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Incident 1 running


Patron with Honors
So as I see Ive got convinced that its a bullshit... or not... who knows. I dont know what to think of this.

I see it like this... Inc I:

1. Given to the auditee so its not like the auditee would be up to realizing it to himself by raising his/her awareness level. He/she has been given the subject.

2. Inc I is an incident, many did not even see or recall the real pictures, just "intended" it.
One can intend anything one is given. And believe in it, mainly when one gives it such an importance.

3. Inc I does not even have to be run on oneself. Just on BTs.

4. These BTs does not even have to be gotten through Inc I, the trick is to wake them up and make them realize who they are, or whatever, just taking them out of ones body.

5. Up to OT3 one realizes the entire time that he is mocking it all up.

6. One could easily sit down, TR0 on those supposed BTs and make them blew away. Just by keeping in TR0 - I guess its called "meditation". And jump through all the Scn bullshit levels made up for only one reason. So that the Scn have som business what they can invoice for.

Do I understand it correctly?

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
Another thing is, what are those BTs if Incident I was just made up?
Even if Incident 1 were actual (rather than invented, as already explained by Dart) it is not, in Hubbard's mythology, considered to be an incident which "makes BTs". It is supposedly, per Hubbard, an incident which ALL thetans in this Universe have in common.


Patron with Honors
Even if Incident 1 were actual (rather than invented, as already explained by Dart) it is not, in Hubbard's mythology, considered to be an incident which "makes BTs". It is supposedly, per Hubbard, an incident which ALL thetans in this Universe have in common.

Thank you. I meant by this question:
What are those BTs in the preclears body, if there was no Incident I?
I know the definition of BTs and Incident I.
I am wondering, about the truthness of Incident I happening to all thetans.

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
How could Incident 1 have possibly happened to anyone at all if Hubbard made it up? The theory of it in Hubbard's mythology is that it is the first incident which starts a thetan creating his timetrack, hence Incident 1, and common to all thetans in this universe.

A BT (again, per Hubbard) is simply a thetan the same as any other thetan but who is no longer the "thetan in charge" of or running a body.

If you're really interested in knowing more, there's a Confidential HCOB called "The Nature Of Body Thetans" (or something similar). It's probably been webbed somewhere. Paul/Dulloldfart would probably know exactly what it is called and where to find it.

PS: Even within Hubbard's mythology there are many other factors which might allegedly cause a thetan to cease running his own body and simply become a part of or "a passenger" aboard another thetan's body. I'm not really interested in teaching these things here. The same goes for discussing beliefs about unicorns.


Squirrel Extraordinaire
Thank you. I meant by this question:
What are those BTs in the preclears body, if there was no Incident I?

This question has been covered extensively on ESMB. You can Google-search ESMB by typing in the Google search box "site:forum.exscn.net" (without the quote marks) and then whatever it is you are searching for. For example, typing "site:forum.exscn.net pauls body thetans" brings up this thread where the question is covered thoroughly:

I know the definition of BTs and Incident I.
I am wondering, about the truthness of Incident I happening to all thetans.

How would Hubbard know? You really think he knew that much about everything in the universe?



How could Incident 1 have possibly happened to anyone at all if Hubbard made it up? The theory of it in Hubbard's mythology is that it is the first incident which starts a thetan creating his timetrack, hence Incident 1, and common to all thetans in this universe.

A BT (again, per Hubbard) is simply a thetan the same as any other thetan but who is no longer the "thetan in charge" of or running a bod

If you're really interested in knowing more, there's a Confidential HCOB called "The Nature Of Body Thetans" (or something similar). It's probably been webbed somewhere. Paul/Dulloldfart would probably know exactly what it is called and where to find it.

PS: Even within Hubbard's mythology there are many other factors which might allegedly cause a thetan to cease running his own body and simply become a part of or "a passenger" aboard another thetan's body. I'm not really interested in teaching these things here. The same goes for discussing beliefs about unicorns

I actually read this book many years ago. It was written with a scientifically oriented curiosity.



Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
How do they?
Sorry. :coolwink:
Lol, I was just kidding Multix, I knew what you meant but I couldn't resist the 'ho gag. :biggrin:

As to how they vary, try Dulloldfart's take: http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?10114-Paul-s-Body-Thetans which I happen to think is pretty damn good, even if there are some points where I'd differ.

Another interesting variation is Alan Walter's. Check out some of Alan's posts.

My own understanding of this stuff is probably only uniquely applicable to me and my comment about "opinions vary" was in response to UM's dismissal of the concept as "imagination".


The concept of Post Clear "progress" is that the individual being that "is" the person is clear, but that there are enitities, bt's, clusters, epicenter beings, targs, and the Genetic Entity that are occupying the person's "body" and need to be "cleared". Some of them may need "full grade charts" put in on them, others may "blow by inspection". The "danger" to the individual at this level is mis-assigning the "charge" or "case" of the collective entities as his own, and assuming their valences. I have seen Dianetics successfully "run" on individual entities post OT III, but with a very tightly controlled "intention beam" so as to not wander off into waking up other "dormant" entities.

As for Inc 1. As Dart mentioned, Hubbard was a wreck at that time. To assert that "Inc. 1" is THE entrance way into the physical universe for BT's is just ignorant, if not malicious. I know of at least 15 different ways that occurred (several of which were mentioned in 1952 era lectures). One of the basic rules of auditing is that you have to address "who is there". With the release of Ned for OT's, the CoS (and Hubbard) deprecated OT III, suggesting in one HCOB from the NOTs series to let a person audit to a "big win", and then tell them that was it, and shunt them over to NOTs.

As a "Solo Auditor Level" it can be a wild ride, but the auditing is only as good as the auditor, in any case.

I'm glad you threw this out there that way.

I found our very early on the HARD way....that we did not all arrive in this universe at the SAME time. NO incident is for everyone. But I have experienced that one's individual episode of being forced in or pushed into this universe can be traumatic. It is also unhealthy to have the resulting 'mental machinery' of it come awake full force as it occurred when one was not running bodies. As I myself, found, I had several goings IN to this universe in a rather short period of time. (Now I realize by saying this I am saying there is another scenario which still exists just outside of here.) So if one was gotten rid of, or was being punished, or escaped prematurely and ran into a phony 'ethics' team.....there could be some stress....if there is a new connection to a body here at the time.

I think the idea that THE entry point for everyone is 4 quadrillion is a LIE which keeps one from inspecting what might be his own very hot item. There was probably a shocking change of paradigm along with forbidden memories if what I suspect is so...for any who were coerced in.

I was angry when I discovered the ideas being sold as OT III too. It meant no one would be invited to find their own track. And I posit this...If you had a severe problem with some being or beings culminating with being shoved in here , ....they are most likely still there if you should pop out. Unless of course, justice has taken its' toll and they are now here too. The worst thing for me was to run into someone within the structure of Scn who had used highly sophisticated tech to FORCE me to go into this universe. Not once, but twice. So I do think that start of track, or the beginning of recording impressions of instances of time and the building up of a mental mesh framework that electronically defines an individual iis a key point.


I found another Edith Fiore vid here (regarding the sources of the phenomena like BTs, entities, or being possessed by the spirits of others not willing to go on and live their own lives, but remaining coincident with another's.)



Going to Source

A Ho on BT Drug Rundown TECH .....

snipped vid

Mark A. Baker

Oh! I get it!!! DON HO!:duh:



Gold Meritorious Patron
To assert that "Inc. 1" is THE entrance way into the physical universe for BT's is just ignorant, if not malicious. I know of at least 15 different ways that occurred (several of which were mentioned in 1952 era lectures).
Fifteen? Shucks, that's nothing. I know of at least 50 ways and I'm still imagining more. Some of them involve Disney characters, Christmas lights and/or robots and most have me as the primary hero...

Hey, this is fun!