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How to Stop Auditing from Occurring


Patron Meritorious
How to stop auditing from occurring:

1. Insist that only trained auditors audit.

FACT: "Any auditing is better than no auditing." LRH

2. Insist that prior training is invalid once new training is released.

FACT: All the LRH tech is valid as originally published. That tech which did not require formal training still does not require formal training. Further, your training is still valid, even if the courses they represented no longer exist. Even if the certs were cancelled, in fact.

Analogy: Losing one's license doesn't take away the ability to drive a car.

3. Require that e-meters be annually certified.

FACT: An e-meter can be checked with two resistors across the leads. 5000 ohms at TA 2.0 and 12500 ohms at TA 3.0 and if it's set correctly there, and holds a charge for long enough to run a session without drifting very far, then you can use it.

These resistors were once supplied with a new meter, attached to a piece of cardboard. That practice stopped when the "Silver Cert" came in, and took away the cause point of an auditor about his own tools. An e-meter only needs repairing if it is totally dead, won't hold a charge or is grossly misaligned per the above resistor test.

Anything else, including taking 6 months to get a meter back from being checked, is an arbitrary stopping auditors from working.

4. ARC break Scientologists worldwide by creating a major management upheaval.

FACT: Only 20% of all persons are PTS, and of them only 2 1/2% are suppressive. By actual numbers, the removal of Scientology management could not have been justified since it can be safely assumed that very few suppressives could have infiltrated Scientology prior to the mass dismissals.

Disagreement with the actions of any management terminal is not grounds for dismissal or declare in Scientology. Thus we can see that those who perpetrated this act are the true suppressives, and are so declared.

5. Forbid auditing to occur outside of CoS orgs.

FACT: Up until the mid-70s auditing was encouraged as long as the auditor was trained and got some C/S supervision. This was mainly to ensure that the PC was being run on a more-or-less standard regime of processes as currently presented by orgs. Missions delivered bulk processing, and sometimes prospered better than the orgs themselves.

That mission network was broken up. Auditing outside of orgs was discouraged by insisting that auditors only use processes for which training in orgs was necessary. Thus the bulk of Scientology tech is lost to anyone except perhaps the SHSBC grad and the Qual. Division.

6. Cancel HCOB issues with thin excuse that they were not LRH issues.

FACT: In 1978 a series of issues was made relating to clear and the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive around the time of the issue of NED. Most of those issues were missing from the next edition of Tech Vol XII, with no cancellation issue as verification that they should have been cancelled.

Prior that time, LRH had recently issued an HCOB expressly forbidding anyone to issue an HCOB in his name, and this was in full force prior to the issues which went missing. Thus, someone has cancelled these LRH issues illegally.

7. Don't export the tech that ensures Clears make it up the OT bridge

FACT: In 1978, a new rundown called Super Power was announced which was supposed to be exported broadly within 6 weeks. Dianetic Clears needed this to get up the bridge, since Power Processes could not be delivered to them. This Super Power is STILL unreleased, 23 years later. Excuse? "We're building a Super Power delivery building."

Need I go on? Scientologist, if you ever read and fully understood KSW Series 1 then realise this:


Those who caused this must now answer for their crimes. Meanwhile, the rest of us had better make up for lost time and start clearing people in bulk.


Reposted from alt.religion.scientology newsgroup 20 Nov 2001, same author.



Miss Pert

Silver Meritorious Patron
Meanwhile, the rest of us had better make up for lost time and start clearing people in bulk.

If you want to try and start clearing people in bulk, enjoy. I'd much rather nurse sick animals back to health, it's much more rewarding. This little fellow was given the all "Clear" just days after being brought into the hospital and achieved "Total Freedom" a couple of weeks later once his abiltiy to fly was rehabbed.

:fly2: :fly2: :fly2:


  • I'm so fierce.jpg
    I'm so fierce.jpg
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Free Being Me

If you want to try and start clearing people in bulk, enjoy. I'd much rather nurse sick animals back to health, it's much more rewarding. This little fellow was given the all "Clear" just days after being brought into the hospital and achieved "Total Freedom" a couple of weeks later once his abiltiy to fly was rehabbed.

:fly2: :fly2: :fly2:

Wow, what a beautiful bird!!!! :)


Gold Meritorious Patron
Church OFF Scientology

I agree any action towards spiritual endeavours is witheld from, avoided .

the scene, all the church < OFF > Scientology Int actions down are towards "Solvency" for emergency (handling the effects of no results or bad results)and "plausible internal/external :kma:PR of supposed expansion".each complimenting the other.Rather than expanding spiritually mestcavige bought MEST.defence, PR

nothing whatsoever to do with spirituality.
emeter silver Cert.
Ideal orgs
mass distribution centres
VM network.


Patron Meritorious
Miss Pert: Nice! Is this a full-time activity for you? I have a friend who was so enamoured of bats that he now works for the local wildlife protection agency.

Jachs99: Yes, there are more examples available since this was written, especially Ideal Orgs. Great distractions from actually delivering freedom.

This is NOT OK !!!!

Gold Meritorious Patron
Miss Pert: Nice! Is this a full-time activity for you? I have a friend who was so enamoured of bats that he now works for the local wildlife protection agency.

Jachs99: Yes, there are more examples available since this was written, especially Ideal Orgs. Great distractions from actually delivering freedom.

Sorry, but I don't think that Scientology processes DO actually deliver freedom. I have 47 PC folders and these were enough to convince me. I should have stopped at 1. :duh:

That's why many/most here on this board consider themselves EX-Scientologists.

That's why it's called the EX-Scientologist Message Board.

Get it?


Gold Meritorious Patron
Sorry, but I don't think that Scientology processes DO actually deliver freedom. I have 47 PC folders and these were enough to convince me. I should have stopped at 1. :duh:

That's why many/most here on this board consider themselves EX-Scientologists.

That's why it's called the EX-Scientologist Message Board.

Get it?

you have 47 pc folders and you never got any enlightenment, realisations about yourself or life?

Did you ever do any training?

All us EXs have our different experiences and realities.Thats why we are here to communicate.


Patron Meritorious
Sorry, but I don't think that Scientology processes DO actually deliver freedom. I have 47 PC folders and these were enough to convince me. I should have stopped at 1. :duh:

That's why many/most here on this board consider themselves EX-Scientologists.

That's why it's called the EX-Scientologist Message Board.

Get it?

Sure, crystal clear. They failed to handle your case.

WTF do you want me to do about it?

Free Being Me

Sure, crystal clear. They failed to handle your case.

WTF do you want me to do about it?

That's assuming that one within the $cio paradigm one has a case to begin with.

Case: Lots of money down the drain.
No Case: I spent a lot of money to handle my case only to discover I never had one.

Miss Pert

Silver Meritorious Patron
Miss Pert: Nice! Is this a full-time activity for you? I have a friend who was so enamoured of bats that he now works for the local wildlife protection agency.

Yeah, pretty much. I'm training to be a vet nurse and work part time, the clinic where I work deals mostly with dogs & cats but sometimes someone will bring in a native critter that needs attention. The Tawny Frogmouth in the earlier post fell out of the nest before he was ready to fly, we passed him onto a wildlife carer and he was released once he was fully fledged. I love my work :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:


Silver Meritorious Patron
Whining and Complaining only

Sure, crystal clear. They failed to handle your case.

WTF do you want me to do about it?

Dear Haiqu,

I think you mistook this message board for people who want to communicate and let people have the freedom to speak as was denied in the "church".

It is not, it is a place to complain and whine, it is for people who are stuck in a loss and can not get out. Either join the loss and think as they do or get out.

There are many people here who only want you to think as they do, much the same as when they were in the "church"

If you have further communication please form it as a COMPLAINT.

Do not be reasonable.

Operating DB

Truman Show Dropout
This is after all the Freezone part of ESMB where freezoners can discuss their interests. This is not my field of interest nor do I agree with much if at all any of it but my philosophy is let the freezoners have their say with other freezoners.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Dear Haiqu,

I think you mistook this message board for people who want to communicate and let people have the freedom to speak as was denied in the "church".

It is not, it is a place to complain and whine, it is for people who are stuck in a loss and can not get out. Either join the loss and think as they do or get out.

There are many people here who only want you to think as they do, much the same as when they were in the "church"

If you have further communication please form it as a COMPLAINT.

Do not be reasonable.

Why was the board created?
This board was created to fill a void.
There needed to be a place where people can gather to discuss their experiences with Scientology in a moderated environment.

Ex Scientologist Message board FAQ

What is the purpose of the board?

The board is for Ex Scientologists of all "denominations" to get together and talk things over.

Some leave the church because they are forced out by some insane ethics order yet remain true believers;

some left of their own accord because it stopped making sense; some find the tech truly workable but management corrupt;

some find the earlier tech workable but call the Golden Age of Tech the "work of squirrels";

some don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and some feel that there is no baby at all.

Some practice Scientology alternatives,
some practice Freezone Scientology,
some use bits and pieces in their daily lives

and some want nothing more to do with it.

It is likely that most people are happy where they sit in regards to Scientology.
They have their minds made up about it and no amount of discussion will change that.
This board is not meant to be a vehicle to plead your case, reconvert the fallen or preach your brand.

It is designed to allow people to connect up,
gain some understanding of our differences,

learn to respect each others opinions and find some peace with it and hopefully within ourselves.

Who is considered an "Ex Scientologist"?
Anyone who has broken free of the restraints of the Official Church of Scientology and is "allowed" to read & post to the internet.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Dear Haiqu,

I think you mistook this message board for people who want to communicate and let people have the freedom to speak as was denied in the "church".

It is not, it is a place to complain and whine, it is for people who are stuck in a loss and can not get out. Either join the loss and think as they do or get out.

There are many people here who only want you to think as they do, much the same as when they were in the "church"

If you have further communication please form it as a COMPLAINT.

Do not be reasonable.

Wow... Ok.

Take a walk or something (no sarcasm), Reasonable.

Peace, Stat.

I told you I was trouble

Suspended animation
Sob ... I do miss Nozeno.


Posted by Zinj

Eventually the only active Scientologists will be In Depends Scientologists


I don't think we'll be allowed to keep em in da pens Zinj ... still, it's worth a try (we'll keep em as pets).