Patron with Honors
Random excerpts of interest:
Random excerpts of interest:
http://www.iscientology.org/faqNOTICE: This non-commercial website is NOT owned by nor affiliated with the Church of Scientology in any way, shape or form. For more information, click here.
Does Independent Scientology demand or require any form of donation?
Does Independent Scientology use disconnection or fair game?
http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/managementWhat role does money play in Independent Scientology?
Independent Scientologists believe that services should be affordable, that they should not be priced out of reach and that you do not need to be wealthy to go up the Bridge. Individual practitioners set their own prices.
http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/beliefsSo if you want to meet the Leader of Independent Scientology, just look in the mirror.
The only “acceptable truth” is full truth.
LRH was neither perfect nor a sociopath.
The use of disconnection, dirty tricks and "fair game" to silence whistle blowers, critics and dissenters is evil.
The ONLY acceptable code of conduct for a Scientology organization is the Auditor's Code.
The end does not justify the means.
Anyone is free to practice Scientology regardless of race, color, creed, income bracket or sexual preference.
Marty's post announcing iScientology.org :Management of Scientology organizations is unnecessary.
Posted on October 12, 2012 by martyrathbun09 | 3 Comments
Steve Hall has done it again, and even bigger and better than ever before.
The last chapter of my book The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know refers folk to gateways into the Independent Scientology movement. One of the central resources noted is Steve Hall’s latest creation, iScientology.org, the Voice of Independent Scientology, guaranteeing Scientology as a force for good.
Here is a brief preview from Steve giving a taste of the breadth of the site as a central resource for Independent Scientologists:
“Using Scientology to Fix Scientology” which is a History of the Indie movement http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/history
“Rebooting Scientology” — http://www.iscientology.org/resources/essays/rebooting-scientology
“START A GROUP! It’s 1950 All Over Again” — http://www.iscientology.org/resources/essays/start-a-group
Article explaining the Independent Scientology logo — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/symbology
Article explaining no management — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/management
Ball busting article on “What is an Independent Scientologist” — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/what-is-an-independent-scientologist
I mean it’s just a ball busting website. And unlike Corporate Scientology’s cold lifeless corporate Corbis-generic website, ours really has life and a unique personality.
There’s even an article with photos on how to replace the battery on a Quantum. http://www.iscientology.org/resources/technical-info/mark-vii-battery-replacement
Check out the Links page which is pretty cool. It describes each of our websites with photo of each. — http://www.iscientology.org/links
FAQ to answer any question. — http://www.iscientology.org/faq
It also lists the Beliefs of Independent Scientology (something people search engines for) — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/beliefs
There’s a place to order an Independent Scientologist t-shirt — http://www.iscientology.org/resources/promotional/indie-t-shirt
Article on re-opening the Training Bridge with photos of Jimmy Rebel’s place — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/training/making-auditors
Articles to explain why they need Training where you learn how to handle the Super Barriers of life — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/training/above-counter-effort
All the links to download Dan Koon’s training checksheets — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/training/free-independent-training-cheeksheets
An article giving LRH’s intention for Academy Training — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/training/training-in-the-independent-field
Article about iScientology — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us
There’s a whole section laying out key LRH References on applicable subjects regarding Independent Scientology
There are book reviews on 8 key books (with pictures) — yours, plus Frederick Douglass, Sociopath Next Door — your entire reading list.
Plus I have one article from Jim Logan — the one on 3-swing floating needles as out tech.
Article on what they should do as an Indie Scientologist — http://www.iscientology.org/about-us/what-should-i-do