Ron even warned us about what he was doing, we just never saw that he was actually doing it. In his lectures he frequently referred to how you could have control over people with
black or reverse scientology.
I remember one on Havingness where he described what happens to people when you force low havingness on them. What did he go and do? Create the Sea Org where members' havingness was reduced to bare physical survival needs. What did he get? An army of slave robots!
Reverse scientology. Instead of restoration of Havingness he ran inhibition of Havingness. Simple!
Look at his Orders of the Day and policies written at the time of the SO and you see him running overwhelm, overwhelm of communication, of control, of confusion, of fear, etc. No "Recognition of the Rightness of the Being" there!
Veda describes this as "public" and "hidden" scientology, but even some of the layers of
black scientology are not all that hidden. One layer of them is printed in the OEC volumes.
Pick a policy at random and see if you can see the reverse scientology process being run. KSW is a humdinger!
Miscavige is the same. Fear as control - using secondaries and locks to make the person behave in a stimulus-response fashion. Simple
Black Dianetics! Yes, DM is a true believer in the tech allright! Such a thorough believer that he uses the processes backwards to cave people in to obedience.
The head of the scientology tree cannot have public scn tech run on them because they would cease to practice reverse scientology. This is what happened on the Happiness Rundown. Public and execs woke up to the black nature of CofS organisation tech so many refused to propagate this
reverse tech (admin) being applied in the orgs. This contributed to the schism in '82.
So Ron avoided "standard tech" being run on him. His tech was one of "research" where he re-enforced his barmy case as in the "Targs" research session with MSH in 1952 and his NOTs justification with David Mayo. He busted Otto Roos who tried to put "standard tech" in on his case.
Now we hear Miscavige doesn't get auditing and is stalled somewhere on the OT levels. Of course he is! The
Black Scientologist can't have scientology processes run on them!