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How Pete Griffiths sued a Scientologist and ended up being vilified by former friends

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How Pete Griffiths sued a Scientologist and ended up being vilified by former friends

[Pete Griffiths]

On May 1, 2013, ex-Scientologist Pete Griffiths gave a talk about Scientology to some Dublin secondary school students (what we call high school in the U.S.). Griffiths was the guest of a teacher who had his own run-in with the church.

“He knew me from protests. I was friendly with him,” Griffiths says.



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Terril park

From Pete's testimony:-

"The judge cut me off before I could elaborate, and I definitely could have worded my answer better, but this is broadly in line with what I’ve said over the years. I’m opposed to the Scientology organisation’s fraud and abuses but I see Scientologists as victims deserving of sympathy and understanding.
As I said in court, my intention has never been to harass or intimidate anyone. I don’t want to hate or harm Scientologists (or anyone else), I only want to help them. My goal is to inform the general public, and if possible, to reach the existing membership in the hopes that they too will eventually come to see that they have been duped."

I mentioned on another thread that I've always had cordial
relations with Pete. Its well known that I'm a freezone scientologist Pete has never given any criticism of that.

Some years ago He organised a protest and press conference
in East Grinstead to protest the abuses of CO$. There was a panel
of people to answer questions from the public. There were
exes, critics and two scientologists on that panel of which I was one. There was subsequently an article in the most widely
read UK newspaper, The Sun, covering that conference.