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I "own" some OSA Trolls


Silver Meritorious Patron
The last days were really interessting...

I stayed some days in France and Belgium and had there nice holidays. :)

The days before were very turbulent... I had some OSA Trolls on my blog, this means I am a famous critic now. :yes: :coolwink:

A little bit I was shocked! OSA Trolls on my blog and they got with the time verbal "aggressiv", even against other critics, like Wilfried Handl, Ursula Caberta or Bruce Hines.

The most of the OSA "Gequatsche" (=Bla, bla, bla...) I commented, the other things I blocked. Thought long about what to do.

Here are two examples of the published ones http://kindseininscientology.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/wilfried-handl-benotigt-unterstutzung/ and http://kindseininscientology.wordpress.com/category/aktuelles/tarnorganisationen/ For the doxs or gtfo "people".

This one eg isn't published on my blog...

Lots of OTs (texziegler, Freedom of Speech)wrote:
du machst dir zu viel Arbeit um nichts. Deine Infos sind gelinde ausgedrückt sehr verstaubt.
Es gibt nichts neues in BRD oder Österreich zuberichten, das ist dir doch schon aufgefallen.
Handl bedient sich nur ausgelutschter Zeitungsartikel aus USA.
Was wollt ihr wirklich? Fakten bringen? Dann aber bitte welche von der “Front” und keine Second Hand News verbreiten. Aber um selbst erarbeitete Fakten zu bringen bist du selbst und Handl sowieso viel zu feige und zu ängstlich und vor allem— ihr habt keinen Zugang dazu.
Warst nicht du diejenige, die sich von OSA verfolgt fühlte und das im Anon Blog erzählte?Bist du nicht ein bißchen geltungssüchtig? Hörst du auch schon Stimmen? Paranoia?
Noch ein Tip zum weiter herausfinden:
Bruce Hines (einer von den Jungs, die Caberta in Hamburg eingeladen hatte ) spielt eine Maulwurfrolle. Er war vor 40 Jahren in BRD in der ältesten Mission zugange. Möchte sagen man kennt sich.
Viel Erfolg beim Fakten sammeln.
I don't know if Bruce Hines is reading or posting here, but he imo understands and speaks good enough German to understand this "insinuation".

Freedom of Speech (texziegler, Lots of OTs) wrote:

<snipped advertising>Was du Nicole hier für ein Spielchen treibst ist mir noch nicht ganz klar, du scheinst aber eher eine enttäuschte Scientologin zu sein als eine HardCore Gegenerin.
This means, he/she doesn't know which game I am playing, but he/she believes I am a frustrated Scientologist and not an "hardcore" critic. :ohmy:

Dear OSA, I am an Ex - Scientologist. I am personally insulted when you call me a Scientologist.

So Iam really proud about my blog and that OSA sees it as a dangour. For the most people it is normal to go in this way arround with OSA, for me it is new, normaly they attacked me with a "hidden way".

However, I hope that you will not take it amiss if I post this here and I hope you understand how proud I am. :yes:


I can't understand a lick of german, but good job on dealing with the trolls!

Look forward to more.


Patron Meritorious
haben sie nichts besseres mit ihrer Zeit (OSA), als bei irgendjemand auf den Blog zu schreiben?
Zeigt was fuer Unsinn und Quatsch das ganze ist.
Sie sollten lieber "auf Kurs" sein und helfen Studentenpunkte zu sammlen fuer die leeren Orgs.
Wie viele von diese Bloedmaennern sind total gehirngewaschen um so ein Bloedsinn zu schreiben?
Macht mich wahnsinnig wie weit sie gehen werden um ihre scheiss Dianetik Buecher verkaufen zu koennen, obwohl sie meistens selber das Buch nicht gelesen haben.:yes:


Patron with Honors
You can get a *very* rough translation from Google Translate. It'll give you the gist, but I think the "subtleties" of the vitriol are lost (lol covert hostility).

I'd love for someone to translate properly. Duplicating in a different language, I guess.

[Edit: Just to show you how silly Google Translate can be, follow this crazy-long link and click the speaker for Beatbox mode.]


Silver Meritorious Patron
Scientologists in Germany are likely to very agitated due to the high level of desperation.

They sued Wilfried Handl in Austria, because they believe he gave the "order" to Anonymous to hack the Mail account from Scientology Austria. They believe he is the leader of Anonymous Austria. :duh:

They are really desperate. As I started to write about it and I asked people for spending money to Wilfried for his lawsuit, they started to attack me very hard. Not only on my Blog; I have got some stuppid mails and PMs too. But I do not have an evidence for the Mails and PMs. It could be normal Trolls too.


Silver Meritorious Patron

I suspect that most of the posters on this message board (including me) don't understand much Deutsch.

Next time you could try the Babelfish translator... just a suggestion.

I don't believe Babelfish or google translate works very well here. It is Scientologeze mixed with "slang German". I know that the most posters can't understand German, but my English is too worse to translate the message and it isn't really important it is OSA BS.


Big List researcher
I am neither German nor English, but at least I can give it a try.


You make a lot of fuss about nothing. You information is, mildly put, very dusty.
There is nothing new to report going on in Germany or Austria, which you will have noticed without a doubt.
Handl only uses old newspaper articles from the USA.
What do you really want? Bring facts? Then please bring us first-hand facts, no second-hand news. However, to bring about self-produced facts you yourself and Handl anyway are much too cowardly and fearful. And foremost: you have no access to any of them.
Were you not the one who felt persecuted by OSA and told about it on the Anon blog? Aren't you a little addicted to retribution? Do you hear voices already? Paranoia?
Another tip to find out more:
Bruce Hines (one of the guys who was invited by Caberta in Hamburg) plays a role as a mole. He was 40 years ago in Germany in the oldest mission. Would like to say we know eachother.
Good luck with collecting facts.


What kind of game you, Nicole, are playing here to me is not yet completely clear, but you seem to be more of a disappointed Scientologist than a hardcore adversary.

No doubt there will be someone with a finer eye for the details of the German an English language who will correct this. :)


Silver Meritorious Patron
I am neither German nor English, but at least I can give it a try.
thanks :)

One Correction, this means more

Bruce Hines (one of the guys who was invited by Caberta in Hamburg) plays a role as a mole. He was 40 years ago in Germany in the oldest mission. Would like to say "one" know eachother.

the dict. says even "we", as you translated it, but OSA means here that not OSA knows Bruce Hines, he wants to say that maybe I know him or Ursula Caberta or whoever. It is more passive.


Who needs merits?
No doubt there will be someone with a finer eye for the details of the German an English language who will correct this. :)

I won't say that I have a finer eye for said details, but as far as I can say, your translation is pretty much on the spot. :thumbsup:

Thanks for helping Nicole out. :)


Silver Meritorious Patron
Damn, it is always chaos, when I start a thread. I should work on a better English. :blush:

...and again Thank You very much TrevAnon. Bedankt! :)


Formerly Fooled - Finally Free
Nicole, after reading this Google translation I would say that you may be wasting your time responding to it or keeping it up on your blog or even posting here about it. This is just propaganda:

"hello, you worry too much work for nothing. Learn to say the least you are very dusty.
There is nothing new zuber'll Know in Germany or Austria, which you nevertheless have noticed.Handl uses only be lutschter newspaper articles from USA.
What you really want? Facts bring? But please which spread from the "front" and no second-hand news. But to bring about self-produced facts you yourself and Handl anyway much too cowardly and fearful-and especially you have no access to it.
Were not you the one who felt persecuted by the OSA and the Anon blog told? Are not you a little retribution addicted? Do you hear voices already? Paranoia?
Another tip to find out more:
Bruce Hines (one of the guys who had invited Caberta in Hamburg) plays a role mole. He was 40 years ago in Germany Blazed in the oldest mission. Would like to say we know each.
Good luck with collecting facts."

Did you contact Bruce about it first before posting this? He's on facebook.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Nicole, after reading this Google translation

Try this one from TrevAnon, it is better.

You make a lot of fuss about nothing. You information is, mildly put, very dusty.
There is nothing new to report going on in Germany or Austria, which you will have noticed without a doubt.
Handl only uses old newspaper articles from the USA.
What do you really want? Bring facts? Then please bring us first-hand facts, no second-hand news. However, to bring about self-produced facts you yourself and Handl anyway are much too cowardly and fearful. And foremost: you have no access to any of them.
Were you not the one who felt persecuted by OSA and told about it on the Anon blog? Aren't you a little addicted to retribution? Do you hear voices already? Paranoia?
Another tip to find out more:
Bruce Hines (one of the guys who was invited by Caberta in Hamburg) plays a role as a mole. He was 40 years ago in Germany in the oldest mission. Would like to say we know eachother.
Good luck with collecting facts.
I would say that you may be wasting your time responding to it or keeping it up on your blog
I agree.

or even posting here about it.
He is doing defamation, why should I keep this OSA behaviour in secret. It isn't the right place to post it on my blog, but I believe here is the right place to post OSA "crimes". I don't want to hide this at a secret place.

This is just propaganda:
No, this is defamation. Propaganda I don't post, this would be a waste of time.

Did you contact Bruce about it first before posting this? He's on facebook.
No, I don't know Bruce Hines. I believe everybody is able to see this OSA lies about Bruce Hines and the other critics, including the lies about me.

Claire Swazey

Spokeshole, fence sitter
The last days were really interessting...

I stayed some days in France and Belgium and had there nice holidays. :)

The days before were very turbulent... I had some OSA Trolls on my blog, this means I am a famous critic now. :yes: :coolwink:

A little bit I was shocked! OSA Trolls on my blog and they got with the time verbal "aggressiv", even against other critics, like Wilfried Handl, Ursula Caberta or Bruce Hines.

The most of the OSA "Gequatsche" (=Bla, bla, bla...) I commented, the other things I blocked. Thought long about what to do.

Here are two examples of the published ones http://kindseininscientology.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/wilfried-handl-benotigt-unterstutzung/ and http://kindseininscientology.wordpress.com/category/aktuelles/tarnorganisationen/ For the doxs or gtfo "people".

This one eg isn't published on my blog...

Lots of OTs (texziegler, Freedom of Speech)wrote:
I don't know if Bruce Hines is reading or posting here, but he imo understands and speaks good enough German to understand this "insinuation".

Freedom of Speech (texziegler, Lots of OTs) wrote:

This means, he/she doesn't know which game I am playing, but he/she believes I am a frustrated Scientologist and not an "hardcore" critic. :ohmy:

Dear OSA, I am an Ex - Scientologist. I am personally insulted when you call me a Scientologist.

So Iam really proud about my blog and that OSA sees it as a dangour. For the most people it is normal to go in this way arround with OSA, for me it is new, normaly they attacked me with a "hidden way".

However, I hope that you will not take it amiss if I post this here and I hope you understand how proud I am. :yes:

How do you know he's with Dept 20 and isn't just some dumbass ordinary Scn'ist?


Silver Meritorious Patron
How do you know he's with Dept 20 and isn't just some dumbass ordinary Scn'ist?

Texziegler is everywhere, he does also posts on other blogs since years, I know this from different sources and does it really matter if he is an ordinary Scientologist or OSA, the result is the same.

R.Boeck or Böck is also spamming my Blog, he is a well known DSA in Berlin. ;)

1:21 R. Boeck with Sabine Weber.