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I'm so happy to have found this group!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Hello !

Hello and :welcome: Skywalker.

I hope you come back - soon. Read, Luke - and keep on reading. Truth is a powerful force . . . As T4 said, May the Force be with you.



Gold Meritorious Patron
Welcome Skywalker, may you find the path that nourishes and soothes your soul, whatevr that may be.

Wisened One

:welcome: to ESMB, skywalker! Just dive right in with reading the posts and Threads here and we DO love stories...so whenever you are ready....:drama:

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
There are a lot of ways to go on this ex CofS ex cult stuff.

There are other ologies besides Scn.

There is "standard" "tech" in the Free Zone.

There is also some Free Zone practitioners who aren't by the book at all and who create their own processes, emeters, have their own interpretations and even entertain other modalities besides Scn and Dn.

Or not bothering with any of that.

The advise I would give is to follow your heart AND be open to continually reevaluating your own beliefs. Oh, and I'd also want to tell you that you can really make friends here. There are a lot of terrific people here.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
4 newbies in 24 hours?


My suggestions to you all:

Read everything the Armadillo writes.:D

Click through all the links Paul attaches to his posts.

Read the "Basics" - a good list provided here: http://www.xenu.net/archive/books/index.html

Read this: http://carolineletkeman.org/sp/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=915&Itemid=92

Read this: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets/TR/index.html

When you're done, you'll know for yourself what educated people outside Scientology already know:

Scientology is a mind control cult to extract every possible treasure from its brain-washed victims, aka Scientologists.

I know, I did it for 31 years :omg:

And read everything Voltaire's Child writes. You forgot that.
There are other ologies besides Scn.

There is "standard" "tech" in the Free Zone.

There is also some Free Zone practitioners who aren't by the book at all and who create their own processes, emeters, have their own interpretations and even entertain other modalities besides Scn and Dn.

There is also a very strong school of thought within the freezone which emphasizes thinking with the tech and using it to address the specific problem being addressed as opposed to excessive reliance on formulaic procedures or rote memorization. The basis of this school lies in the most successful practices of the early development of the tech dating from before progressive cohesion into a church centered upon a personality cult of "Ron" resulted in the stifling of individual accomplishments and initiative. :)

Mark A. Baker

Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
"There is also a very strong school of thought within the freezone which emphasizes thinking with the tech and using it to address the specific problem being addressed as opposed to excessive reliance on formulaic procedures or rote memorization. The basis of this school lies in the most successful practices of the early development of the tech dating from before progressive cohesion into a church centered upon a personality cult of "Ron" resulted in the stifling of individual accomplishments and initiative. "

Interesting. One of my earliest vexations was that I felt I was 'thinking' with the tech and being thwarted by people who could quote a line out of context that was contrary to the 'flow' of the subject at hand. I got more than tired of tech being used to stop instead of help.

Later I became disgusted of something as powerful ( and potentially destructive ) as the ethics tech being applied by staff members who were very irresponsible with what had been entrusted to them ( and never should have been!).

And it seems to have gone from a time when things were gone back and fixed if they needed fixed to full speed ahead, plow everything out of the way, and never look back.

No wonder there are more people out forever than are in - and no wonder people are leaving faster than they are coming in.

Good work from those who spread the truth !


totally, it seems like the same story with results of varying degrees
but is there no love for standard tech?
It doesn't take a LC to know that 1.1, incapable, b@#&%'s shouldn't be on ethics lines
Even IF noone else is locally elligible
Howsabout this: A very new guy watches as the ethics personnel he was routed to tells a former prison guard(demoted from VMIC) all your overts, in your sight(for starters)
Keep your heads up... I gotta log off

There is so little mention throughout of anything LrH about love, kindness, empathy. LRon, by his own examples within his own family, had few feelings for anyone around him but for his own ego. For most who have looked around the insides (and left) and outsides (who will never be in), there exist only standards that are continuously re-defined within a closed system to placate any manipulations that have worked on the victims of his twisted mind.
The 'ethics' standards applied in anything CoS, are devoid of real ethics as per the world's definitions, this is why Ron re-wrote history, created his own language, and continued with the BS until he died a lonely, drugged and demented fool, swatting at BT's that invaded his sorry simple mind.
He was neither a scientist, a philosopher, ethical, or most of what he claimed to be. Merely a very clever con artist who has out-lived the damage he has done.

This is why.

Regardless of this, I bid you welcome as well, give you heart-felt condolences and unmitigated respect and love. I wish you the very best in your travels in the wild, wild, wild wide world.
May you fear no evil, but realise that evil can lie in good intent too.

