Good post Knight Vision!
I think that the type of vices a person has and the field in which he is acting as a guru plays a big role in whether to judge the person by results only. Take the field of classical music, Mozart is alledged by some to have drunk booze a lot, gambled and had extra marital affairs. None of this is fully verified but is speculation. If one loves his music, what difference would it make if those allegations were true, just enjoy the music. Richard Wagner, on the other hand was anti-semitic. This endeared him to Hitler and the Nazis but some altruistic people and some Jews will not listen to his music, even though they think it is beautiful. I can sympathize with those people although I myself still will listen to Wagner and enjoy it. Music is music and a musicians personal background usually does not determine if people are willing to enjoy good music, with Wagner being a counter example.
In the field of Ethics, Morals, Philosophy and Religion, I think the character of the leader, the guru so to speak, is more important. I would think twice now about following Hubbard's books on Marriage and the Family and the raising of children since his personal stats in these areas are extremely poor. Of his first two children, Nibs became an enemy and Katie was just dropped and never mentioned. He probably never spoke to her and while she was growing up he was in New York City as a writer having affairs with women while he was still married. He disowned his 3rd child, Alexis and claimed she was not his child and then did not communicate to Marry Sue or his four children with for the last 5 years of his life. I would never listen to any LRH data on how to raise a family based on his own terrible performance.
When it came down to codes of honor, codes of behavior and so forth, even if the man was a scoundrel, I can see still using the codes if they are workable but with one big condition, that being that the originator of the codes followed them himself!
LRH did not follow his codes himself. Just look at the conditions formulas. Per his taped lectures and his writings, any being must write up his hats, make his post comfortable for a successor to take over and then continue doing a Power Change Formula. LRH just left us cold with no instructions or post assignments or "R Factors" to his staff and public as to what should happen upon his demise. JUST LOOK HOW THINGS HAVE DEVELOPED BECAUSE HE FAILED TO IMPLEMENT HIS OWN POLICY. On my stint on the Apollo, Ron's home and the most sane spot in the universe, he appointed me to two posts, one was to be on the telephone all day long getting price quotes in Portugese though I knew not one word of the language. My other posting was to the Programs Bureau where I was to write Evals to help CCLA to grow but I had never done the Data Evaluator's Course. Neither job even had any hat write up and I was given the one word, "Start!" on both posts. The man did not follow any of his own policies and was willing to destroy my life through his negligent actions with not the slightest care of the effects he was causing on me and many others who experienced my same fate.
When I complained that I was not hatted, my Seniors told me that I was a Sea Org member and was expected to do anything assigned me. With no comm lag or prior thought, I immediately countered that why can't someone untrained be posted to be a Class VIII auditor and just be told to start, why was my situation any different. The weak robotic seniors were just stopped dead in their tracks, looking like deer who had been caught in the headlights of a car, and comm lagged for a full 3 or 4 seconds before one of the Ronbots started yelling that I was just nattering and I was told to write up my overts. NO MATTER HOW WELL SOME POLICIES WORKED WHY WOULD ANYONE SUCH AS ME EVER AGREE TO FOLLOW LRH POLICES AGAIN?
Well, I got carried away, but I think you get my point.