Welcome Newbie EeeBee!
Imagine your life as a totally free being, who can communicate with anyone you choose, in your own way and on your own terms, with no fears of reprisals.
Imagine living with no fear of sec checks or ethics actions, ever again.
Imagine choosing for yourself exactly what you want to read, where you want to go, what you want to do with your life!
Imagine sharing stories with and helping and encouraging others who were lied to, duped and brainwashed, too, and who understand, because they have been where you are now.
This is all true! This can be your life once you fully free yourself.
You have many new friends waiting to lend a helping hand once you take those final steps to freedom.
And who knows, maybe your friends still in the COS will follow you out to Freedom, and a wonderful life also? Maybe you are a leader for them and don't know it yet...
You've taken an important step in getting into comm with us here.
We'll be here for you when you take another.
Nothing else in your life can compensate for not being free.
I want you to live the best life you can live up to your fullest potential as a free being.
I want you to flourish and thrive and prosper in real life, in total freedom away from COS.
It's your life. You owe it to your self to act in your own best interest, and fulfill your dreams. You owe it to the rest of us not to waste your talents and energy supporting a destructive and harmful cult, when you could be doing some real good in the world. We need caring people like you who want to help others, badly.
You can do it! I have confidence in your abilities to work this out, and get free!
More power to you on your journey to real freedom.