survive a foray into the Sea Org. Splitting up families and marriages is one of the most evil actions imaginable (except maybe for the forced abortions), yet it has become an almost automatic response to any SO member wanting to leave. And it is almost inevitable that an SO member will want to leave sooner or later.

I'm sure you will benefit from your participation here. :thumbsup:


Gold Meritorious Patron
I'll go light on the details, I've got a couple extended family members who I'd rather not stress out with the whole SP disconnection dealio.

The last 6 months or so of my 5 year Scientology "career" was spent in the SO... during the height of the basics push.

Was put into a post and situation that I didn't agree with, and I started getting the overwhelming desire to leave. Communicated that to my seniors, and spoke with my wife and found out she was having the same thoughts.

Wrote it all up and routed myself to ethics... only to be basically ignored for a few weeks staying in the same stupid post situation.

When SO members began lying to my wife and I about the intentions of the other (ordering us not to talk to one another, lying and saying that "your wife/husband wants to stay so if you leave he'll divorce you, etc.) and that was IT!

I was outta there. We blew and started our lives over.

For a few years here I had no self respect or self esteem - thought I was the most horrible person in the world for leaving. Ashamed of it. Even went back to "route out properly."

But just recently over the past month or so, began to look for myself here on the internet and really WAKE UP after not really thinking about Scientology at all for a few years.

So, here I am. :coolwink:

Never again.

Welcome Maliauctor.:thumbsup:

So glad you are here with all of Us.:clap:

You are the most magnificent person in the world for leaving.:yes:

You did nothing wrong. :coolwink:

Face :)


Gold Meritorious Patron
Welcome Maliauctor

Yes, the COS's idea of human rights. Don't talk to your spouse. :dieslaughing:

I am understanding you have been out about 5 years.

Glad you found us here, enjoy:thumbsup:
I'll go light on the details, I've got a couple extended family members who I'd rather not stress out with the whole SP disconnection dealio.

The last 6 months or so of my 5 year Scientology "career" was spent in the SO... during the height of the basics push.

Was put into a post and situation that I didn't agree with, and I started getting the overwhelming desire to leave. Communicated that to my seniors, and spoke with my wife and found out she was having the same thoughts.

Wrote it all up and routed myself to ethics... only to be basically ignored for a few weeks staying in the same stupid post situation.

When SO members began lying to my wife and I about the intentions of the other (ordering us not to talk to one another, lying and saying that "your wife/husband wants to stay so if you leave he'll divorce you, etc.) and that was IT!

I was outta there. We blew and started our lives over.

For a few years here I had no self respect or self esteem - thought I was the most horrible person in the world for leaving. Ashamed of it. Even went back to "route out properly."

But just recently over the past month or so, began to look for myself here on the internet and really WAKE UP after not really thinking about Scientology at all for a few years.

So, here I am. :coolwink:

Never again.

That is a powerful post^^^^^^^^^^

A friend and his wife blew the SO twice. The first time his parents drove to LA and picked them up. the second, and final time, I gave them a house to stay in for the better part of a year (an empty rental) until they got on their feet.

It takes time, and RESEARCH, to get out of the self imposed MIND FUCK.

You can't just get on with life, with those weird scio "rules of life" cluttering your head.


Patron with Honors
I'll go light on the details, I've got a couple extended family members who I'd rather not stress out with the whole SP disconnection dealio.

The last 6 months or so of my 5 year Scientology "career" was spent in the SO... during the height of the basics push.

Was put into a post and situation that I didn't agree with, and I started getting the overwhelming desire to leave. Communicated that to my seniors, and spoke with my wife and found out she was having the same thoughts.

Wrote it all up and routed myself to ethics... only to be basically ignored for a few weeks staying in the same stupid post situation.

When SO members began lying to my wife and I about the intentions of the other (ordering us not to talk to one another, lying and saying that "your wife/husband wants to stay so if you leave he'll divorce you, etc.) and that was IT!

I was outta there. We blew and started our lives over.

For a few years here I had no self respect or self esteem - thought I was the most horrible person in the world for leaving. Ashamed of it. Even went back to "route out properly."

But just recently over the past month or so, began to look for myself here on the internet and really WAKE UP after not really thinking about Scientology at all for a few years.

So, here I am. :coolwink:

Never again.

Happy to be here in your awakening, welcome to ESMB to you and your wife,


Happy Days

Silver Meritorious Patron
Very big :welcome: to you.

Great OP. It does take time when one leaves the SO to really find your feet and stop thinking bad thoughts about yourself. Our daughter has been out nearly 3 years and she's now in control, loves life and doing great.

The SO is one destructive, evil and brainwashing unit, unfortunately there are a lot of good people trapped and cannot see the light. The SO sucks the very life or what's left of it out of these people and they don't have the strength, energy or creativity to get the hell out. And getting out does require action from the SO member still in.

And you, maliauctor, did act :thumbsup: