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Lack of Response From OT VIIs & OT VIIIs

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
Where they flee?


Mmmm. Flee, as in flee to Scientology #2, now that Scientology #1 is crashing?

God forbid they should become "wogs" again.

You pan determined thay-tans are such a turn-on http://d21c.com/walpurgis9/poems/crowley.html
Get a fucking life, idiot!
The only people I know who actually benefit from your constant invalidation and bullbaiting of my posts are the people who'd most prefer that I didn't post here at all. Those people are the CofS/OSA.


Get a fucking life, idiot!
The only people I know who actually benefit from your constant invalidation and bullbaiting of my posts are the people who'd most prefer that I didn't post here at all. Those people are the CofS/OSA.

Oops. You added some more to your post. Very interesting. Thanks. :) <<< (Pan determined smiley)


Silver Meritorious Patron
Even while in, that email would send me screaming. I hated that type of demanding attitude. These OTVIIs & OTVIIIs are probably busy on the basics, busy being in session, busy working to pay off their debt to get where they are and yet they are being told they must yet do one more thing.

If the CofS would pull it's head out of it's ass, maybe they would realize the "why" as to getting 10,000 on OTVII.

One of the cognitions my husband had when he was on his OT level was, that when you reached OT VII and VIII you became a knight in shiny armour for LRH= a slave of Scientology.:yes::duh:( just like in the SO ):omg:

"....I’m seeing from your answers, for those that have answered, that you are definitely busy, and truly, I wouldn’t expect less from free beings like you and completely pan-determined individuals..."

Free beings? The idiot put that in with the master-to-slave
message. What a fucking idiot!


Gold Meritorious Patron
Get a fucking life, idiot!
The only people I know who actually benefit from your constant invalidation and bullbaiting of my posts are the people who'd most prefer that I didn't post here at all. Those people are the CofS/OSA.

Oh Shit, now myself and a heavy score of posters here who find benefit it Veda's posts are now CofS/OSA members.

Fuck man... I was a Sci, then an 'off lines', then an Ex, then a Critic...

And now I'm back again labeled as a CofS member as well as OSA...

Dammit... Fucking Scientology is the most confusing fucking subject of identities!!!

What's next??? I'll become a Panda? Or worse a Panda Termit???:)

Panda Termint

Cabal Of One
Oh Shit, now myself and a heavy score of posters here who find benefit it Veda's posts are now CofS/OSA members.

Fuck man... I was a Sci, then an 'off lines', then an Ex, then a Critic...

And now I'm back again labeled as a CofS member as well as OSA...

Dammit... Fucking Scientology is the most confusing fucking subject of identities!!!

What's next??? I'll become a Panda? Or worse a Panda Termit???:)
I didn't say "Veda's posts", I specifically said his bullbaiting and invalidation of my posts. In short, he is trolling my posts. Your statements above are a strawman argument, you're responding to something you imagined I said rather than what I actually said. (As does Veda.)

I seldom comment on anything Veda writes (or more often links to) except when he pisses on me which he does with annoying frequency. I decided to respond in a somewhat more overt way to his carping criticism, as I think is my right.

I don't think he's OSA but he's doing their work for them. I think he has a fixed idea that I'm here to defend or promote scientology. His fixed idea is wrong. I simply state the truth as I see it, regardless of whether or not it fits his anti-everything-scn bias.

There are probably 20 people posting here who know me personally and know exactly where I stand as regards scientology. I've stated my position many times here on ESMB.

KV, you and I have had our differences in the past but I think that is settled. I'm just fed-up with reading Veda's bullshit interpretations of what I say. In the past I've tried being civil about it and correcting the misinterpretation, I'm done with that now.

Kathy (ImOut)

Gold Meritorious Patron

Do I understand correctly that they emptied out the course rooms during study period, as well ?

In blatant violation of HCO PLs What Is A Course? & Courses, Their Ideal Scene, both High Crime PLs?

Just so DM could have a photo showing tons of public ?

What year was this, please ?

Was this during The Golden Age of Tech, when courses were supposed to be the most standard ever before ?

Surely this was after I got illegally removed from my post(s) as SHSBC Course Admin and Tech Films I/C ASHO Foundation around Nov 1994 ?

Michael "The Sneakster" Hobson
I am *not* anonymous. I *do* forgive.

I don't know if they emptied the course rooms. This was 1991 or 1992 - don't remember. It could have been during dinner break. It's too long ago for me to remember the details. Probably during the whole Times Article BS.

My point was - the damn demanding that someone do something because it's the CofS and it's the greatest good BS. I didn't fall for that crap/pressure. It pissed me off.


Silver Meritorious Patron
13 years of B/S

The Flag AO has been pushing this 10,000 people on OT VII target for 13 years that I know of. I think Clive Rabey has it tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. I would like to point out to Clive, DM and anyone else who will listen to facts without flinching, that there are only 25,000 or so Scientologists in the world, and that it will take a heck of a lot more than that to create the Bridge flow required to get 10,000 people on SoloNOTs. You don't get that many people into a condition where they are willing to devote their entire life to getting on and staying on that level, without having another carrot beyond that point for them to reach toward. There is no Super Power. There is no OT 9 and 10. Many people are on OTVII for over 5 years, at tremendous cost. Public know this. They have trouble keeping 1200-1500 people at their daily auditing, and showing up at Flag twice a year for another fleecing. Ask Panda, and me, how expensive that was. Especially coming from Australia or South Africa. It was bad enough coming from LA. 10,000 is a pipe dream. They are just grinding on a worn out, deluded target that will probably never be made. This comm from the Mission I/C is funny to me. This guy is up against people who are beyond jumping to attention when the latest flunky hits town. Do you know how many times Clive Rabey and Senior C/S FSO have come to LA and done personal interviews, DofPs, and scraped a few guys together to get back on or drummed up a few guys to finish OTV and arrive for OT 6? Many, many trips, over many years. Gawd, I am so glad that horror is all over for me. This poor guy has no clue what he is up against. He is going to get a few guys. He is not going to get 800 arrivals. Bridge flow has dried up. Div 6 is blocked by public getting hip to the dark side of Scientology. No matter how beautiful the empty ideal orgs are, the public is staying away. 10,000 on Solo NOTs? never gonna happen...


I didn't say "Veda's posts", I specifically said his bullbaiting and invalidation of my posts. In short, he is trolling my posts. Your statements above are a strawman argument, you're responding to something you imagined I said rather than what I actually said. (As does Veda.)

I seldom comment on anything Veda writes (or more often links to) except when he pisses on me which he does with annoying frequency. I decided to respond in a somewhat more overt way to his carping criticism, as I think is my right.

I don't think he's OSA but he's doing their work for them. I think he has a fixed idea that I'm here to defend or promote scientology. His fixed idea is wrong. I simply state the truth as I see it, regardless of whether or not it fits his anti-everything-scn bias.

There are probably 20 people posting here who know me personally and know exactly where I stand as regards scientology. I've stated my position many times here on ESMB.

KV, you and I have had our differences in the past but I think that is settled. I'm just fed-up with reading Veda's bullshit interpretations of what I say. In the past I've tried being civil about it and correcting the misinterpretation, I'm done with that now.

Welcome to the club Panda.....Veda was doing the same to me early on in the ESMB gambit.

You know the manifestations of that tone level. Who is there, to argue against?
Not to say that Veda does not have valid points of view, but the constant practice of not-is-ness does bring about some undesired realities. Scn HAS been of help to some people.

Your mileage may vary.


Patron Meritorious
alas, the cofs is ALL ass.

Or perhaps Ouroboros.

"The living being had no need of eyes when there was nothing remaining outside him to be seen; nor of ears when there was nothing to be heard ... For the Creator conceived that a being which was self-sufficient would be far more excellent than one which lacked anything ... the Creator did not think it necessary to bestow upon him hands: nor had he any need of feet, nor of the whole apparatus of walking; but the movement suited to his spherical form was assigned to him, being of all the seven that which is most appropriate to mind and intelligence; and he was made to move in the same manner and on the same spot, within his own limits revolving in a circle. All the other six motions were taken away from him, and he was made not to partake of their deviations ..."

Truman Show has nothing on Plato.


Patron with Honors
In the long run...

Regarding the insults being slung around here between ESMBers: insults have an effect, but it's generally the effect of turning me away from the person doing the insulting. People like Veda have less influence on me when they behave this way. Later, I may see something Veda says that is enlightening. At that time, I will evaluate it on its own merit. I even find something in Mystic's posts once in a while that is of value. (UH-oh, Mystic, I am not intending to create an adversary in you, just giving you a little poke in the ribs...)

In the long run it is I who will determine where I end up outside the CofS.


Silver Meritorious Patron
I don't know if they emptied the course rooms. This was 1991 or 1992 - don't remember. It could have been during dinner break. It's too long ago for me to remember the details. Probably during the whole Times Article BS.

My point was - the damn demanding that someone do something because it's the CofS and it's the greatest good BS. I didn't fall for that crap/pressure. It pissed me off.

You think that the TIMEs expose was BS?
Thank you.
I assure you that the part of it that I gave them " When the Doctrine Leaves the CHurch", an account of the attempted infiltration of CADA, was not BS.
What part of the expose do you think was BS?
Inquiring minds want to know.



Squirrel Extraordinaire
There is superpower in the Freezone. I've posted a couple of success stories recently. I believe there is an OT 9 also.

Anyone can call any shit they want to "Super Power". It doesn't mean that it is even remotely similar to what Hubbard had in mind in 1978. Dan Koon recently wrote an article on that 1978 Super Power, and he said what exists in the FZ by that name bears no relation to it.



Silver Meritorious Patron
I don't know if they emptied the course rooms. This was 1991 or 1992 - don't remember. It could have been during dinner break. It's too long ago for me to remember the details. Probably during the whole Times Article BS.

My point was - the damn demanding that someone do something because it's the CofS and it's the greatest good BS. I didn't fall for that crap/pressure. It pissed me off.

We emptied the courserooms (and pulled staff and public off post or out of the HGCs) for hours several times for photo Ops in the late 80's, early 90's. Some posters here will remember that. We dressed them all up in royal blue smocks and had the Gold camera crew photo them in the Ballroom, around the pool and also put them all in one courseroom to make it look full.

I burned the magazines but I do have a copy of the Ballroom picture.