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Independent Checksheet Foundation down?


@IndieScieNews on Twitter
Is the Independent Checksheet Foundation down? Has it folded? Is it kaput?

The prior website for the Foundation -- http://independentchecksheetfnd.org/ -- and linked on the relevant iScientology.org page ("Click here to visit the download website") -- now goes to a Register.com page asking whether you want to "Renew Your Domain Name Now" or "Bid On This Domain Name Now."

Don't worry. The Independent Scientology Checksheets are still available directly through iScientology.org: http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/training/free-independent-training-cheeksheets

A screw-up? Consolidation? Economizing?



Genuine Meatball
Dam'd if I know.. But if they've started using digital checksheets, their toiletpaper situation has definitly changed for the worse!



Squirrel Extraordinaire
Dam'd if I know.. But if they've started using digital checksheets, their toiletpaper situation has definitly changed for the worse!


It's OK, don't worry. At the end of the checksheet it says:

(Route this checksheet to the Course Admin for filing in the student’s folder.)​

so they intend them to be printed off.
