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Mali, you wife may need more time and distance on the whole thing before she is ready to talk about it. That's o.k. As long as she is mentally/emotionally stable and your circumstances are good I agree with you, I wouldn't press the issue with her either. I think in her own time and pace, she will be more willing to address it in the future.

This is the way some people handle a really traumatic or painfully difficult experience. As long as she is doing well in all other respects, it's good. We all handle things in our own individual ways.

You've got us to talk with, meanwhile! :) We LOVE To talk! :happydance:

Yeah. I think it's harder for her, as 2nd generation. But it's all good. I'm not going to press the issue as we're both in a really good place right now and it'll all get resolved in time.


Angelic Poster

Welcome to ESMB. This must be such an exciting / interesting time for you -- as you're finally saying what you've been thinking for some time. And also having your thoughts just accepted at face value and as correct.

Very cool!

Seriously, you sound just great. Given what you've been through, given everything and everyone else I've seen go through this, I think you're doing really well.

Not that you should give a hoot what anybody else thinks about how you're doing. You shouldn't.

Best to you,



Silver Meritorious Patron
I'll go light on the details, I've got a couple extended family members who I'd rather not stress out with the whole SP disconnection dealio.

The last 6 months or so of my 5 year Scientology "career" was spent in the SO... during the height of the basics push.

Was put into a post and situation that I didn't agree with, and I started getting the overwhelming desire to leave. Communicated that to my seniors, and spoke with my wife and found out she was having the same thoughts.

Wrote it all up and routed myself to ethics... only to be basically ignored for a few weeks staying in the same stupid post situation.

When SO members began lying to my wife and I about the intentions of the other (ordering us not to talk to one another, lying and saying that "your wife/husband wants to stay so if you leave he'll divorce you, etc.) and that was IT!

I was outta there. We blew and started our lives over.

For a few years here I had no self respect or self esteem - thought I was the most horrible person in the world for leaving. Ashamed of it. Even went back to "route out properly."

But just recently over the past month or so, began to look for myself here on the internet and really WAKE UP after not really thinking about Scientology at all for a few years.

So, here I am. :coolwink:

Never again.

We come back. To this board. As we find more freedom in ourselves.

An OTVII comp said that there was more to get out of Eckhart Tolle's "A New Earth" than there was to get out of new OT VII... I think that's likely true. The church you were assisting is impeding its own defined products. It is not a sane organization.

You left an impossible situation sooner than many would have - that make you saner, not degraded. You protected your family - also a sane thing to do.

You are here - a mostly sane thing to do.



Silver Meritorious Patron
It peels back (the scientology shit) like an onion and sometimes you will shed tears just when you think you're finally out of it another layer is exposed, sit with it and you and your family will be fine...good to have you on board.