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HGB2.x scientology picket july 26, 2010


Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJOck6xwCr0

gonehome1433 | 28 juli 2010
July 26, 2010 Midnight picket at the HGB hollywood ca. New sign reads "Leaving is Okay"

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBgsqhzn9yw

gonehome1433 | 29 juli 2010
july 26 part 2, Andy Knapp losses it some more.

Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXZro5HPXsM

gonehome1433 | 29 juli 2010
July 26 part3 more of the same, andy threatens to call the cops some more Note i put this video in the education catagory but maybe i should of put it in comedy.


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free

Note posted to Casper.

Hi Casper, I just saw the HGB2 July 29th videos. Are you aware that these guards are supposed to engage you in conversation to distract you from picketing to scilons nearby? I wouldn't let them do this too often, no matter how fun or interesting it may be. I would ignore them if possible and keep showing the sign and delivering your message to passersby and SO members on the buses. This is what they fear and this is what they are told to stop. As well, try to go with someone else for backup. Those 2 guards are nasty people. ~ Best wishes and thanks for doing your part.
~ Mary McConnell - aka Anonymary & Out_Of_The_Dark


Patron Meritorious
I am so down to come to LA and protest with this guy. Quick question: how come the Security guards never use the crosswalk? also this looks really bad for scientology. The guards are clearly trying to provoke him while walking up to him saying quit harrasing me man. laughable. :duh:


I strongly suggest speaking to these scifag people, things, whatever they are, in tongues:

Sawhia kaha nanumi bohotam. Niquaka kaluni eesoah hatani mulahakini swanale.

Now that really makes sense!