13 years of B/S
The Flag AO has been pushing this 10,000 people on OT VII target for 13 years that I know of. I think Clive Rabey has it tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. I would like to point out to Clive, DM and anyone else who will listen to facts without flinching, that there are only 25,000 or so Scientologists in the world, and that it will take a heck of a lot more than that to create the Bridge flow required to get 10,000 people on SoloNOTs. You don't get that many people into a condition where they are willing to devote their entire life to getting on and staying on that level, without having another carrot beyond that point for them to reach toward. There is no Super Power. There is no OT 9 and 10. Many people are on OTVII for over 5 years, at tremendous cost. Public know this. They have trouble keeping 1200-1500 people at their daily auditing, and showing up at Flag twice a year for another fleecing. Ask Panda, and me, how expensive that was. Especially coming from Australia or South Africa. It was bad enough coming from LA. 10,000 is a pipe dream. They are just grinding on a worn out, deluded target that will probably never be made. This comm from the Mission I/C is funny to me. This guy is up against people who are beyond jumping to attention when the latest flunky hits town. Do you know how many times Clive Rabey and Senior C/S FSO have come to LA and done personal interviews, DofPs, and scraped a few guys together to get back on or drummed up a few guys to finish OTV and arrive for OT 6? Many, many trips, over many years. Gawd, I am so glad that horror is all over for me. This poor guy has no clue what he is up against. He is going to get a few guys. He is not going to get 800 arrivals. Bridge flow has dried up. Div 6 is blocked by public getting hip to the dark side of Scientology. No matter how beautiful the empty ideal orgs are, the public is staying away. 10,000 on Solo NOTs? never gonna happen...